Fight Against All Odds

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Dayawanti along with her son, Ketan and daughter, Disksha were arrested in the temple, where it was proven that Dayawanti had murdered Avni's parents, Ayesha and Ashish. Bebe, Prakash and Shweta had found out that Ananya was Avni. Shweta was angry cause Avni was lying, but Prakash and Bebe had accepted her after Avni had rescued Maddy and Kareena. Amol and Riya lived with Hetal and Neela. Neil refused to let Avni go, he wanted to give their marriage a fighting chance. Avni kept on thinking that cause of her that someone was gonna get hurt.  Avni slowly became quieter and quieter.  Shweta would taunt her, she would accept it.

After a couple of months, Neil was on a case when he got hurt.   Avni fought against Shweta, and took care of Neil.  She took care of the whole family, but didn't care of herself.  She had become a shell of herself.   She was drowning and she didn't know how to put herself out.    As Neil was home, he was finally seeing how Avni was being treated by his mother.   Before Neil would ask Bebe, but Avni would always divert the conversation.

Finally, Neil had enough.  He packed their bags, and gave them to  DD to take to his apartment, no, not his apartment,  now their apartment.   He had made a plan with Prakash and  Bebe.  He was not gonna come back until his Avni was Avni again, not this shell of a person.    He loved his mother, but refuse to let her rule him.

Shweta was again, insulting Avni without knowing that Neil was just outside the room.

"Enough, Mom!!  I had it with you insulting Avni.  You hurt Avni, you hurt me!"  stated Neil

"Tillu, she's just faking it!" stated Shweta

"So when Bebe hurt you, you were faking it.  Mom, enough of the lies.  I'm done.  We are leaving." yelled Neil

"Neil, it's ok. Mummy ji was just explaining" Avni started to speak.

"Enough, Avni.  How much are you going to protect her.  She lied to you.  She is trying to separate us.  And I refuse for that to happen. "  stated Neil

"Lies!  What have I lied about?"  asked Shweta

"Juhi!  You told Avni that I loved her.  I can never love anyone else.  Lies.  Juhi was my friend, my classmate.  I had felt guilty cause she died in front of me, and I did nothing.  But I was not in love with her.  I fell in love a child/woman who fought society, her family and herself.  She fought and she won." said Neil

"You love someone?" whispered Avni  "I knew it.  I should have set you free, so you could be with the one you love.  All I ever wanted was your happiness"  whispered Avni with a tear slowly going down her cheek.

"Oh, my tubelight"  Neil heard and grabbed her face, "You are my child/woman.  I love you.  Immensely!  I can't live without you.  I will die if I ever lost you!" stated Neil.  Both Avni and Neil were having an intense eyelock, it was like there was no one else in the room.

"Neil" said Shweta

"Sorry, Mom.  But Avni and I will leave.  I can't have you hurt Avni and Avni covering up your abuse, just because she is trying to make you happy.   My Avni has become quieter and quieter.  We have only been married 5 months, and she has become like this"

"But Neil" stammered Avni

"NO Avni.  Enough is enough!" stated Neil

"But Tillu, your father and Bebe.  They will be so hurt" said Shweta

"Actually, Mom, Bebe and Papa know that I am moving out with Avni.  They approve.    With Maddy Bhua and Kareena living in Avni's old home, we will move out to the apartment.  It's not like that we are cutting you out of our life, we are limiting your exposure.  Everyone has accepted my choice except you.    I knew that Avni was Ananya.   I was the one that convinced Riya to runaway from the wedding ceremony.  Neela Ma and Hetal Chachi convinced Avni to become my replacement bride as per our plan.   I've loved Avni a long time, and Avni has loved me just as long, but she refuses to believe in love due to her past."

"You knew that I've loved you, why didn't you tell me" interrupted Avni.

"Cause I wanted you to tell me, Mrs. Tubelight Khanna" stated Neil

"Bye, Mom" said Neil as he grabbed Avni's hand and left the house.  He seated Avni in the passenger seat, and then went to the drivers side, got in, and drove off.

"Neil, we aren't doing right with Mummyji" said Avni

"Avni, stop.  We are not doing wrong with anyone.    Mom needs to stay away from you for awhile, just until you are healed."

"Healed.  Neil, I don't need healing, you are the one healing." said Avni

"Avni, you have been through alot, with your grandmother, uncle and aunt.  We found out that your parents were murdered by grandmother, your true identity was revealed, you got married when you have hated the institution of marriage, and now that you have a family, the only blimp on the radar is my mother who is trying her best to destroy our marriage.  So you and I will live in our home, and work on getter better, getting to know each other better.  We have already admitted our love, now we will take our time, and make it stronger." said Neil as he grabbed her hand as he gave it a kiss.

"But  Neil, I don't know how to be a wife." said Avni

"Avni, you are my wife.  You are a great wife.  You treat my parents and Bebe with respect.  You treat them just as you would treat Neela Ma and Hetal Chachi.   You have joined our family.  You are the glue that holds us together.  Did you know before we were married that Mom and Bebe didn't even stay together.  Bebe and Mom only saw each other only a handful of times.   And even then, it was only a few days only.  You are slowly fixing their relationship." said Neil.

"But Neil, if we move out, it will revert back to what it was" said Avni

"Avni, we are not going to move out for good.  Only till Mom realises your worth.  I know that your dream is to have your family around you, and I will complete that dream.  It's just gonna take alittle time, to get everyone on board.  Then we'll have a perfect family." stated Neil.

"Besides, just think of our apartment as our honeymoon" said a cheeky Neil


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