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 Neil and Neela watched as Avni stumbled and fell in front of Juhi and Misty.   Misty pushed herself away from Juhi and ran towards Avni.   Neil and Neela also ran towards Avni.  Juhi tried to grab Misty and tried to walk away from the scene.  

Neil yelled,"If you don't stop, I will issue a shoot on site order for you"

Neil was checking Avni out when he noticed that she had a gunshot wound on her shoulder.  He picked her up and hold Neela Ma and Juhi to follow him.

Avni was rushed to the hospital with Neil and Neela Ma watching her.   Prakash and Shweta arrived at the hospital as Neil drove in.    As Avni was taken into the operating room, he had gotten DD to take Juhi and Misty back to the police station.  He had told DD to keep them in Interrogration room 1, and he would arrive there as soon as possible.

"Neil, how did this happened?"  asked Prakash.

"Papa, I believe either Vidyut or his men shot Avni.  I do not know if they were trying to kill Juhi ad Avni got in their way or if Avni was the target.  Avni was also holding a gun on  Juhi asking to let Misty go.  Juhi was refusing and next thing we know is that Avni is shot.  

Hours later, the doctor comes out of the operating room.

"Doctor, how is my Avni.   She will be okay."

"Mr. Khanna, I won't lie to you.  Your wife has lost alot of blood.  I have taken the bullet out and have repaired the tissue.  The rest is up to her and God.  She should be conscious in a few hours, if not, she can run a risk of going into a coma.

Afterwards, making sure there was someone with Avni, and guards at the sitting outside her door, Neil went to the station to interrogate Juhi.

Juhi and Misty were sitting in the interrogation room where Juhi was pleading with Misty.  What Juhi didn't realize that the room was been taped.  

Juhi was trying to convince Misty to say that Avni was hurting her and Misty was refusing to go along with her.   Misty was arguing with Juhi stating "I don't like you.  I hate you!  You hurt my Angel."

Just as Juhi was about to slap Misty,  Neil walks into the room.  "Tsk, Tsk." 

"Misty,  want to listen to some music while I talk to Juhi. "

"Sure Superman"  Neil gave Misty his phone, and some headphones so she wouldn't get disturbed by their talks. 

" Do you really want a charge of child abuse in your charts, along with fraud, extoration, and attempt of murder."

"Murder!  I didn't attempt to murder anyone"  said Juhi

"Oh really, so switching Avni's sindoor was not an attempt.  You knew she was allergic, but you don't know how severe her allergic could be.  It could be a mild or serious allergic reaction.   Misty really lucked out on the parental department.  Father who is a cruel bastard, who emotionally and mentally abused her, and her mother, who physically abuses her.  If you didn't care for her, why send us to get her.  Was it all a ploy to get me.  No wonder Misty was attached to Avni.  Avni knew how she felt, cause she went thru the same thing with her father and grandmother.    Children are very good judges of characters, and Misty judged you lacking.  And I agree with her.  You are lacking as a mother, woman and a human being.  You tried to destroy the one person who was on your side from day one.  My family, me nor anyone else supported you the way Avni did.  And what did you do, try to destroy her marriage.  You tried to kill my grandmother cause she found out your truth.  You and your friends had my aunt and my sister kidnapped.   How many people were going to get hurt in covering up your truth."  said Neil.

"Do you think that Misty is safe?  Do you think you are safe?"  asked Neil

"What do you mean by that?"  asked Juhi

"Well, we don't know if Avni got in the way, and you were the real target or if Avni was the target.  But we do know that Vidyut doesn't like failures,  and in his eyes you failed him.  Your lies of me being Misty was found out,  which he was blackmailing you for.   Your truth is out, and now he can not come into the Khanna House as he pleases.   He was hoping that Avni's sacrifice  would go in vain that I would marry you and then come in and take Misty away since she isn't even my daughter, right!" 

"Yes"  stammered Juhi

"You told the Commissioner that Misty is my daughter.  Vidyut agreed in front of the Commissioner that Misty is my daughter.  When in reality, she is yours and Vidyut's daughter.  The same parents that won't hesitate to hurt her to get their way.  And Misty is a prize for Vidyut.  Do you think Vidyut will let go in his obsessive behavior in his treatment of Misty.  He will do anything to get Misty back, and he doesn't care who gets hurt.   Even if it is Misty that is hurt.  Only thing I can think of is that Misty is a pawn in the game between Ragini Pandit, Vidyut and you.   I know that Vidyut is the one that shot Avni, but I have no proofs, so I can't arrest him yet but I will find them.  But you, Juhi, we have multiple proofs of multiple charges:  from fraud to attempted murder.  So I want you to write everything down carefully, and truthfully.   And please, don't leave anything out, cause we already have evidences to collaborate with your testimony" as he picked up Misty to leave the room, "And Juhi, please, include the changing of Avni's sindoor"

As Neil walked out of the interrogation room with Misty.  "DD, make sure everything is done legally.  There better not be any loopholes.  I want this to be an open and shut case.  I am going to the hospital, and have someone take Misty to my home and have someone stay with her until one of us is there.  If there is any updates or news, give me a call."  Neil left the station.

As Neil walked into the hospital , Prakash met him in the lobby and explained that doctors couldn't figure out why but Avni has slipped into a coma.  Neil almost fell to the ground in shock, luckily Prakash was there to handle him.

Neil and Prakash went to Avni's room.

Months went by, and soon enough it had been six months since the shooting.  Some things changed immensely,  and other things had not.  Juhi accepted the charges against her and was sent to prison.  Vidyut was still free but not as strong.  His main supporter, his mother, turned against him when she realized that he had lost Misty.  Ballu lost his life in trying to kidnap Misty.  His mother trying to escape from prison got hurt and became paralyzed, now a prisoner of her own making. 

Avni was still in a coma, only difference is that Neil brought her home with a 24 hour care nurse for her, though it was not needed.  Between the ladies, Neil wasn't able to spend any time with Avni, without Neela Ma, Bebe or Shweta interfering.   His mornings were special cause no one disturbed them.  He would put sindoor in Avni's maang and he would talk to her about his day.  

It was Avni's birthday, and Neil just spent the morning with her.  He had filled her maang with sindoor, when he noticed that her fingers were moving, she had started to move her hand.  Neil quickly ran to the door and shouted.  Quickly, everyone had arrived.  Neil had also quickly telephoned the doctor.  As they waited for the doctor, Avni had opened her eyes.  She looked around and saw everyone crowding around with tears in their eyes.  The doctor had arrived and kicked everyone out of the room.    The doctor came out the room and said, "Neil, the good news is that Avni is out of the coma, but I am sorry she has partial amnesia.  She could only remember up to a Riya's engagement.  She remembers getting ready for the engagement but not anything else."

"What?  What do you mean by that?" asked Neil

"Actually, she remembers what she wore but nothing after that."

"I am sorry Doctor, it is a shock"  said Neela Ma

"I am also Doctor, I did not mean to yell at you.  So, Doctor, do we tell her, or do we let her remember on her own."

"Neil, let her remember on her own.  You can try to recreate some of the memories, but it is best for the body to remember on its own time.  That way it is less of a shock.    She will get instances of memories, which will trigger some things or she will remember something and it will all come back to her. "

Neil looked at his parents and said, "Neela Ma, lets have a Riya/Ananya/Avni/Neil wedding.   Then slowly let nature take its course.    Hopefully, the wedding will jog her memory abit.   I'm sorry Neela Ma.  I know I am rushing things, but I won't let Avni leave me and I know if she knows that we are married, she will stay.  The rest will come."

"Fine, Neil.  I will convince her to marry you and say that Riya has left.   I will say it is the right thing to do."

"It will be Ma. My Avni will come back to me.  Our love is strong enough for any obstacle.   We will win.  I had promised Avni that I will not let anyone come in between us nor will I let her leave me.  The rest will  be fine."  stated Neil.

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