Looking forward

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It's been six months since Avni married Neil, an ACP, saving her family from ruin.  Avni was thinking how everything had come together.   Her dumping her fiance at the time of the wedding, Neil stepping up and marrying her.  She wasn't sure of Neil and his family, but they surpassed all her expectations.  Neil was the best person for her, and his family, loved her more than her family.    She was so happy.

Neil walked into their room and saw that Avni was in deep thought.  He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her and said, "Wifey, what are you thinking so deeply" 

Startling Avni "Neil, you came"

"Yes, Wifey.  So what are you thinking that you didn't noticed me."

"Neil!"  slapping his arm, then putting her arms around his.

"I was thinking about you, our wedding, and how wonderful it is.   I was rude to you yet you never said a word"

"Ah, Wifey.   No regrets.  Only look forward." hugging her tightly.

Avni remembered how it all started....

The man that she was engaged to, the man she was going to marry, decided to ask for dowry at the time of the wedding, with no notice.  My uncle who raised me, was going ruin himself just so he could help me.  Luckily, my cousin, Riya, found out and told me. 

I had rushed into the marriage hall to stop the proceedings.  

"Stop!  What is going on here?"  asked Avni.

"Nothing to worry about?"  said her father in law to be.

"Avni beta, what are you doing here?

"So what's the verdict?" asked Avni

"A car and 50 Lakhs."  said Nihal (Avni's groom)

"Fine, what are you giving my uncle.   What is the price for Nihal?  Are you going to buy a house?  So when are you providing that?" asked Avni

"Beta, I think you are confused.  We are not providing it, your uncle is"

"Why, he's not buying a bride, you are.  You should be providing compensation.  They are losing a daughter, not gaining a son.  If they were, you wouldn't have asked for dowry.  Why should the girls' families suffer.  They should be compensated.   They raised their daughter, taught her, loved her, and they loose her.  They raised her, educated her.  Why should they compensate you.  What did you do?  Did you raise her, educate her, treat her like a daughter.  Why?  If you can ask for dowry for a daughter, then why not for a son?"

"What nonsense is this?" asked Nihal's mother.

"So asking for dowry is nonsense.  Supposedly, you have asked for a car to make my like easier, then fine, you will get a car, but then you should buy my uncle a brand new house, because if my uncle and I have to suffer your family for life,  a new house will be compensation." said Avni

"How dare you talk to us like that!  We can leave then who will save your reputation!"  said Nihal

"Worry about yours cause dowry as far as I know it is illegal.  So worry about going to jail.  My reputation can take a hit"  said Avni

"Beta, Avni.  Don't say that!  People will treat you like dirt.  Society will never forgive a girl.  Society is a narrow minded community.  No matter what they will find excused to tarnish a girl, no matter what the excuse is."  said Ketan crying.

"I will marry Avni now!"  said Neil walking up the crowd.

"You?  Sorry I didn't recognize heyou."  asked Ketan.

"Sorry Uncle, I am ACP Neil Khanna,  Shweta and Prakash's son.   My parents are around here somewhere.   DD, take the groom and his family for questioning.    I know this situation is filmy, but I am ready to marry your daughter.  It will save your family's reputation from having a bharat from leaving the wedding hall without the bride."

"NO!  I won't marry you!!  Why would I marry you?  I don't know you!  What do I know of you?"  said Avni

"Avni please.   Listen to Neil.    He's one of the good guys.  He's my friend Shweta's son." said Hetal (Ketan's wife) 

"But Chachi"

"Beta please" said Ketan.

"Beta, we would love to have you as a daughter" said Prakash, with Shweta nodding her head.


Avni and Neil got married.  Neil took Avni to his home where his parents were waiting for him,  he explained that he is sorry about the way this marriage haOs happened.    

Avni questioned him,  "Why? Why did you have play the hero, you've ruined your life!  You could have married someone you loved."

"I have no ruin my life!  I have saved our life.   My parents were looking for someone for me, but nothing yet had come to fruit.  I am a busy man.  My life is not easy.   I don't have a easy job, its not 9 to 5, there are days that I don't come home, it's a dangerous job,   I think you be most suited for me.  You stand up for whats right, you are not scared to speak up.    I think once we get to know each other, understand each other, we shall suit each other perfectly"

"But" said Avni

"But what Avni?  I know this is hard for you.  You were to be married to another man, you may have some dreams, wishes you had and now are incomplete."

"I am sorry for acting so poorly.  Nihal and I - it was an arrange marriage, I did not love him.  I didn't know him, as you can tell.  I had only met him a few times.    My dreams and wishes, were just mine,  I hadn't joined my hopes, dreams or wishes to my partner/husband."

"Then shall we take a chance.  Will you give me a chance to prove myself.? asked Neil.

"Yes.    I will try to be the wife you want.    I will give it my best shot."  said Avni

"Avni, it is not a test.   Just be yourself.  II will do the same.  I just want us to try. "  said Neil.

"Fine.  Tell me about your family" asked Avni

"Well, you know Mum and Dad.   There's Bebe, Dad's mom.    My cousin, KK, he lives with us, he goes to school here.  My friend, DD, he works with me, we consider him family.    I know you live with your Chacha Ketan,  who else is in your family?"  asked Neil

"Well, my mother, Ayesha and father, Ashish, passed away with I was 5 years old.  My uncle, Ketan Chacha, was the one to raise me.  He got married just so I could have a mothers love.  My Hetal Chachi and Ketan Chacha never made me feel like an outsider.  They treated me like their own.  Never differiated  between me, Riya and Amol.    I have a massi Neela, who adores me.   I am lucky enough to have Hetal Ma and Neela Ma, both are my mums." stated Avni

"I now you have my mum and dad too."  said Neil.

"Thank you."  said Avni

"Thank you?"  asked Neil

"Thank you for sharing your family with me.  I don't know what the future holds, but I am grateful for whatever it gives me."  said Avni

"Shall we,  we have arrived.  And we do have a welcoming crew waiting for us.   Let's take it one day at a time.  No rush.  Friends"  asked Neil

"Friends.  Thank you for everything" smiled Avni.

"Oye, what thank you.  You are now my wifey.  No thanks needed.  Just a smile is enough.

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