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Neil came back to his office at the jail and saw that Avni was lying against his desk, with her wrist handcuffed to the side of the desk.  Her wrist was scraped and bruised.   Neil quickly unlocked the handcuff and went to pick her up, when Avni woke up.

"Stay away from me, Sir" said Avni

"Avni, I'm sorry" said Neil.

"Don't worry about it.  I'm used to pain.  You can't do anything more that will hurt me."  answered Avni


"You won.  Okay.  You wanted me out of your life, you should have told me, and I would have gone without asking any questions.   You have punished me for loving you.  Fine.    You have taken everything away from me.    I don't have anything else for you to take from me."

"Avni, you gotta trust me.  It's not like that"  said Neil

"It is like that!!  You have broken me more than that Dayavanti Mehta.    She didn't do much damage as you have.   I regret ever meeting you, marrying you and loving you!"  yelled Avni.

"But don't you worry,  I will fix my mistakes.  I will set you free and Neela Ma."  cried Avni

"What do you mean?  What have you done?" asked Neil

"I want a divorce! And when my sentence is over, I will move far far away.  Where no one will able to hurt me like you have"  said Avni.

"No Avni!   I won't agree to that!  I love you!  I am doing this cause I love you!" cried Neil

"Love!  If this is how you show your love, then I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of your hatred. "

"Avni,  please just be a litttle more patient.  I just need a little more time.  I will get you out of here legally."  cried Neil.

"No thank you.  You made me a criminal.  Let me finish my sentence but I want you to promise that I will never have to see your face again nor Neela Ma.   Just think that Avni Ayesha is dead.  You two will get your freedom and I will get my peace."  cried Avni.

"Why are you doing this?  Why are you distancing yourself from Neela Ma and me?"  asked Neil

"Cause Neela Ma is your mother not mine.   My mother would have been on my side no matter what.   She did not care.    I needed my mother in the last six months,  I did not have her.   Nobody showed up except for Ali.  Not my mother, grandmother nor anyone else.     Neela Ma came to see me six months after the fact.   Maybe cause you must have sent her,   cause you must have spies here to make sure I will never leave.   Well, you won.   I won't ever leave unless my sentence is complete.     I will do the same as the family.   You don't have any importance in my life.  I will neither love you nor hate you.  As far as I am concerned,  Avni Ayesha is dead and with her, all her relationships.  No mother, grandmother, husband,  nor inlaws." said Avni coldly.

"Avni, snap out of it!!  We are all here for you" yelled Neil

"Liar!  All you ever do is lie to me.  I don't want any part of you or your lies.  You make me believe in a beautiful dream, where you love me, then moments later you crushed them under heels of  your feet.  And now, I am done.  Sorry Sir, I made your handcuffs dirty,  I believe if they are washed they will be good as new.    This will not happen again."  said Avni.

"Avni, listen to me" pleaded Neil

"Please Sir, I must go.  I wouldn't want anyone to think that I am getting special treatment."

Avni quickly left Neil's office.   Neil thought to let her go and have her calm down before talking to her.  What he didn't realize was that was the last time he would hear her voice.

Neil watched her for the next week, the Avni that was in jail was not the Avni that everyone knew.    She had become a living corpse.  She didn't even talk to Ali.  She had just stopped talking, interacting with anyone.  Monika tried to get her mad, she didn't make a sound.  He tried to make her jealous, she had no expression.  He tried everything to bring her back but nothing.  Neela Ma came, and nothing.   Neela Ma and Neil felt guilty but there was nothing that they could do.  Vidyut was still free.  They had explained to the family the truth and their reasonings, but nothing was getting better.  The family had come to visit Avni, and she had not reacted.  She was so closed that nothing was getting to her.  Vidyut had come and seen her.  He saw how broken she was, and he was pissed at Neil.  He had started to hit Neil.    As he was hitting Neil, he spoke the truth.    He was cursing Neil.  He had told him that Avni's fire was gone.  He didn't want a corpse.   He had killed Juhi, cause he wanted Avni to turn towards him.  But no, you arrested her.  And now she is the same as Juhi.  A corpse.    DD arrested Vidyut as he had taped Vidyut beating Neil and his confession.

Neil was able to free Avni but with a big cost to her.    His Avni was lost to him.  She was frozen in time.  She never acknowledge anything or anyone.  His parents along with Neela Ma wanted to put Avni in a mental hospital, but Neil refused.   He moved out with Avni to her Ayesha Ma's home.   He wanted Avni to be surrounded by her childhood memories namely her Ayesha Ma.

Neil had a nurse come in every day.  Slowly, Avni was gaining movement and she was slowly focusing on things.    Neil was waiting for the day that she would recognize him.     He had taken her to Goa to the same beach that they had confessed missing each other.    He had also taken her to the cliff where they had proposed to each other.   He promised her every day that he loved her, and would never make her feel and less loved.   He didn't know when she would be back to normal, but he knew it would be soon.   He had promised himself that no matter what happens, he will not leave her nor will he let her leave him.    He knew that they loved each other immensly.    He, also, knew that he had hurt her alot.   But he was gonna work at her forgiveness, cause nothing else matter except her.

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