Revelations and Consquences

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Neil watched as Ananya or as he found out Avni went upstairs.  He had words with Neela Pariek regarding arresting Ananya or Avni, and his failure to do so.  He knew that he had feelings for Avni, feelings that were stronger than his feelings for Juhi.  

As he watched Avni come quickly down without Riya and whisper something into Dayawanti Mehta's ear.   He quickly got up and said "Dad, Mom, I am sorry but I can't get married to Riya.  I have feelings for Ananya"

"Since the wedding is off, the deal is off" stated Shweta as she grabbed the cheque from Dayawanti's hand and ripped into many pieces and throwing into the fire.    Dayawanti was shocked as Shweta and Prakash nodded their heads in agreement.  "I'm sorry Dayawanti Ji, but the wedding is off"

Neil messaged DD, asking for security, just in case things go wrong.

Neil watched in shock as Dayawanti quickly grabbed Avni and slapped her!

"This is all your fault!  How dare you!  First you were after Amol, and when you couldn't get anywhere with him, you set your sights on Neil.  You dirty insolent girl!"

"Excuse me!  This all has to do with you!   I had nothing to do with it either.  Your granddaughter ran away from the marriage!  And  you're blaming me!  What do you know of me?   Since you have no shame in throwing mud in my direction, first look at your house!    The Great Mrs. Dayawanti Mehta!"


"I can say the say same.  YOU!    How dare you say I am after your spoiled grandson, then I am going after Neil.  I went out of my way to save your grandson from jail.  What did he do?  He drove drunk, and hit a person, that person being the new son in law to be.  Instead of helping him, he drove off, leaving him to die.   Instead of regretting, what does he do?  He kidnaps my mother, and pulls a gun on me.  YOU then asked me to forgive him, don't let him go to jail.  Give him a chance.  I did.  YOU asked me to help you, help him.  Correct his mistakes.  What does he do?  He locks my mother and I, in our own home, and causes a gas leak, so I would die.   Then Riya, probably the decent one, yet, she also tried to trap Neil.   She got Disksha  Bhau to take revealing pictures of Neil and her with my phone, so I would be blamed for.  Luckily, a few days later, I recorded them talking about the incident.  And now Riya has shamed her family by running away from her own wedding.  If this is your upbringing, no wonder your whole family is screwed up.  You, Mrs. Dayawanti Mehta  has no shame! You pretend to be such a upstanding citizen when all your family members are a cheat, a murders, this is not a upstanding family, you guys are worst than animals!"

"How can you slander me like that!  I will destroy you!"  said Dayawanti

"So you can dish it out but can't take it.  You slander me its ok but if I slander you, its the end of the world.  Great standards!"  stated Avni

"It doesn't matter if Neil doesn't marry Riya, Prakash loses everything.  He forfeits his house, business, everything.   And Neil can't do anything cause it is all legal!" said a smug Dayawanti.

"Actually, I've read the contract papers, as long as a marry the granddaughter of Ashok and Dayawanti Mehta.  We can then break the contract.  I will marry the granddaughter of Ashok Mehta."

"Riya is my Granddaughter" stated Dayawanti

"Actually, so is Avni Mehta otherwise known as Avni Ayesha.  Ashish Mehta's daughter. " said Neil

"Avni is dead!" stated Dayawanti

"Can you prove it?  How do you know she's dead"

"I know cause I killed her.  I shot her!  She was only 10 years old.  She was shot then she fell down a cliff.  She is dead and not coming back, so you will have to marry Riya!" yelled Dayawanti

"Dd, arrest Mrs. Dayawanti Mehta.  We got her confession. " said Neil

"It's doesn't matter.  YOU still have to marry Riya.  What will that do to your and your parents reputation.    Let's ignore this matter, while you get married to Riya"  stated Dayawanti.

"I will not marry Riya.  I will marry Ananya" stated Neil

"Her!  She can not do anything!  A week minded woman!"stated Dayawanti

Dayawanti looked at Ananya and said "You will not marry Neil!" 

"I can and I will because I know first hand how evil you are!" stated Avni

"Do you know who I am? "  asked Ananya (Avni)

"Ananya Verma, Riya's friend" stated Dishska

"Wrong, Disksha Bhau.  Ananya Verma does not exist"

"What?" whispered everyone

"She's Avni" said Neil

"What!!" said everyone

"I am Avni Ayesha, daughter of Ayesha Haider.  The illegitimate daughter of Ashish Mehta.  Sister of Aman, otherwise known as Amol Mehta.  The dead granddaughter of Dayawanti Mehta!"

"Dadi, who's Avni"

"Yes, Dadi, let's tell everyone who Avni is!  Afterall, her brother doesn't know she exists!"

"You Shut Up!"  yelled Dayawanti

"I am not the 10 year girl that you tortured!  I am Avni! Avni Ayesha! So let's start shall we?   I survived the fall cause Neela Maa saved me.  I was shot in my heart, as you said to send me to my mother, but my heart is on the right side not left, so I survived. Ketan Chacha, how nice of you to join us, and with Riya Di." Avni showed her bullet scar as Ketan and Riya walked in.

"Now we can start.   Ali can you bring my bag.  Thank you" said Avni as Ali ran to grab Avni's bag.

"So where shall we start.  Yes, I am an insolent girl, or wait let's add dirty to the mix!  Your daughter took pictures of Riya and Neil with my camera to force Neil yet I am the dirty one.  You see, when I came into this house it was to gain evidence.  I didn't come to break up the marriage cause in the end, Riya is still my sister even though she may not think me as one.  I wanted to break the business alliance that you had with the Khannas.   I left microrecorders all around this place,  the conversation between Riya and Diksha was recorded.  I only wanted the conversations  that would reveal that Dayawanti was gonna steal the Khanna fortune, which is why I had bugged this house.  And what do we know Dayawanti blackmailing Riya for marriage since Riya conflicted whether she should get married or not!"

Ali came back with Avni's bag, and then stood beside Neela

"Dayawanti ji, I would never expected this of you!"  said Prakash  "I had respected you!"

"So, Dadi ji," said a sarcastic Avni, "Lets move on, first you murdered Ayesha, and lets not refute any claims because I do have pictures, the same pictures that Ashish Mehta showed you when you had murdered him."

"What, how?' said a confused Dayawanti

"You didn't know that Aladin and Papa had hired someone to find out the truth; he hid the truth of his findings with he saw that you had killed Papa.  He had sent everything to Aladin except that last part of his findings.  He hid those.  Which is why I had come to this house.  I found out that Papa was murdered and Chacha ji had helped you cover up his death."

"You used to call my mother a Dayan, a witch, but you are the one that is a Dayan.  A mother protects their children, not kill them.  You murdered your own child!!   You are the one that is a stain on society not me!" cried Avni

"DD, arrest Ketan Mehta for covering up Ashish Mehta's murder and Amol Mehta in the attempt of murder of Avni Ayesha Mehta and Neela Pariek Mehta"

"What about Dishska"  asked Ketan

"What about me?  I didn't do anything so why would I go to jail"  asked Disksha

"You murdered Hemant Pariek, Neela Bhabi's father.  You put poison in his tea" stated Ketan

"Bhaiya, I put poison in his water not his tea.  Get it right"  stated Disksha

"There you have it,  arrest Disksha Mehta as well, DD."

"Before you go to jail, Dadiji, we would like you to witness our marriage, and your lost.  You lost everything:  Money, reputation and freedom!"  stated Neil to a shocked Dayawanti

Neil and Avni got married with everyone as their witness, afterwards a shocked Dayawanti was led away to jail with her talking to herself "But I killed her, how can she be alive"

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