The Truth

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Avni ran away from her PagPhera, not wanting to destroy Neil's happiness.   She left a note with her Neela Ma, to be given to Neil.   She didn't want to destroy his life, she was a bad omen,  she didn't want to be married, she didn't want to destroy her sister's life, but in the end that is what happened.     It is better that she disappears before she destroys his happiness, wrote Avni.

Neil was confused at what happened, he was actually happy that the brides got switched.  He didn't want to marry Riya,  Avni seemed to be more his type than Riya Mehta, the aspiring designer.  

Neil was trying to figure out where Avni could have disappearred to when the Commissioner had called him in.   Neil was working partially undercover in his bid to arrest Dayawanti Mehta, but is unsuccessful.  Even the marriage between Neil and Riya, was suppose to be fake, with fake priests and vows, but Neela Auntie, ruined that plan with subsituting real priests and a real marriage with Avni.    Neil knew that Ananya's real name was Avni Ayesha, but wasn't able to tell Avni since she wouldn't even speak to him.   Neil wanted Avni to confide in him, to trust him but he didn't know how to tell her, and now he needed first to find her.  

Neil left Neela Ma's place with instructions that if she heard from Avni to let him know and he would do the same.

"Neil, I have asked our undercover agent, to come in today.  She will be able to check in and also introduce herself to you.   She is one of the best officers that we have, she specializes in undercover work.    She has some personal ties to Dayawanti Mehta, but she is doing her best in trying to bring Dayawanti Mehta to justice."  said the Commissioner

"Agent Ayesha, please come in" said the Commissioner.   As the Commissioner said the agents' name, Neil looked up in surprise.    The officer walking into the office was no other than Avni Ayesha.   As Avni looked towards Neil, she had a shocked look on her face, before she composed her self and said,"Hello Sir, I am Avni Ayesha"

"Actually, it's Avni Neil Khanna" retorted Neil

"What?"  asked the Commissioner

"Actually, we got married two days ago.  The fake marriage that was supposed to happen between Riya and I was cancelled, and Avni and I married each other.  It was a full, proper wedding.  We have even registered the marriage this morning."

"What?  But" asked Avni

"Well, Congratulations.  My best officers are married to each other.   Then discuss the case, figure out the best way to handle it and get back to me.  I want Dayawanti Mehta and everyone else involved to receive their punishment."   as the Commissioner said as he left the office, leaving Avni and Neil alone.

"Well, well, well.  It looks like wifey has returned to the lion's lair, without much trouble."  said Neil.

"Don't call me Wifey" said a frustrated Avni.

"Why not?  You are my wifey.  You married me in all your senses.  I have registered our marriage.  So now even if we decide to separate, we would have to atleast live together for a maximum of 6 months.  And you want to leave me after two days.  Not done Wifey.   Now that I know where you are, you are coming home with me.  But before that explain Agent Avni Ayesha"

"Neil, why are you doing this?" asked Avni

"I said explain.  You are an officer.  You knew I was an officer yet you said nothing to me.  So now explain.  Everything."

"Fine.  I am Avni Ayesha.  I am Ashish Mehta and Ayesha Haider's daughter.  Dayawanti Mehta's granddaughter.  Dayawanti Mehta murdered my mother and tried to kill me when I was 10 years old.  I was shot by my own grandmother.  My brother was stolen from my Neela Ma.   He was only days old when Dayawanti paid the judge and got custody of him.   They have stolen or embezzled money from many businesses, but never got caught as they are no witnesses or the witnesses have been eliminated.   They actually, tried to do the same thing to your father.  Your father is a nice man, who doesn't deserve his handwork stolen from him.  Amol Mehta, had mentioned that Dayawanti was gonna recover all the money she lost and more when Riya would marry you.   Dayawanti was forcing Riya into marriage, she didn't care whether Riya was happy or not, as long as she married rich.  My goal, since I survived the gunshot, was to take down Dayawanti Mehta.    I became Ananya Verma so I could become close to the Mehta family.    Even though, my Nanno, is alive, I had to treat her as a stranger.   I had to pretend that Avni Ayesha, Ayesha Haider's daughter was dead, just so I could get justice for Ayesha Haider.   I could get justice for Fatima Haider.   My Nanno, my Neela Ma and my Ayesha Ma have lost everything cause, Dayawanti Mehta had money.  She and her family have either killed or stolen everything.  I had my friends, Gang 123, to collect information for me, though they were thorough, they couldn't get anything concrete, so Ananya Verma came to Mumbai to help get evidence.  Whatever they had was given to the Commissioner.   I knew he was looking into the case, but I didn't realize that you were involved.  I had never planned to come to Mumbai.  Mumbai had taken alot from me: my Ayesha Ma, my father, grandfather, brother and almost my life.  I had planned to stay in Delhi, and get my justice from there.    But I did, and now you know." said Avni.

"Okay.  I will say that the Commissioner had requested that I take this case because I was Prakash Khanna's son.    I was trying to get information from Riya, but was unable to.   As for this marriage, it is a real marriage and we will work on it like any other couple, so right now we need to go home."

"But" said Avni

"Avni, we will talk but now right now.   We will go home, as Bebe, Mum and Papa are waiting for us.  We will talk when we get home." said Neil

Avni and Neil left the station and went home.   But the atmosphere at home was tense, as Bebe had found out the Ananya was not Neil's choice.   As Avni and Neil walked in, all they heard was yelling.

"Enough!" yelled Neil as he walk into the home.  "What is going on?" he asked.

"Tillu," said Shweta

"Actually, Dad you tell us."  interrupted Neil

"Tillu Beta, Bebe has found out that Ananya is neither your choice nor your mothers.  Shweta has told Bebe that she was forced upon us"

"Mum! Why?"  asked Neil

"I'll leave, Neil.  Sorry" said Avni

"No!  Don't you dare leave me!" yelled Neil

"But" said Avni

"Not one word out of your mouth.  Everyone sit down now!" yelled Neil.   Everyone sat down.  

"First of all, this is Avni Ayesha.  Dayawanti Mehta's granddaughter.  The one she tried to kill when Avni was 10 years old.  Dayawanti Mehta and her family, have killed people and stolen businesses, and destroyed many lives.   I was trying to get information so I could arrest her.  I had no intention of marrying Riya Mehta.    The Commissioner had a person undercover who had helped in the case.   I found out that Ananya Verma was Avni Ayesha before I married her.  I was happy that I married Avni, but angry that she didn't speak to me about the marriage.   I found out that Avni was the undercover officer.   Ma, Bebe, Avni makes me smile and happy.  WE are gonna work on this case and on our marriage.  This is a real marriage not a fake one, Mum.  Please accept it.  Otherwise, I will leave with Avni.    Avni's home is in Delhi, and if she is not happy, I will ask for a transfer to Delhi."

"No, Neil, you can't do that!  This is your family.  You can't hurt them like that!  I know how precious parents are.    Do you know how much I miss my parents.  I can't even see them.  Both my parents are dead, never to return.  Neela Ma is my parents now.  She is my father and mother.   Ashish and Ayesha gave me life but my Neela Ma, she is my life.   All I ever wanted was a family, where they are grandparents, parents and sibling, but I got was nothing.  My grandmother tried to kill me, my father abandoned me, my mothers destroyed and my sibling stolen.   So please don't ever talk about leaving your family please."

"See Mum, this is the woman that you tried to kick out our home."

"I am sorry Beta"

"Shweta, you need to apoligize to Avni, our daughter." said Prakash

"I am sorry Avni Beta.    I just wanted to protect my family"  said Shweta

"It's okay, Auntie.  I understand"

"Oye, who you calling Auntie.  I am Mum.  Just like Neil calls me.  Okay" said Shweta.

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