part 2

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Shocked.....!!!! But trust me I too am but just that the story is revolving around and I need to pen it down asap!!! I may not confirm when will be the final part but u can like this and comments....

part 2
Neil's POV

I was in my office when my PA came in with obviously no good news on personal front but yes better on professional grounds.

After pateintly waiting for him to complete I was left with one question which he oblivious so without dragging the suspense further he informed me to the period of 6 months!

Though I was having only thing or rather one face in front of me after the development that was none other than MY LIFE, MY BETTER HALF, MYSELF,MY SOUL, words can just properly explain her.

people say she's lucky to have millioniare hubby like me who is also handsome and loving but little do they know that only a diamond merchant and identify the true diamond and it's value.
I to am a raw stone but Avni I still can bet is this world's most precious and beautiful gem and I am really honoured to have her as mine .

she never complicates things though she has faced things which can keep no one sane but she didn't loose faith from herself.

The Mighty millionaire who is the shrewd businessmen or attitude or maybe bossy is always calm and quiet with just a glimpse of her .

And here I am just thinking about myself such a selfish brat I am !!
Avni !!! she never shows her vulnerability and also stays quiet and confident with every leap of mine, mine staying away from her for my business. what do u think it doesn't affect her it surely does maybe much more than me but she never complaints. I at times think if it was for juhi would we have came this long!?...tsk..tsk no Neil she's Avni one and only no one can be that strong as her

as I was busy in Avni chalisa my PA left to give me my space to absorb the details but precisely the detail of 6 months.

Oh....! how will I speak with Avni. Not that she will stop me but will gaurd her emotions which I hate the most. u can't just be okay with any stuff ur partner says with ur smile if I were her I would have fought,complained , annoyed and what not but she does it so simple which makes me all the more guilty

I reached home an hour early and quickly changed into my night suit and now I am preparing myself to speak  with her but no words are there .
as I was staring at stars she came....I know she came but better stay unaware rather facing her but that didn't last more as I sweet voice came from behind

' so how many months!?'

I was shocked was obvious that I always am no matter she does it everytime but it peirces my heart to disclose it to her.
but then looking towards ground I said
'6 months'

it was more of making myself aware of it rather than informing her but then she again came up with ananya gaurd but in Avni's form as she knows how I don't like her being ananya
' it's good I thought it's 12 months by seeing you'

aghhhh! what do I do of this stupid girl. she still thinks that I can't understand her fake smile and why is she so chilled out men!!!? I really need to teach her how to fight for herself

'how do u do this I know it's equal hard for both of us then too u stay here I m roaming god knows where just because of this stupid work of mine ....last time I don't remember when we were together for even 2 months and then too u don't complain.....I so wish a normal life where I wake up beside u , spend weekends out together going on trips but see I always fall short....I m sorry'

she came and burried my face near her shoulder but how she knew that I can't face her and then she started to speak those soothing things and we decided to pack together not that I like packing but with her everything is great again we sat and started to speak unaffected by the surrounding

me-Avni! it's high time you learn being a bossy , demanding and complaining wife. u know my PA was complaining that her wife being angry with these 6 months things and here u r just chilled out. U know na what I am scared off?

avni-yes! and I am not ananya whereas the topic of me being demanding, bossy and complaining I will answer u that u are the best that I don't get any chance of doing that things. how can I do that things when u r already taking care of me no matter where you are.
u know I fought for many cases in court and by now I understand that not all can be that lucky to have an understanding and not everytime things fall in their place but rather than sulking around we can cooperate and can solve them by being a team rather than playing the blame game right???

Neil- I guess in last birth of mine I had done tons of good works to get u as my life partner.

avni-it's not only u but me too!!

later we cuddled and slept together

phew I guess I did justice to Neil and his pov

comments awaited!!!

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