College love Part 3

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I am Extremely sorry for not updating this story 
I know you guys are angry on me please forgive me 
love love love
And if you missed or forgot the story please read Part 1&2
Thank you 

Happy Reading ❤

It is lunch break students are in canteen and teachers are in staff room.

Neil is in his cabin and doing something in his laptop DD is sitting on opposite seat.
and speaking random things.

After few mins Neil asked DD about Avni 

Neil : DD where is Avni right now 
he said looking at his watch 

DD : Its Lunch break right now she might be in staff room with others or where shall she be 
(DD said in funny way)

Neil glared at him and said

Neil : Shut up

Neil stood up and said

Neil : Lets go to the staff room 

DD gave him the look are you serious

DD : Neil are you serious you are the dean of the college and you going in staff room 

he said while standing up from his seat

Neil gave him whatever look and said

Neil : Dude I am dean not an alien so why can't I go to staff room 

DD : And I know why you want to go 
DD said while making faces

Neil open the door and DD followed him

Staff Room 

Avni Juhi Vidhyut are sitting and senior professor are sitting other side of staff room

Avni Juhi and Vidyut are sharing lunch

Avni : This Poha is amazing you and Neela ma are the best cook
She said while enjoying the Poha 

Vidhyut and Juhi smiled at her 

They were chit chatting that time Neil entered and saw Avni enjoying with her friends and she was smiling and Neil was staring her beautiful smile 

Vidhyut saw Neil and stood up from his seat Avni and Juhi saw this they also stood up  similarly  everyone stood up from their seats and wished him good afternoon

Neil's hands were in his pocket and he had ever charming smile on his face 

He replied the with his beautiful smile 

and gesture them to sit 

They all again started doing their work

but Neil goes near Avni Juhi Vidhyut  
They look at Neil and again they stood up 

Neil gesture them to sit and asked them 

Neil : May I sit here ?

They three were surprised but behaved normal and Vidhyut said 

Vidhyut : Sir why not its your college only and you should not ask us 

Neil smiles at him and sat beside them and said

Neil : I am just a dean but you guys are into teaching faculty and I am just handling the documents but you guys are handling Students which is definitely not my cup of tea 
He said with little bit of laugh 

Vidhyut gave him humble smile 

Juhi Smiles at his beautiful nature 

And   Avni is looking at him and thinking 

Avni POV
He is so humble and down to earth I thought he might be arrogant but no he is so sweet and really nice person 

Avni was in her own world when Juhi called her

Juhi : Avni 
she is called her by taping her shoulder 

Avni looked at her and asked through her eyes what 

Juhi : Avni where are you lost look in front Neil sir is sitting talk to him atleast 

Avni was like OHHH 

Avni turns towards Neil and gave him smile he also smiles back at with full energy 

DD also came after few mins as he had call so he went to attend 

Neil asked Vidhyut Juhi and Avni to introduced themselves

Vidhyut : I am Vidhyut Pandit I am Junior  Professor of Economics 

Juhi : I am Juhi Arora I am Junior professor of major Sociology and minor Psychology 

Avni : I am Avni Mehta I am Junior Professor of major Psychology and minor Sociology 

Neil smiles at their small introduction and said

Neil : Wow you three are from different fields that's amazing 

They smile at Neil 

Then Neil introduced DD who was making funny faces looking at Neil because when Avni was introducing herself that time Neil was looking at her with romantic expressions 

Neil : He is DD my friend who was with me in my school and then he went to delhi and I was in London and after few years we again met each other and now working together 

Vidhyut Juhi and Avni smiles at DD and said Hie to him and DD gave him smile and replied them back

There was few mins of Silence and then Neil said 

Neil : Can we guys be friends ?

Vidhyut : Neil sir why not offcourse 

Juhi : Why not SIr 

Avni : Sure Sir

Neil who was smiling by the replies of Juhi and VIdhyut now started coughing  when Avni said him sir and DD was controlling his laugh Neil saw this glared at him Avni offered Neil water 

Neil looked at her and gave her smile and take the water 

Neil : Thankyou !

Avni : Your welcome sir 

Neil now couldn't take it more he said 

Neil : Guys please call me by my Name please don't call me sir I feel Oldy Oldy 

DD laughed slightly 

Vidhyut : How can we you are Dean of the college and it will not look good

 Avni and Juhi agreed to Vidhyut and said 

Avni : It will not look good sir what will student learn from us they will think we don't respect you they will also do the same thing with you 

Juhi : Sir Avni is right 

Neil looked at them for few seconds and then said 

Neil : Okay in front of students you can call me sir but when we are alone you all will call me by my name its done okaaay 

He said making them convinced to call him by his name 

They three agreed

and Neil was happy 

For 10 mins more they all were together and were talking about random things about their work and all

But Neil was busy in staring Avni who was looking beautiful while talking 

After that bell rang they said bye to Neil and Avni and went for their classes 

Time Skip

Avni Juhi Vidhyut were in car Avni was driving the car as Vidhyut's car got punctured
Juhi was sitting beside Avni and Vidhyut was at back seat 

They were chit chatting on random things but suddenly Vidhyut said 

Vidhyut : Guys Listen to me 

Juhi : Say 

Avni : Yay 

Vidhyut : Avni today Neil sir was staring with a beautiful smile 

Juhi : Yaa Vidhuyt you are right i also saw this 

Avni : No guys i didn't felt anything like that 

Vidhuyt : Avni he is the Neil Khanna Dean of the college and he came to us for friendship don't you feel its kinda weird 

Juhi : Exactly Avni why would he do this he likes you may be 

Avni : Are you guys stupid how come it be possible he even don't know me we just met yesterday and today we just had random talks how can it be 

Juhi : But Avni 

Avni stopped her and said

Avni : He is humble and such a down to earth person he just came for friendship he just want be our friends nothing else so stop thinking much 

And She stopped the car 

Juhi and Vidhyut came out from the car and said 

Juhi : Byee once you reach home Just text us 

Vidhyut : Avni just think once what we said to you okay Byeee 

Avni left from there 

Vidhyut and Juhi were standing out side Juhi said

Juhi : I hope what we are thinking is right because Avni deserves happiness 

Vidhyut : You are right hope for the best 

And saying this they both went inside the house 

Mehta House 

Avni entered and Saw Neela is watching TV 

Avni slowly tries to go from the back but Neela said

Neela : Bachaa where are you going 

Saying this Neela turned and saw Avni pouting sadly 

Neela Chuckled looking at her 

Avni : Mumma come you always recognized me ?

Neela came near her and said

Neela : Baby I am your Mumma and I can feel you 

Avni smiles and hugs her 

Neela Kissed her forehead and said 

Neela : You go and fresh up I will send your coffee 

Avni : Yess   Boss 

Neela smiles at her goes tp kitchen 

Khanna House 

Neil entered with DD with smiley face

Bebe saw him entering and goes near them and said 

Bebe : Waah you look so happy today Tillu 

DD laughed and said 

DD : Obviously Bebe he is happy to infact very happy Right Neil 

Neil glared at him and gave him look i will kill you 

DD got scared 

Bebe who was standing there confused said

Bebe : What are you saying DD ?

DD : Nothing Bebe was just having fun 

Neil : Arey I am happy because now I will stay with you forever I will be not going back to London 

Bebe smiles and said

Bebe : Ohh that's why you are happy 

Neil : Yess Bebe 

DD was giving him look are you serious 

Neil : Bebe I just go and get fresh okaay 

He kissed Bebe's cheeks and left from there 

DD also followed him 

Neil's Room 

Neil was in washroom DD was sitting on sofa and waiting for Neil

Neil came out  while wiping his face after doing he threw towel on DD's face 

DD was already irritated by him as since morning he is getting angry on him 

DD threw that towel and went to Neil who was looking in Mirror

DD stood behind him and Neil asked him what

DD : Neil you mad behind Avni do you know that 

Neil turn and said 

Neil : Firstly call her Bhabhi don't you dare to call him by her name and yess I am madly in love with her 

And Neil again went to Avni's land 

And DD is just staring him who just became lover boy 

DD smile seeing him

Time Skip 

Dinner Time 

Neil Bebe Prakash Shweta DD were having dinner and are talking on random topics 

Mehta house 

Avni Neela is having dinner and talking about her college 

Avni : Mumma today Neil sir came and did friendship with us and he is really good person

Neela : Haan He is very nice and very humble and Bebe is really happy seeing him here well did you tell him that you are my daughter 

Avni : No Mumma not yet but will tell him soon 

They chit chatted and had their dinner 

Time Skip

Avni is in her room and staring at moon and thinking about her and Juhi Vidhyut's Conversation 

Avni : Are Juhi and Vidhyut and Juhi are right do Neil sir really likes me i mean I Don't know about all this 
Well Neil sir is hot he is handsome humble person he is cute even when he smiles

Avni feels shy and smiles at her own thoughts

Khanna house

Neil is looking at Avni's photo which he took on event night he staring her and said

Neil : Avni Avni Avni what have you done to me I am so much in love with you 
you are so beautiful you voice is so nice your smiley face is like moon  I just want you in my arms I just love youuuu Avniii 

Saying this he hugged his phone and lay on bed and smiles 

Other side Avni is also smiling thinking of Neil

They both slept thinking about each other 

I am so sorry I am and splitting this part into 2 because its getting big so I am sorry but will update other part within few hours i promise you trust me 

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Meera ❤

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