Her Feelings

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This OS is after Goa track...
There are slight changes...
You will get to know while reading...

imavneilfan I am trying my best for making it emotional...
If its not upto your expectations I am sorry...

Avni Neil Mishti came back from Goa...
Bebe Shweta Neela Prakash were upset with Avni and Neil as they didn't said anything to them.
But Avni somehow make them understand and they were happy...

But Neela was not happy as she doesn't want Avni to be like her or Ayesha.

Avni and Neil were all back to normal routine but there were changes like Mishti needs more attention of Neil being a father of her he used to spend maximum time with Mishti...
Mishti also knows about Juhi being her mother so somehow Avni made her understand and explained her to accept Juhi Mishti did as her angel said...

Slowly Mishti and Juhi's bond grew and Neil was also part of it...

Somewhere in Avni's heart she doesn't likes it but she doesn't shows it on her face accept Neil all knew about it...

Neil used to ignore Avni not intentionally but unintentionally...
Which was hurting Avni alot but being good heart person she always ignores it...

Neil Bebe Shweta Prakash  were sitting on dinner table Avni was serving them.
That Juhi came to them, Avni was about to sit with Neil but Juhi sat beside him behind Juhi Mishti was also there she sat other side of Neil Avni was quite upset but again she bring fake smile on her face this was seen by all except Neil as he was busy in playing with Mishti
Juhi smirk seeing this.

Avni left the place as she was not happy she excused herself and left 8n kitchen saying she has some work.
Shweta followed her.

She went kitchen did some useless work.
The work which was already done.
She was having tears but she was controlling herself.

Shweta kept her hand one her shoulder Avni immediately wiped her tears and covered her face with smile
Which was fake obviously.

Shweta knew this so Shweta said...

Shweta : Avni beta don't hide your feelings I know you are upset with Neil.
You need to talk to Neil he can't ignore you like this he didn't even saw you today he is busy with Juhi and Mishti which is not right....

Avni's eyes were filled with tears but somehow she controlled it and said in broken voice

Avni : Mummy its okaay naa Mishti also needs family.
And i don't want to become a person like me.
She is Neil's and Juhi's daughter and they need time.
And Juhi face alot in these 5 years.
It will take time to get heal.

Shweta was having tears...

Shweta : Avni beta I am very sorry what ever I did with you in past.
Bebe used to tell me you are wrong Shweta but somewhere in my ego and was thinking that you will take my Neil away from me but no you were the one who used to make this family one I am sorry beta...

Avni hugged Shweta and said.

Avni : Mummy its nothing like this no need of saying sorry i love you...

Shweta smiled and broke the hug and kissed her forehead and said

Shweta : I love youu beta...

Avni smiles at her...

They both talked for a while...

Then came out of the kitchen...

When the came to dinner area they saw Juhi Neil and Mishti were enjoying themselves so Avni left from there and went into her room she did her work....

Neil left for Police station he didn't informed Avni as he got a call from DD for some important work.

At Night

All were having dinner except Avni and Juhi as Avni was waiting for Neil even juhi was waiting for Neil but she pretended that she is not hungry....

At Night around 11:00 pm Neil came Avni was sitting in hall and was reading a Novel and Juhi came in hall when she heard the car's voice so she came out...
Before Avni can get up and go to door Juhi ran to open.

Neil saw Juhi and smiles at her Juhi gave smile to him...

While coming inside Neil asked Juhi

Neil : why you awake till late ?

Juhi : Was not feeling sleepy.

Neil : ohhh !

Juhi : Neil you go and get freshen up I will heat up your dinner.

Neil smiled at her and said

Neil : Thank youuu !

Neil didn't noticed Avni was present over there.

He went inside his room he thought Avni might be with bebe...

Neil got ready and went downstairs...

Avni went to garden no one knows about it...

Neil saw Juhi was serving food into 2 plates
While sitting Neil asked Juhi...

Neil : Why you putting food in 2 plates  ?

Juhi : I also haven't eaten anything...
Was waiting for you...

Neil : How sweet of you (Smiling)

Neil thought : Avni where is she ? She never had her dinner without me I haven't seen her for so long ?

Neil was in his own thoughts he didn't realised that Juhi is calling him.

Juhi : Neilll ?

Neil came out of his thoughts

Neil : huh ?

Juhi : Where are you lost ?

Neil : Nothing was thinking about something...

Juhi : Ohh

Neil : Juhi where is Avni ?

Juhi got angry but somehow controlled herself and said

Juhi : She might be in Bebe's room.

Neil : Achann..

Avni was listening to their conversations...
She was about to go in but stopped as she heard Juhi saying something...

Juhi : Neil I need to tell you something about Mishti...

Neil looked at her and said...

Neil : What happened  ?

Juhi : Neil Mishti was asking about why you are staying with Avni when She is mine and yours daughter ?
Mishti asked me so many times but somehow i managed to answer her but now its really difficult to answer...

Neil : Don't worry Juhi I will handle her...

Juhi nodded her head....

Avni after listening this she immediately ran out side and went to Ayesha's grave....

Avni was sitting Near Ayesha's grave...
She was hugging her and crying her heart out...

Avni : Mumma I am missing you please come to your Avni I need you no one is there for me...
Neil is not even looking at me he only thinks about Juhi and Mishti mumma i am not as strong as you and Neela maa please come to me please come to me....

Neela's house...

Neela was feeling restless...
She got up from her sleep...

Neela : Avniiiii (she shouted her name loudly)

Neela was sweating badly...

Neela : why i am feeling that Avni is calling me where is she ? At this hours  ?
I should call her

Neela calls Avni but she is not receiving her call..

Neela got panicked she called Neil but Neil was also not receiving as he was busy with Juhi and talking with her...

At last Neela called Shweta and asked her about Avni but she don't know about her she was going down in search of Avni  but stopped as she heard Juhi and Neil's voice.

Shweta didn't cut the call...

Juhi : Neil i am afraid about Mishti what if Vidhyut attacks her because of Avni as she ran with her ?

Neil : Nothing will happen i will protect her...

Juhi nodded and hugged Neil...

Shweta saw this thought to go and asked them but she didn't said anything and went in search of Avni....

But she was no where...

Shweta without disturbing anyone she left for Neela's house...

As she didn't wanted to make bebe and Prakash tensed...

Neela's house...

Shweta reached there and went inside Neela was looking really panicked...

Shweta went near her and asked...

Shweta : What happen Neela ji ?

Neela : Avni is not in khanna house right where she might have gone Shweta ji ?

Shweta : Just think where she can go ?

After thinking alot both said together

Shweta/Neela : Ayesha ji's graveyard....

They hurriedly went there...

As they reached they saw Avni is crying hugging Ayesha's grave....

Neela and Shweta readily went near her...
Kept hand on her shoulder Avni saw this Avni couldn't controlled so she so she hugged Neela tightly and cried...

Shweta was caressing Avni's back and Neela was holding her tightly....
Making her calm...

Neela : Bacha what happend ?

Shweta : Avni Beta if you will not tell us how we will knows it...

Neela broke the hug and cupped her face and said...

Neela : Avni bacha you need to tell us right...

Avni nodded her head and said in broken voice...

Avni : Maa Mummy Juhi will take Neil from me... she will definitely separates me and Neil and I can't stay without Neil...

Neela : What she said to you ?

Avni looked at her....

Avni : Maa Mummy...


Juhi and Avni were waiting for Neil.

Juhi came and sad beside Avni and said. 

Juhi : Avni leave Neil and go away from his life.
As I and Mishti are his family he is not even looking at you.
You are an legitimate child so he doesn't wants you so get out of his life moreover you are sin you are bad luck so leave him....

Avni was shocked and tears were flowing from her eyes...

Before she could say anything Juhi left the place...

Flashback ends...

Neela and Shweta are hell angry on Juhi....

Shweta : Neela ji Avni I wanted to tell you something..

Neela : What ?

Shweta : Mishti is not Neil's daughter...

Neela and Avni are hell shocked...

Avni : Mumky what are you saying how can you be so sure ?

Neela : Shweta how it is possible Neil himself said me that on engagement night they got close...

Shweta : No Neela ji it was nothing happend in between them as Neil came home early...
He drank wine alot due that he doesn't remember anything and Juhi is using that...

Avni and Neela are shocked...

Shweta : I have proves also wait...

She took out something from her hand bag...

It was reports...

Shweta : Neela ji Avni this the DNA report I specially took Neil's and Mishti's hair sample and took to doctor and make the test as i was sure about this...
I was going to tell you today evening itself but got stuck...

Neela and Avni got hell angry..

Avni came into her Ananya Verma Avtar and said...

Avni : Mummy and Maa Juhi did all this purposefully so Now i will show her right place...

They planned....

Time Skip....

Next Morning...

Khanna house

Neil and Prakash got up and was searching for Avni and Shweta...

They came downstairs...

Bebe who was sitting with Mishti...

Juhi was in her room..

Neil went near Bebe and asked about Avni

Neil : bebe where is Avni yesterday night she was with you right ?

Bebe was confused and said

Bebe : I last met her on dinner table how come she is with me are you mad ?

Neil got really confused and thought..

Neil : How come she is not with her where is she ?

While he was in his thoughts Prakash broke his thoughts and said

Prakash : Neil did you saw your maa ?

Neil : No dad i havent seen Mom.

Neil : Dad Mom and Avni both are not at home...

They were talking about this that Juhi came downstairs and saw them talking she went near them...

Before she could say anything Shweta Neela and Avni came...
Inside the house with someone and Juhi got shocked...

This didn't go unnoticed by Avni Shweta and Neela...

Neil ran to Avni and was about hug her but she backed off Neil got confused...

Neil : Avni what happened  ? Where were you  ? Do you know how much worried i was ?

Avni : Ohh really ? How come you thought about me ? After Juhi's arrival you never talked with me properly

She said  sarcastically

Shweta : Neil i need to talk to you people so please send Mishti inside....

Neil asked Bhema to take Mishti inside...

After sending her inside...

Shweta came near Neil and slapped him...

All were shocked...

Neil : mom ?

Shweta : Don't Neil don't... i am really upset with you this time....

Bebe : Shweta what happened  ?

Shweta gave papers to bebe.
Bebe saw that paper and got shocked...

And looked at Juhi angrily...

Neil got confused..

Shweta : Neil do you trust Avni or Juhi ?

Neil : Mom what type of question is this ?

Neela : Answer her ?

Neil : Maa I trust both of them

Neela : whom you trust more or love most ?

Neil got shocked and said

Neil : Mom obviously I lovee Avni only she is my everything...

Neela : Ohh really ?

Neil : Maa ?

Neela : After Juhi's arrival did saw Avni or spend time with her ??

Neil looked down as he knows it.

Shweta : Neil you know you were so busy in juhi and Mishti that you forgot the person who bought both of them...
You ignored her make her feel stranger in her own house...
And about this paper...
Just have a look on it

Neil read paper and got shocked...

Neil : Juhi ?

Shweta : I know you will ask for other proves also so i bought ballu here.

Shweta asked him to speak the truth

Shweta : Speak the truth

Ballu : neil sir the report's are true Mishti is not your daughter she is Juhi and Vidhyut's daughter...
They were dating each other when she was bought there but she ditched him...

Neil was hell angry...

But before he could react Shweta

Shweta : she is not alone responsible you are equally responsible for believing her...
Do you even know what Avni had gone through...

Shweta told everything and Neil was very guilty

Neil called DD and arrested Juhi and Ballu...

(I dont wanted to drag this)

Neil went near her and asked for sorry but she was not at all ready to listen....

Time skip

Its been 2 days Neil is pacifying Avni but she is really  hurt...

At Night...

Avni was looking at sky and was thinking about something..

Neil came and hugged her from back Avni tried to come out from his grip but Neil was holding her tightly...

Neil : Avni I am sorry Meri jaan...
I lovee you only no one can take place in my life of yours because you are my life please forgive me for the last time...

Avni turned and hugged him tightly and said

Avni : This is the last time i am forgiving you next time dare you ignore me i will divorce you...

Neil nodded and kissed her forehead...
And they sealed their lips..

And promised each other they will be beside each other in every situation....

I don't know how it is i tired my best to keep emotional...
If it is not i am sorry....

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imavneilfan I hope you like...

Thank you


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