Two Unknown

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There is a girl standing on edge of Cliff she is looking towards the moving wate

She is in her own world only she doesn't know that she came to an edge if her leg gets slip she might fall down but alas she is in her own world.

When she was in her world that time a young handsome boy came there and saw her standing like this he was trying to call her but she was not listening to him.

So he went near her very carefully so that she doesn't gets scared and fall down.

He pulled her towards him in such a way that they both rolled and fell on ground girl was on top of boy.

as they looked into each others eyes they both got lost within each other.

They both could found pain in each other eyes 

They shared very deep eye lock.

After few mins girl broke the eye lock and pushed the boy and shouted on him 

Girl : What the hell is this ? What were you trying to do ? What were you trying to do ?

The girl was really angry.

The girl was continuously blabbering and the guy was just staring her as she was looking extremely beautiful in moon light.

After few mins girl got tired and said

Girl : Why are you not speaking anything ?

The boy chuckled and said

Boy : You were not giving me chance to speak so how can I speak ?

Girl realised what she did and said

Girl : I am sorry !

Boy smiled and said

Boy : Its okay ! Actually you were standing on the edge if i would have called you more times you might had fallen down that's why I did this ! I am sorry !

Girl smiled and said

Girl : Its okay infact  I am sorry without knowing anything I shouted on you...

The boy smiled and forwarded his hand and said

Boy : Hie Myself Neil.

Girl also forwarded her hand and they had a handshake and a shiver run through their skin.

Girl : Hie I am Avni.

Neil smiled and said

Neil : Nice Name..

Avni smiled 

Avni : Thank you

Neil also gave her smiled and said

Neil : Avni if you don't mind can ask you something ?

Avni smiled and nodded her head and said

Avni : Yesss 

Neil : Avni what were you doing at the edge of this cliff I mean you were so much involved in yourself that you really didn't realised that you reached there or you were trying to commit suicide ? 

(Neil said this in one go)

Avni chuckled looking at him and said 

Avni : I was upset so I came her i really didn't knew that I reached there as I was so much involved in myself ! And thank you so much for this help.

Neil smiled at her and said.

Neil : Its okay But please take care of this it might had bigger accident if I wasn't there.

Avni smiled and said 

Avni : Yes Neil I will ! By the way what are you doing here ?

Neil smiled sadly and said

Neil : Today I had a very bad day. So whenever I am upset or happy I will always come here.

Avni saw  his eyes and found lots of different emotions.

Avni : Oh so you also come here ! 

Neil was confused 

Neil : You also ?

Avni smiled and said

Avni : I also come here whenever I am sad or happy.

They both smiled at each other and said at the same time

Avni/Neil : What Coincidence !

Both laughed at this.

And again said together 

Avni/Neil : Friends !

Again both laughed.

And this time Avni said

Avni : Neil  to be very honest you are the first person in my life within few mins i trusted you so much.

Neil smiled at this and said

Neil : Avni same goes to me ! As I don't have much people in my life.

Avni smiled and said

Avni :  So we both have many similarity. Even I don't have much people with me.

Neil smiled

Neil : If you don't mind so can you tell me what happend  to you why you were sad ?

Avni smiled sadly and said

Avni : Actually today I lost my job just because I took my own stand for my self-respect.

Neil was shocked.

Avni : Today I was...

Flash Back  ( Third Person  is describing )

Avni was working in a cafe where a guy came there Avni went to take his order when she was taking his order that guy was looking a her in appropriately  so Avni felt uncomfortable than suddenly that guy holds Avni's hand and tired to hold her and Avni got angry and slapped him.

And the Guy was the owner of the cafe so Avni was shocked so Manager asked her to apologise but Avni didn't agree and she was fired from the Job.

Flashback End

Neil was shocked and said

Neil : Avni you are brave enough to take your own stand !

Avni smiled at him and said 

Avni : Sometimes such past situation teaches you many things.

Neil smiled at her.

Avni : Neil now you tell me why you had a bad day ?

Neil smiled sadly and said

Neil : Well  I also left the job for my self-respect.

Today I need to pay my Examination fees and today was the last day of it and my owner didn't give the money and upon that his son told him that I stole the money.

Which I haven't he blamed me for that so I had an arguement and said him that  I will leave this job I don't want to work here anymore.

And I left the place !

Avni was shocked and said

Avni : In this world People are so mean !

Neil smiled and said

Neil : There are good and bad people ! Its just that we are not lucky to have good people !

Avni smiled and said

Avni : Neil where is your family ?

Neil smiled Sadly and said 

Neil : Everyone is not lucky to have family ! 

Avni was shocked and said 

Avni : You also don't have family ?

Neil was confused and said

Neil : You also ?

Avni : Neil I don't have family I am an Orphan 

Neil was shocked and said

Neil : What ? 

Avni : Neil you only said that not every one is lucky to have family ! 

Neil hearing this felt sad Avni understood this and said

Avni : Neil its okay this is life everyone don't have family its just that we have to see everything around us is beautiful.

Neil smiled at this and said

Neil : Avni you yourself is beautiful...

Avni smiled at this and said

Avni : Neil its late now we should leave from here.

Neil : Yes ! Its already late we should leave now...

Avni turned around to leave Neil held her hand Avni looked at Neil and raised her eyebrows 

Neil left her hand and said

Neil : Avni can you give me your Number ?

Avni smiled and said

Avni : Ofcourse !

With this they exchanged their numbers and left from there....

Its been one month of their meeting.

After their meeting they used meet each other everyday and spend their time together and share everything with each other.

Slowly and gradually they both started having feelings for each other.

One fine day at around 7pm Neil called Avni and said

Neil : Avni I want to talk to you something really important can you please meet me on Cliff ?

Avni : Neil I also wanted to tell you something really important so we will meet there after half and hour !

Neil : Okay done !

They both  went to Cliff.

Avni Neil reached at the same time.

They saw each other and gave a smile.

Neil went to Avni and said

Avni : Neil you wanted to talk something really important right so you tell me first !

Neil : Avni you also wanted to tell me something really important right so you tell me first !

Avni : You should tell me first !

Neil smiled and said 

Neil : Avni you should say !

Avni : No you !

This arguement goes on then Neil said

 Neil : Avni we both know what we wants to tell to eachother so just why can't we say it together  

Avni smiled and said 

Avni : Yess Neil we will count till three than we will tell !

Neil agreed to this !

Avni : 1

Neil : 2

Avniel : 3

Avneil : I love you !

They both had beautiful smile on their face !

They both hugged each other so tightly as if there is no tomorrow !

After Breaking the hug they looked in each others eyes and within no time thier  lips touch each other !

And they had a beautiful kiss and commitment.

After breaking the kiss they both looked each other and said !|

Avneil : I love you ! 

And from here their love story begins !

Love is so pure that the two unknown who just met each other for a reason ! That is for the love and for the beautiful family ! 

The two soul which were unknown to each other and thier destiny played amazing role in it ! 

The End 

I am extremely sorry for not updating any of my story

well after reading this you will come to know about how bad i am at writing now a days !

This Os is just a surprise so that you people don't lose interest in my story !

Hoping for the best !

If there is any mistake please forgive me for that ! 

I know its not good ! but I tried my best to make it look good !

I am sorry once again and will be back with my stories super soon !

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Thank you !


Meera ❤

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