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Rhea smirked 'why should boys have all the fun' pulling Avni for a makeover. Avni too made her up mind not to give up easily as Neil had really rubbed it on her this time. How dare he could he mock her dressing skills she thought replaying their conversation yesterday.

Neil smirked ' you have no idea what are you up to. Girls die for me' boasting.

Avni retorted 'Oh really! We will see that tomorrow in club. We will see who gets more attention'

He in turn pulls her replying with confidence 'Acha ! Challenge! I am all ready baby.'

Avni sneers ' so much overconfidence! Let's see .And remember we are strangers for tomorrow's night'

He almost angles like kissing her whispering 'deal sealed'

Rhea almost shrieks breaking her reverie. 'Babes ! Babes ! Babes ! You have no idea what will be Neil's condition when he sees you. Leave him. You never know.. scratch it.. It's better you find yourselves' giving her a finishing touch.

Avni looks at the mirror her eyes wide. Her eyes were smoky and lips were way too red. She thought whether it was too much that she spoiled her look. Rhea shook her shoulders 'I know what you are thinking. Believe me babes you are on a roll' kissing her cheeks.

Avni took a deep breath as she stood in front of the black building with sign Chamko's cafe and bar. She added an extra sway in her move as she stepped on the linoleum floor making her way into the club. The entire place smelled of booze and sex as she entered giving her nausea.With each step she took she earned gasps from the girls. Suddenly she had become the envy of every woman in the club.

She took a seat in corner giving her complete view of the club ordering vodka. She took a sip of her drink which burned down her throat. She dismissed bartender from refilling mumbling 'how do people even drink these'.

Ali who was passing by stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows questioningly. Avni laughed swatting his arms 'aisi kya dekh rahe ho'. He crossed his arms against his chest gesturing 'suddenly ye sab kyun'. She smirks 'you will know. Waise! I'm so happy for you Ali. You have actually achieved our childhood dream of owning a cafe. You have kept the promise man' squeezing his palm.
Ali beamed 'why will I not. This place holds best memories of us as kids.' Avni gave a knowing smile 'In fact you are best at it'. Ali bows 'always at your service'. He adds taking her hands 'you look great. You are gonna be death of every guy here'

Just then Neil enters with DD tailing him. Avni mumbles a thanks throwing a smirk at Neil's direction. Neil froze in his spot looking at her. He never had an idea what he was stepping into by challenging her. She was smoking hot in that figure hugging red top exposing little bit of her cleavage and black leather skirt paired with stockings and boots. As if that wasn't enough her extravagantly red lips were mocking him. He realised it was a big mistake challenging her when he noticed the guys hungrily staring at her.

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