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Happy reading 🙃🙃

#Staysafe #Stayhome


Neil Pov

It was a Friday night, a bit chilly, I admit I was in a lot of stress considering that on Monday I will be the head of my staff suddenly I got a call from a friend while I was at work.


Ali: bro, you are coming right!! I'm waiting for you near the pub nd Riya is also here.

Me: I'm not that sure yrr Ali, mujhe kuch kam h tu ja, and also Avni might get angry.

Ali: c'mon yrr neil, we got the news, think of it as a party for your promotion. Just a couple of hours, couple of shots? nothing serious man.

Me: ok, I'll try.


I got there, I was really exhausted, I just wanted some rest, Ali and Riya greeted me, first it was just a few shots, somehow it came out natural, got drinking bottles flirting with those girls, I admit it was a fine night.

It's not that I don't remember anything particularly, but I woke up, Saturday noon, feeling a slight headache, a girl, wait, two girls? Then and there I realize, I F**ked up😱. I decided to look at my phone, there was a slight relief, it was dead. I looked around me, Ali was on the other bed, Riya was on the sofa, and me... holy sh*t I'm in bed with these two girls, I dont even know them...😟😧

Without saying a word, I got up gathered my things and went out, as I was leaving the Hotel, I remembered, I forgot something... my phone... I decided to go back, but when I got there, nobody was there, everyone had gone..... I took my phone.....well, I just decided to head home, Avni was standing on the porch, no emotions, nothing. I went to her and said, "Avu, I'm sorry", but she didn't respond, nothing, she took off my coat, kissed me in the cheek (she smelled the scent of those girls).


It's been a week. still.. she's not doing anything, nothing, at first I thought it was just ok, but it's been a week... a whole week... our conversations never had "I love you", "I miss you" or anything romantic.. just normal conversations like "how's your day?" so I told her to what I did, she replied "I know, because I was the one who took your phone and asked those people to leave, you weren't there, so I knew it was your friends fault. you got drunk, and did some stupid things... I know." she said this in a very calm but lonely tone, I thought it was just fine, so I hugged her, it just so surprised me, she did not hug me back after saying it was just fine.

God, I was so stupid to do that... later that day, I tried making love to her... there was no emotions. It felt like a blank sex.

we've finished... there was a faint voice.. her voice.. she said "You know what, I loved you... I... I think we need to break up." in reply I asked her: "Are you sure about this?" she replied "I've been thinking a lot lately, what if you would do that again? what if next time its not an accident or its your fault...
I... yes. let's break up"


It's been three years, phone calls and photographs are not enough, I wanted to make up with her, I felt like my heart screaming her name😢... I haven't dated anyone yet, and were not seeing each other for years now... I decided I will send her a message if she doesn't reply... I'll just stop.😔


Me: Avni, I, I want us to meet... if you don't want then I won't be bothering you anymore.

Avni: yeah... there's something I wanted to say...

Me: I appreciate this, really.. thank you.

Avni: so, I got Sunday off, around 2 or 3pm?

Me: yeah... your place or my place?

Avni: yours.


It's Sunday morning, and I'm excited😊, so I've prepared, I went to the grocery just to buy some food and wine. Things that will surely help me to make up with her... on my way home, I got stuck on traffic, really bad weather, hail storm, I decided to take the shortcuts, but it's almost zero visibility.....

I got there, she was already there, I saw her crying😭😭... I asked why, she didn't respond, I asked her couple more times, still no answer... she was texting someone, I'm not sure, I asked her again, still nothing, I looked at the message in her phone... she was texting Riya......


Riya: I'm sorry, I just found him lying there, almost at the main road...

Avni: take him to the hospital... please I beg of you.😭

(I think they're talking about Ali, since it was him that took my place almost for a year.)

Riya: I can't he's got no pulse anymore... even if I did, I cant see, hail storm is too strong....

Avni: just stay with him ok... I cant go outside.


I said to her, "c'mon, answer me, what happened to Ali? no pulse?" I'll go there.

she's still crying there..... not responding, so I went outside, didn't even felt the hail storm.

I got there by foot since I knew the snow is too high and my car can't push through, but when I got there....

I... I broked down... I.. I was dead... I.. I fell to the ground on my knees...


*News: "A man named Neil Khanna was found dead in a car accident"*

I can still see her. I can feel her pain... there was a note written when she left my house, "Neil, I wanted to talk to you, because I need you back in my life, I want to start a family with you... but I guess that will never happen."

                      ~The End~

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