Part 2

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Avni scrambled through her items in the luggage to locate the tracker in her room. Something inside her told me there would be more than one tracker. She made a note to discard the bag and its contents. Now how will she shake off Neil's spies who stalk her 24x7? 

"Problems of having a supercop as husband" She murmured.

"Yes, wifey. Any problem?" In her restlessness to find the trackers, she didn't realize Neil's bath is finished. She hurriedly closed the bag and turned to face him. 


The sweet smell of him hit her like a wave, all wet and fresh, and Avni forgot what she was about to say. Neil lifted his eyebrows in a quizzical manner and with a slight nod, he moved towards her. Avni stepped back as Neil came closer. Neil threw the wet towel on the floor as he slowly took her into his arms.

She looked at his ever-piercing eyes and felt a chillness rise up her spine. His eyes always managed to evoke an unknown feeling in her, A feeling which she never wanted to acknowledge, a feeling which Neil Khanna never fail to detect. Her cheeks turned to cherub pink.He moved his one hand to the side slowly caressing her arm and them pulled her closer as if asking for permission. His eyes searched for the answer in her eyes. She could feel the contours of his body pressing against her. Unknowingly her hand raised to touch his face. Neil, taking the cue, pulled her for a chaste kiss. 

Avni felt the love blossoming in her whole body and cling to him, never wanting him to stop it. Neil, pleasantly surprised by the fierceness of her passion, slowly probed the lines of her lips waiting for the entry to her heart and Avni with a heavy breath opened her mouth and let him in. With a sudden urgency, he lifted her and let him drawn into a vehement connection of souls. By the time, she pulled her lips out of his, she was out of breath. Unable to look at him directly, Avni slowly rested her against his chest and inhaled waiting for him to call her name.

 "Avni" Came the ever soothing voice of Neil with all his love for her. 

She closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. There is no way she is letting him go. She will always be Avni Neil Khanna. And there is nowhere else I want to be right now. But don't know where destiny gonna land us in future.The thought of losing him like Aisha ma, Papa, and Aman shook her out of that reverie. She might have shivered because Neil wrapped her in his arms warmly and said soothingly.

"Shhh. No one can take me from you Avni. Don't you worry." 

Avni relaxed and let him hold her closer.

"Avni, I know why you are doing this. I know why you feel connected to the child than anyone else. You see yourself in her. I know"

Avni looked up at him incredulously, How can he tell the things from my heart? How can he see my heart?

"Avni, I am with you always and you have to understand that I am yours. No one can change that fact and you can't deny it either. Not Juhi, not the kid, not anyone else. Nothing can come between us.It is always you and me.You do know that. right?"

Avni's smile turned into a heartfelt grin. Yes, she knows that. It is always him and her no one else.Neil quipped smiling 

"Good that I am a cop and a good one at that, or else how would I have caught my don wifey and how would I have seen her blush so much."

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