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Hello everyone..
This is my first ever OS on our favorite couple AVNEIL..
Hope you like it...

Avni was sitting in a cafe with Neil.. The silence prevails over them.. None of them spoke a word but the silence spoke a lot... Her silence was disturbing Neil.. He wanted to speak something but doesn't know what to speak.. It is then a waiter came and asked for their order.. Neil ordered 2 cappuccino as this is Avni's favorite.. Avni is seeing his concern towards her and is shocked that how can a man be this much sweet and cool knowing what happens.. She went to FLASHBACK..


Avneil were in same college... Once during the break time, a boy (VIDYUT) came near her and asked her for being his date to which Avni refused.. He was utterly shocked being rejected by a girl.. He went from their promising himself to seek revenge from her as soon as possible..

Few days later..
Avni was sitting in canteen when a boy named BALLU (VIDYUT's FRIEND) came and told Avni that Principal was calling her.. She being innocent believed what he said and went towards the principal office.. On the way, Vidyut pulled her towards a secret corner and tried to misbehave with her...

But Neil saw Vidyut taking Avni forcefully with himself and went behind them.. When Vidyut tried to touch her inappropriately, Neil came there a gave a tight slap on his face.. Neil gave him warning to stay away from Avni.. Vidyut nodded his head as he knew that Neil is son of school's trustee- Prakash Khanna, a leading businessman..

Avni was so scared that she clung herself to Neil.. Neil saw her and was consoling her.. He made her comfortably sit on the nearby chair and brought water for her.. She drank water and thanked him..

Neil then forwarded his hand and asked-"FRIENDS..? " to which she agreed.. It was starting of their friendship..

Then both went to her class..

Next day..
Neil came and waited for Avni.. When she came, both discussed on random topics and went to their classes..
(PS- Neil was senior to Avni)

This was their routine from about a month.. They both become best friends and love spending time with each other..

They would even go out for dinners, would do their work together, study together.. Both were aware of their love towards each other but never shared it feared of losing their friendship..

One day,
Neil decided to propose Avni..
He called her in a cafe and ordered 2 cappuccino and immediately went making some excuse.. He came holding their coffee cups.. Avni frowned that why Neil brought coffee as waiters were also present ..

Neil gave her the cup of coffee and she holded it.. MARRY ME was written on her coffee with powdered chocolate.. Her happiness knew no boundaries..

She immediately said YES and hugged him.. They both were in seventh sky.. They spend their time together and then, finally decided to tell their families..

Their families were more than happy knowing this.. They agreed for their relationship but with a condition that they will get marry only after completing their studies and getting settled in life to which Avneil agree..

Next two years passed with a blink of eye.. They both were in relationship and their friends knew about it.. They studied hard.. Neil took over his father's business when Avni was in her last year.. Neil was successfully handling the business..

Finally.. When Avni's result came, both families decided that they should get marry..

A priest was called to finalize their marriage date.. Since Neil got a call, he went out to attend it.. Then Avni came and gestured him to touch her hand..PRESS was written on it .. Neil did so.. Then she opened her first finger and TURN was written on it.. He did so.. and she turn her hand to open it..

On her hand, there was written

Their happiness knew no boundaries.. Both hug each other..

Their families started planning for their wedding.. Avneil were very excited.. They were enjoying each and every function..

One day before marriage was their engagement... Avni was coming from parlour but


She met with an accident.. She was immediately taken to the hospital and was treated.. Marriage was called off.. Neil was dying each second seeing his love in the hospital..

It took 2 days for her to get back to conscious state.. Neil was always beside her..


Neil saw her lost somewhere.. He knew what she might be thinking.. Then, They both heard the claps and hooting coming from their left side.. They turned their face to see that a random boy was proposing a girl.. Avni smiled seeing them.. She also was also in her dreamland with Neil.. She also wanted something to happen like that.. But alas...

Neil knew what to do next..
He immediately went away and come with 2 cups of coffee and handed one to Avni.. Avni was in her thoughts and did not know when she holds the cups.. She was about to drink when she again saw the cup..

Neil again brought the cup of same kind which he brought while proposing her for marriage ..

She cried seeing this.. His love was her strength but she could not be his weekness.. She couldn't be the burden on him.. She knew that he deserved the BEST and she is not the best, atleast what she thought.. She wanted to hug him and hold him tight.. But then she knew her condition.. She turned her chair so that he can realize reality..

(Avni actually lost her legs in that accident.. Doctors somehow managed to do a plastic surgery but she couldn't walk.. She was restricted to wheel chair.. She was all normal but only her legs were not.. She will never be able to walk..)

Neil could sense what she wanted him to know..
He said, " Avni, I know what is disturbing you.. But don't you trust my love.. Don't you know how much I love you.. Don't you know that your presence matters to me the most.. "

Avni could only sob and do nothing else.. She knew how much he loves her but do not want to be a burden on him..

Neil said, " Avni.. I love you.. I love you till eternity.. I love you to the moon and back.. I love you to the life and death.. "

Saying this... He hugged her.. She reciprocated the hug... He assured her that her legs are not her weakness but his love is her strength..

He then picked up her in arms and look her to a nearby garden.. He made her sit in his lap and made her wear the ring.. He said.. 'Avni.. Now you are to be Mrs. Khanna.. World should know you are mine and I love you.. Saying this they shared a kiss"

Avneil were finally married with the blessings of elders.. He took her in arms and left.. Everyone gave them teasing looks.. Avni was shy and he royally ignored everyone..

He took her to a beach side hotel which he booked for their first night.. He made her sit on the bed and went out.. He came in after 10 mins holding 2 cups of coffee.. He gave one cup of coffee to Avni.. Avni read what was written on it and was shy...

Then.. They threw me out of their room and I don't know after that.. But but but....

After 1 year.. Their son was born and they both named him NEAV KHANNA...



Helllooo lovelies..
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Do read my other stories as well..

Words- 1340

Waiting for your response..
With Love

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