marriage part 3

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Next mrng neil wakes up first and sees his lifeline cuddling to him as if he is her teddy bear and smiles thinking about last night and pecks on her forehead

Avni too wakes up by his kiss and neil smiles at her

Neil : good mrng wifey

Avni : gud mrng

And neil comes to her and tries to kiss her again but avni sees the clock in front of her and screams

Avni : neil omg its 10 am

Neil : so ? and again comes closer to her to kiss

But avni places her palm between his and her lips when he was about to kiss

Neil : what avni ? frustrated

Avni : we got late did u forget to is alis marriage and we are supposed to do work so come let us get ready

Neil : what yaar avni neither u will kiss me nor let me kiss u and pouts

Avni laughs and pecks his pout and rushes to bathroom to get ready

Neil smiles

After sometime neil and avni comes down and they were involved in work till evening and at evening praksah asked them to bring some neccassary items from market

Pooja pov: don't know where is this neil and then finds neil beside avni and she thinks who is this girl always with neil and y does neil don't ignore her , I have to be close to neil so that the girl doesn't come near neil and goes near neil

Pooja: hi neil

Neil : little bit hesitating hi and turns to avni and says avni come let us go

Avni :ok

Pooja: neil where are u going and where were u I was searching for u since yesterday night

Neil : oh i am sry yesterday night I left u like that and we are going to market to get some necessary things

Pooja: oh ok

Avni : neil let us go and they move from there

Pooja: neil

Avni and neil turns back to face pooja

Neil : yes

Pooja: plse can I come with u people

Prakash : y not puttar u can also go with them, neil take her with u

Neil : but dad

Prakash: take her beta I think she is getting bored here take her out for sometime(he says all this as he don't know whats going in between them)

Pooja pov: oh so neil is prakash uncles son , and that is y he is from brides side but who is this avni

Avni turns to neil and closes her eyes in order to say ok

Neil : ok pooja come with us

Pooja goes out with them and in car neil sits in drivers seat and before avni could sit beside him pooja runs to that seat and she sits first and neil gets angry and wants to yell at her but avni signals him not to

At market the shopping was done and neil puts the bags in car

Pooja: neil let us have pani puri plse

Avni : yes neil

Neil : ok then come let us go

And the three of them goes to eat pani puri and after that neil gets a call and attends his call moving far away from that crowded area and one goon willing touches pooja

Pooja: hey u bloody what are u doing?

Avni : pooja what happened

Pooja: he misbehaved with me

Goon: oh when u very well know what I did then y did u ask me again

Avni : don't act smart and say sry to her

Goon : says sry to pooja

Avni : come let us go and she helds her hand and starts moving from there

But the goon holds avnis hand

Goon: madam where are u going I said what u did and now u have to do favour

Avni : leave my hand and slaps him

Goon: helds avni by her hair and yells at her now see what will I do and throws her on ground

Avni falls on the ground near a mans feet and the man is none other than her hubby

Neil gets teary eye looking at her and makes her stand and goes to that goon

Neil : how dare u touch my wife and slaps him making him unconscious and wraps his arm around her shoulder and takes her to the car and says pooja come

Pooja gets shocked and follows them and now sits at back

After going home everyone gets shocked seeing avni with full of mud and small wound on her forehead and runs to her

Swetha: avnii beta what happened and neil what happened to avni

Neil : mom nothing to worry we will talk later first let me apply medicine to her and takes her to their room

Bebe: pooja beta u too went with them right what happened

Pooja cries as she was really scared and hugs bebe , says everything to her

Neela: don't worry pooja nothing will happen and go and get ready in 1 hour ur cousin is going to get marries so now don't cry and be happy

In avneil room

Neil : cleans her wound with antiseptic lotion

While avni keeps staring at him , he was really angry not on her but on that goon and to calm him down she sealed his lips with his and neil too started responding to her and he kissed her fiercely and after sometime

Avni : neil now stay calm and go and have bath and get ready

Neil : hmm by the way u can join me to save time and smirks

Avni blushes : neiiil no u go and have bath

Neil and avni gets ready and went down

Pooja goes to neil and avni

Pooja: I am sry neil and I am sry avni and thanks a lot avni

Avni and neil smiles

Avni : no need of sry and its our mistake we should have already told u that we are a couple and y thanks I am also a girl right

Pooja: ok and hugs avni

And marriage is successfully completed and all were happy 

sry guys i was late and i am thinking to end this story in 2 or 3 episodes and thanks for the support     

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