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At restaurant

Ali : hey guys let us go for a movie after lunch

Madhu : good idea

Ali: ok then I will book tickets for us

Natasha: book for me too

Everyone looks at natasha

Natasha: what happened I can come no? or do u guys have any problem

Neil : no no we don't have any problem

Avni (very angry tone): but I have

Natasha: so its ur problem and I don't care but I will go for a movie

Avni: ok then I will not come

Natasha: oh come on avni don't be a spoil sport now because of u everyone will drop the movie plan and do u want that

Avni : ok fine(having no option)

Ali books tickets and they go to movie the sitting order is in this way

Ali, madhu, neil, natasha and avni

Actually when avni was about to sit beside neil , natasha pushes avni and she sits beside neil

Avni pov: neil y r u doing this to me , cant u shout at her for my sake and u r nicely enjoying movie sitting beside her leaving me alone I am not going to forgive u neil khanna not so easily

Neil thought avni was beside him as he did not see that natasha sat beside him and when he sees natasha beside him he gets angry

Neil pov: where is avni? And y did this natasha sit beside me ? oh gog I want to just ask her to get out of my sight but what to do I cant as she is a girl

After interval everyone goes out and get some snacks to themselves but avni was sitting in her place , ali, madhu came and sat in their respective places and now neil sat beside avni

Natasha: neil plse sit there this is my place

Neil: no natasha u plse sit there I am fine here

Natasha: neil y r doing this , I sat here from starting right? So plse sit there

Neil : no , I will sit here now , I am sry but plse let me sit here

Natasha: ok fine (in angry tone)

Ali and madhu laughs seeing her

Movie completed madhu, natasha and avni were waiting for ali and neil to bring car from parking area , mean while avni finds a gift shop there and she wants to but amol a gift

Avni : madhu I will just come now

Madhu: avni where r u going ?

Avni : I will be in that gift shop as I have to buy a gift for amol

Madhu: oh ok

Natasha: avni I too will come with u

Madhu : ok then I too will come

Avni : ok

They three go to gift shop and avni buys a gift for amol and here natasha puts something in avnis bag , mean while neil and ali too come to the shop as mithali called ali and asked them to come and everyone were busy in buying gifts to their loved ones and all packing was done and they went out but when avni was going out there was an alarm

Guard: mam we have to check ur bag, did u steal something

Avni : no y would I steal something , am I looking like thief ?

Guard: every thief says in this way , first show me ur bag

They check her bag and find a thing which is not billed

Guard: now tell me u r not thief

Avni : I really don't know about this

Here outside

Ali : arey where is avni?

Madhu : she might be in the shop , wait I will go and call her

After sometime

Neil : ali come let us go and check even madhu is not coming out 

 they get shocked by seeing madhu and avni arguing with the staff

Neil : what happened madhu ?

Madhu : neil they r accusing avni for stealing this thing

Ali : what? R u out of ur mind ? y would she steal ?

Neil gets very angry and he holds collar of the guard

Neil: how dare u to blame her ?

Manager: sry sir I am not blaming her without any proof , I am accusing her because we got this thing in her bag (he shows the thing)

Avni : but I really don't know where did it come from

Neil: how much does that costs?

Avni : but neil

Neil(very angry): I asked what is the price of that?

Manager: 1 lakh

Neil : take this cheque of 1lakh and don't u ever dare again to blame any other woman without knowing the truth

He holds avnis hand and takes her out of the shop and makes her sit in the passenger seat as he was driving the car and the other followed him and sat silently in the car

After reaching resort all got down from the car everyone go to their rooms

Evening all youngsters decide to play kabaddi , they divided themselves into two teams in which ali and avni were in same team where as natasha, neil and madhu were in another team and also the boy who danced with avni the last night was also in avnis team , neil gets jealous looking at avni and that boys bond

Neil pov: again this boy , oh god I want to kick him , look at him how he is smiling at my wifey as if he did not see a girl in his life time and this avni y don't she put her mangalsutra out and y don't she apply vermilion ,

Avni pov: neil u always make me jealous by being with natasha right? Now I will make u learn what actual jealous is?

And the game starts , in middle of the game the arav(new friend of avni ) gets hurt and avni runs to him and shows her concern , neil sees this , he gets jealous , avni sees neil watching her and now she does it more

Avni : oh no arav it's a very big wound , wait I will apply ointment

She applies ointment on his wound which is on his elbow and she looks at neil who is glaring at them angrily

Neil pov: I know avni y r u doing this and I am also neil khanna I am not going to come to u first at any cost    

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