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in avneil room neil and avni change their clothes and are very tired and are on bed cuddling to each other and they slept

after sometime suddenly neil got a call from dd

neil : yes dd is everything ok ? y did u call me at this time

avni was still asleep

neil : ok dd I will be right there

while leaving he sees avni sleeping peacefully , pecks on her forehead and leaves to police station , after some time avni woke up and did not find neil in their room , so she went downstairs to find him but he was not there

avni pov: where did neil go ? that too at this time? Wait I will call him ,

and she calls him but he doesn't pick and avni starts worrying about neil , she then goes to room and tries to sleep thinking neil might be in work but she was not able to sleep and she was all worried and calls him n number of times but he doesn't picks the call

avni pov: neil where are u ? y am I feeling that something bad is going to happen ? oh god plse keep neil safe

it is 10 am in the morning neil did not come yet and he is not even picking his calls, total night avni was awake and was trying to talk to neil by calling him and dd but neither of them picked their calls

no one knows that neil is not in home and its 11 am now , everyone wonders y avneil had did not come down yet

bebe: y these two not have come down today

madhu : who two bebe?

Swetha: neil and avni

Prakash: I think they are very much tired

Bebe: even madhu and ali were also tired but they came right wait I will go and call them and she leaves to avneil room

Here in the room avni is sitting on the couch worrying about neil

Bebe knocked the door and avni came out from trance

Bebe: avni u here still in night dress and where is tillu ?

Avni : don't know bebe I am trying his and dd's number since night and they are not picking my calls

Bebe: what? Since night neil was not here?

Avni : yes bebe and he did not even inform me where he was going ( with a lot of woory in her voice)

Bebe: don't worry puttar he will come he might be busy now don't be sad , go and have bath its ok he will come

Avni gets ready , mean while in hall

Prakash: what happened bebe y dint they come yet

Bebe explains them what avni told them and how much tensed avni is

Swetha: y this tillu always do like this ? poor avni I can understand her , even I too faced this problem

Ali : for now we have to cheer avni

Just then avni comes down

Swetha: avni beta come here have breakfast see I made ur favorite breakfast

Avni : no maa I am fine let neil come I will have with him

Prakash: just now he called me puttar he said he will get late and yes he tried ur phone but he said that ur phone was not reachable so he called me

Avni : papa y are u lying u know u all are worried about me , but don't worry I am fine I am just

And stops at mid sentence as she sees neil coming inside , everyone look towards neil

Neil : what happened y are u all staring at me ?

Avni now break down into tears kneeling down, seeing him safe infront of her she is relieved that neil is fine and let out all her worry ,concern and angry at once in the form of tears , everyone feels pity on her and neil heart swells as he sees avni break down infront of him

Neil : avni what happened and goes towards her

But avni gets up and runs upstairs into her room

neil : avni avni and starts going behind her only to be stopped by swetha

swetha pulls neils ear

swetha: oye tillu how dare u ? y did u do that ? y didn't u pick her calls? And y didn't u tell her that where were u going? U know since night she is awake and tensed

neil : oh !! mom I am sry I left my phone in police station and when I left avni was in deep sleep and I thought not to disturb her

neela: what is this neil how can u be so irresponsible u could have just called atleast from another number , u know about avni right? She is so sensitive

neil : I am sorry maa I know but I was really busy

bebe: hmm whatever happened has happened now don't do it next time , now go and see avni she did not have anything since night and I think u too did not have anything right , I will send breakfast for u both u have it in ur room and get some sleep

neil leaves to his room and sees avni crying lying on bed

neil goes to her and he sleeps beside her

neil: avni look here I am sry I am really sry I wont do this next time plse don't cry

avni doesn't talk anything and then neil starts kissing her on her cheek saying sorry for every kiss

after few seconds avni turns to him and hugs him tightly and doesn't stop crying

avni : how dare u neil? Y did u do this ? u could have called me atleast once u know how worried I was about u

neil : avni plse don't cry see I am fine and here infront of u

avni hugs him like that for few minutes and she settles down and she stops crying slowly

and someone knocks door and neil opens the door and finds maid with breakfast

neil feeds avni and avni too feeds neil and they doze in each others arms


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