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Lets Take a Break from effing Hot and Tiring drama, and cheer ourselves us.!

What could be better way than writing and Reading.!

So here is a New Update from us.!

We hope u have a happy read.!





A young winsome charming girl was leaning against the wooden balustrade of a widely expanded unroofed balcony of a Luxurious yet cozy Sea Facing Villa, with a coffee mug in her hand that was being stirred occasionally, lost in the unknown terrains of her outlandish thoughts, that were circuiting and even cross connecting in all the directions.

Goa.!!! As u call it a "Pearl of the Orient", may appear like a tiny dot on the Map, but It has the enormous capacity to absorb the negativity of mankind in countless numbers, rejuvinating them and cleansing their thoughts in return. The same thing applies for this Certain hot headed, readymade-warrior, fiery, wild Lawyer.

Avni discovered a calmer, relaxed, loosened and equanimous version of herself ever since she is been to this place. Not only did it Rejuvinated and Energised her but also decontamined her thoughts esp about a certain insanely handsome hunk slash forced companion of her, whose company doesnt appear to be forced anymore.

Sunset has always been her colour, not only because its perfect colour mix has marvelled her ever since a wee age, but also because it has given her a clarity of thoughts and a distant and differentiated thinking.

Right now, Avni is living the dream of every other girl, Being in Goa, On a plush holiday Home at a beach's distance from rippling and sparkling sea, and still being considerably paid. Perks of working on a Celebrity Project.!

All the freedom and a lavish home all to herself, no no no, scratch that, She do have a companion over here, who doesnt leave her alone even in her thoughts too, her forced work partner, imposed on her by the two lovely ladies of her life, her ardent disputant, The Mighty Neil Khanna.!!

Well, That were her thoughts about him, untill a month ago.!

1 month.!

One common project.!

Being persuaded with the common tactics of two uncommon Women.!

An inescapable Qurantine, with obligatory n number of meetings and work plannings.

And What remained constant is the Inevitable Change.!

Change of Thoughts and Perceptions,
Change of feelings and Notions.

Nothing Remained untouched from this tornado of change.

Avni has always heard and thought about Neil through Her Mother's Point of View, as sublime, exalted and Prissy Family guy. Something that has irated her and instantly developed an unreasonable dislike for him to a point of unbearability. Since her mother was already so much invested in counting the feathers on his hat, she has rather happily invested herself in her Law books, with a strict Law Code, "No more Neil."

Had it not been for this unanticipated work arrangement, she would have never cared to dissect beyond the layers of "impersonation" about his character, that she has piled up and etched in her brain, knowingly and unknowingly, to arrive at Real Neil Khanna. Surprisingly for her, all this happened on its own, without her conscious efforts or awareness.

She knew one thing as a matter of fact, that she was insanely attracted to this guy, way earlier, from probably their first meeting. But constant rambling from her mother, that she believed she was ignoring, just repulsed her away from him. Her own brain formulating n number of reasons to ascertain her detest.

As much as She was certain about the existence of Northern Star as much as she was sure about the intensity with which Neil shares and mirrors her thoughts.

That made them, an avid hater of each other, who can tolerate anything in the world except each other.

But As she begun her journey to reach The Real Neil Khanna, a surity resides within her that He too was on the path of deciphering a normal, brainy, broad minded yet cute ever arguing Girl, who is like a 180 degree contrast from how he has feed her in his mind, courtesy his Mother's constant never ending jaap of her praises.

Yet, The Mutual Attraction Never Mortalise between them, it only escalated.

And all those occasional trivial grazes and brushes of their paint brush like moving fingers on each other's bodies, ofcourse while working in Tie the Knot's office together, Intensified their attraction to a level beyond. So much that sometimes they crave for such occasional touches.

While all the trip and falls ensure that they remain in a much closer proximity to each other, the Hair entangling and broken buttons just hiked up their already pent up desires.

The last month was about Everything they never dreamed of in their wildest dreams, but has always secretly wished for.

While Avni was drowning deeper in her thoughts and sunset, untill the steams of her coffee died down, Her forced-not-so-forced work cum house companion was lost in the compendium of his own thoughts, that were not an inch away from Avni's, sitting in the swing on the balcony attached to his own room.

Had he himself known her from this close and this deeply from start, not through the parrotted lines from her Mother's chants, She would definately be in his Arms and in his Life by now. She is all he has ever wanted in his life.

"Its Still Not Too late Mr. Khanna.!"

As their unabated raw desires, coursing through their veins, pose a risk on their sanity and rationale, so much that they were tempted to run across the only living room that was separating them, to each other, They decided to take solace in a cold water shower.

Anyhow, they will soon have to go shopping for some local belongings that are going to be used in their decoration theme for DR's wedding functions which are soon to commence. So They should better get ready fast and postpone enjoying their "Me" time for some other time.

Avni went inside the shower cubicle of her bathroom and started undressing. With undrapping of each piece of cloth, she felt like exposing her inner desires and needs and bare-ing her heart.

"My dear Heart, Can u reconsider being a little more on my own side and stop gossiping about him.? You are getting too much out of control now a days.!"

There on the other room of the same house, A certain Finance Banker was amazed at how his calculated investment in this particular Girl was exponentially growing and getting out of his controls.

Neil striped his loose Tee in a single swift motion and surrounded a towel around his neck. He was all set to enter his washroom when he heard a shrilled call of his name from the other side of the house. That voice has been playing in his ear on default mode since last month, and hence he doesnt need any confirmation as to whom was calling her.

"Avni.!! Avni.! Are u ohkay.?" Neil reached her room in few long strides and searched for her like a maniac. "Avni, where are you.? Is everything alright.?" His concern laced voice did everything except keeping her calm.

"Neil.! I am inside the washroom. Aaahh.!" She replied with a wince.

"Kya hua.? Why are u screaming in pain.?" Saying so, He banged the door.

"Woh.. woh.. Mai shower le rahi thi or Achanak Pani Aana band hogaya. My eyes are hurting with soap."

"Wait, let me Help you.!" He offered sincerly.

"NOOO.!!" She howled in horror and embarresement. She was clad in nothing but soapy lather all around her body, how can he even think of such a bizzare idea, let alone suggesting it. But she knew where he was coming from, her octave higher piched scream, the one that gave a supposed impression of she might be harshly bitten by some poisnous reptile, must have scared him like anything.

But that doesnt mean he can run on her, in her room, inside her washroom, that too when she was practically naked. The thought itself twisted her stomach in loops.

"Avni, You are screaming so much, let me check on you.! I hope there is nothing serious." He kept banging on the door while trying to know what's going on with her.

"I am fine, Neil.! Its just that i am all covered in suds and its kindda making its way to my eyes."

"Just wrap a towel and i will bring water from kitchen." He instructed as a sane person dealing with some kind of emergency.

Though Avni was reluctant but having had no other way to protect her eyes from burning till blinding, she decided to do as asked.

After waiting for some moments, Neil heard the door knob clicking and instantly rush inside only to have his eyes widened like a saucer, blinking owlishly, mouth gaped and jaw dropped to reach the ground level. I mean, in what other condition were you expecting her to be inside washroom while taking a shower.

She has wrapped her essential assets in a single round towel that wasnt even reaching her mid thigh, the rest of the work was done by foam that even covered her face. Pearl like Water droplets were dripping from her wet hairs, slidding down her lower body that was on display for him.

He gulped down to moisten his dry throat while she curled her toes as if she can see his burning gaze sauntring all over her.

"Ouch.! Its burning.!" Avni winced again primping her eyes with her foam clad finger.

Neil shook his head to break the spell that was casted on him, and do the thing for which he was here. But there is no harm in doing something additional too.!

He went near her and sprinkled water from bottle that he brought with him, on her face. She blinked incohorently trying to adjust with the harshness of soap. He scooped away a handful of foam from her cheeks, taking it in his palm he blew it in air to actually make few bubbles out of it.

Avni's hazy vision cleared only to rest on a deep haze in his orbs that were pinning her with its intensity. His bare cheiseld chest and tonned upper body succesfully distracted her away from his eyes.

He was in no mood to keep his hands away from her, which kept caressing her exposed body parts, with the pretence of removing the foam. They were all over her, from her cheeks to neck to shoulder, to clevage, everywhere, lazily and sensually dragging like a paint brush, toying with the border of the only cloth barrier that is hindering his wholesome view.

She shuddered under his touch, with added impact from the slippery ground, she tripped only to get caught in his arms, just like a pair of perfectly palced jigsaw puzzle.

This one girl, that used to be the horrifying nightmare for him, has turned to be a living reality now, and what a beautiful reality it is.!

He straightened her to make her stand on her feet, amidst the process, her towel was about to slip due to her soapy wet body. She reflexly clutch it tightly just above her bosom. Neil's eyes followed her hands and the compact space around them suddenly felt like to be transformed into a Diwali sky ensnared completely with crackling fireworks.

Neil encircled his both hands around the border of her towel, in a hugging way. He reached the knotted ends of towel by the side of her arm. He deftly opened the knots only to escalate her already paced up hearbeats in anticipation, and then reknotted it tightly so as the towel doesnt slip, hooking and dipping his fingers more than required on her bare skin.

Before his desires blur his lucidity so as to loose all his control and kiss her there and then senselessly, he left the place without a word with a strain over the fabric of his cloth southwards.

The battle of Supermacy : Continued

The name Grounded_Gabby from the clan Neos was a "Brand" now. She was even a bigger star which was shining more brightly in the space.

Not because she had won some measly additional points in the battle but because she did that by conquering the best and bigger Brand, The one and only, Robust, Empyrean_Champ..!!

Unsurprisingly, Empyrean himself found to be mentally adulating her. Deep down he has always known, if ever comes a day when He will face a defeat, it will be through her hands, For nobody else posseses the caliber and transcendence even to reach his feet, except his Gabby.

And the Fact itself escalated his cavernous desire to, once, atleast for once, battle alongside her, like a partner in crime and not against her. The World will see the square of bests and they will emerge as immortally undefeatable champions.

As the battle kept going on with its variegated challanges, with Olympia and Neos giving neck to neck fight to each other almost everytime while no other clan could reach even in their vicinity, their hearty desires to become a team, kept growing leaps and bounds.

The rules came in as obligation with the Game, which made sure to show the exit path to the bottomest Clan after the completion of each Level, successfully egressing bottom 4 clans after 4 completed levels. That irrefutably means the competition was all set to go a notch higher with the remaining 3 best of the best Clans to clash for the ultimate title, the Olympia, the Neos and the Alkaios.

It was almost going to be a week since last challange, and gabby cannot be more excited since it was the time to next level, that can be announced any time.

She has logged in many times in a day in hope for her eyes to be greeted with a new notification showing "New Level" but what they received in return was only disappointment.

Why is it taking so long for the next challange.? Is it going to be some bumper?

She had a general talk with her clan Leader who assured her to be patient and focused for they never know any bomb can explode on them, anytime. Gabby could only contemplate, against the hope, that any bomb that is proficient enough to unite the top 2 clans, read as Empyrean and Gabby, will be heartly welcomed.

Just as Gabby was keeping tabs of some other minor developments with her clan's other warriors she received an email titled 'check list' from the imperious Khanna!

"God hears in his own Mysterious ways.! Here she was dying to fight along with Empyrean but was far from a chance, and there She was dying to run away from working with Ceratin Neil Khanna but was forced to.!"

Grounded_Gabby logged off.

To be Continued..

So, Did we give away some clear picture to you, as whats going on.? Or Did we confuse you more? Do drop down your comments to let us know.!

Waiting eagerly.!!


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