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Hey Folks,

So here i am after a long time, with the New Update for u all.!

We are reaching towards the end of this Round Round Mystery tale, as you can see we cant write a long tale. Something we learned from our last story. 

Well most things are already revealed so i dont think its mystery anymore. And i hope that you have enjoyed the story till here..

Its time to spice up the story more.! 😉

This is going to be a long chap so i hope u have a happy read.!



Next Day : Morning, Poolside, Hotel Taj Fort Aguada.

This new sunny day brought along some additional brightness, on Certain Mr Investment Banker cum Wedding Planner's face, who was on the qui vive regarding the needs and comforts of the guests with his gimlet eyes sauntering all over the poolside, vigilantly observing the refilling of drinks, snacks and other needfuls, ditching his Formals for the stripped broad cut vest and dark blue denim shorts reaching upto his knees.

You may ask the reason for his anatomically possible widest, heartstirringly appealing smile. His rationale is, not just one but more than that, so proportionally a wider smile.

A. He has finally deciphered the "tag" for his incorrigible and exponentially growing pull and feelings towards a certain someone whom he cant help thinking about all the time. Finally, his Covert Feelings have a name, And yes.! Its "L-O-V-E"

Whatever this affection, fondness, reverence and a lot more unnamed pool of feelings he was diving in since a month, cannot be just a "fling-wing" or a dalliance, it is much deeper and wider and cavernous and intense only to fit in with just one word, Love.!

Neil Khanna is in Love.!

And with whom you may ask.?

Its the same Speccy-sexy, babeliciously-cute, hot as hell and sexy as gazelle, Lawyer Sahiba, who came as an enforcement in his Life, but now, without her, even his breaths are felt to be enforced on him, Miss Avni Pareikh, His Avni.!

B. With one realisation, tumbled behind, another.! And that was a sure shot confirmation of, Avni walking the same path as him, following his footsteps in terms of Feelings and Emotions, but the only step she is behind him is, A Realisation.!

He was as certain, that She Loves him, as Earth revolves round the Sun.

Her irrationality and absurdity that has blanketed her sensibility, work-awareness and self-awareness, gave it away to him last night, precisely from the moment when he helped the tipsy model friend of Deedee.

Her daunting struggle to kept her urges on check, about serving some punches and kicks on those petite entities surrounding him like butterflies, screamed loud and clear to him about her love. That was the only reason he kept going with his facade of enjoying and laughing with those ladies.

She was busy in throwing daggers and fireballs through her narrowed eyes at her "targets", completely unaware of a pair of deep brown eyes that pinned her in its thorough scrutiny.

Nothing remained hidden from his observant eyes that sauntered all over her, be it a sign as grave as her evident scowl, stomped feet and scrunched nose or as hair-splitting as jerky fingers, clenched teeth, and tightly closed fist.

The Girl was bugged by Green Eyed Monster badly, only to make her more delicious and sinfully tempting.!

She herself was a walking talking, tell-tale sign of being insanely jealous and madly in Love with him.

While Neil's Gaze was rested in a particular direction where the fairy models and some other guests and friends of The soon to be married couple were enjoying the game of Vollyball inside the pool, the ordeal behind the blur in his gaze, displayed only one Face and that was Her, Avni.!

But unfortuantely that remained unseen and untold to a pair of hawkish eyes, who could only follow his gaze on the "jalparis" and the lawyer sahiba has arrived at her own judgement.

Neil immediately averted his eyes and turned towards Avni who was standing afar, as if he sensed her gaze on him. Her face was contort in such a way that it showed her contempt for the poor girls.

He was itching to run to her and say, "Hey, There.! You are getting jealous simply because You Love Me, Stupid.!" But no, let the girl have her own Conclusion, while he will only push her towards one.

As if the stars above gave him a green signal, he saw two of the delicacies emerging out of the pool, clad in bikni, wet with dripping water, approaching towards him with extra sway to their booty.

The models came to stand besides him, as near as possible, one of whom trail a finger along his jaw line saying sensuosly, "Hey Mr. Planner, do you mind tightening the lace to my bikni, or it may slip off?" Gesturing towards her almost bare back.

Like in a lightening flash, Neil's eyeballs rolled in Avni's direction only to see the Strained signs resurfacing on her otherwise calm and focused demenour. The instructions she was giving to a waiter came to a sudden pause along with her moving fingers, midair.

"Jealousy is a strong tool." Neil has heard this words so many times, but understood its significance now. "I will make use of this tool.! Lets take this jealousy game a Step Ahead.!"

Formulating a simple idea in the back of his mind, adorning his devilish smirk, Neil extended his hands towards the bikni clad girl but stopped mid way saying, in an equally flirty voice, "I would have done that for you Ma'am, but My Girl wont like it." He concluded with a wink, which didnt go unnoticed by a far standing Avni.

"Aww, so you do have a Girlfriend.?" The girl asked with a disappointed pout.

"Kabhi na kabhi toh hogi na.!" He said with a charming voice, sparing a glance towards Avni, and all of them split into laughter, throwing their hands over each other.

Avni could hear a zilch of their Convo apart from their vibrating laughter spreading in her surroundings, vexing her further, as if she wasnt already reaching her crescendo.

"How Dare You, Mr. Khanna.!" Venting mentally, She stomped off the poolside area.


Same Evening, Sangeet Function, Open Lawn, Hotel Taj Fort Aguada.

By all Known Standards, The Function was a roaring success. The whole area was filled with natural Laughter and warmth. Everyone present was enjoying themselves. The bride and groom, to be, were slaying in their traditional attires. The food, drinks and company were all beyond compare.!

And why it wont be, for Tie the Knot has put in their bestest of best efforts to make it an evening worth rememberance for a long long time, just as DR and DeeDee had wished and hoped for.

A local Goan Band was called to add another feather and flavour to this star studded Dance Nite, who were stunning each and everyone with their Fusion and also Local Konkani Folk Songs. After their Performance, will the time come for the Family and Friends to Rock the stage with their Latke's and Jhatke's.

Neil and Avni were as usual rushing off their's feet everywhere and closely keeping tabs on anything and everything. Their Mother's reputation and goodwill depends on this Project, how can they leave any stone unturned in making it a grand Success for them and their Company.

Avni's gaze never left her recent focus of interest, who was busy doing multi-tasking, from ordering something to someone on his phone, to directing the staff about food arrangements.

Suddenly she saw a middle aged, overtly eager, aunty type women trying to be a bit handsy with him, probably another smitten minion of him. Neil tried to deal with her with all his gentelmanness, but the "chipku" to the power infinity woman wasnt in a mood to budge.

Neil was annoyed while Avni was infuriated beyond words. What is with the Magnetic Charm of this Man, which always works, irrespective of age, size, genre and gender.!

He always acts like a sweet jaggery to have bees humming around him, but this time it was more like this Octopus kind of woman, whose hands were sauntering all over him, as if they were 8 in numbers and not just 2.

"But, No.! She wont Let her do all this hanky panky with her Neil.!"

Mentally determining firmly, Avni paced up in their direction. In a beat, she was beside Neil, holding his arm and almost jerked that Lady's last bit of traces, atleast 2 feet radius away from Neil. He smiled at her in gratitude and relief.

The not-so-naive-intended, Octopus, chipku Woman, soon received a Avni style Tadka and left the place, not before glaring Avni. Neil released a loud sigh of relief, his features loosened up as his annoyance oozes out.

His playful side resurfaced as, soon he awarded Avni with a tight hug and an open mouthed lingering kiss over her cheek, as a memento of his gratitude, mouthing a faint, "Thank you, Milady.!". Ofcourse only God Above has known, how much amount of self control he has to excercise in order to prevent his lips from savouring those pinky ones of her.

Avni felt an unceremonious warmth spreading across her entire body and turning her skin colour in different shades of red. She was rooted, eyes widened and hand grazing her cheek.

Battle Of Supermacy : The Final Battle : Announcement

Just when The Sangeet Function was started, and Avni and Neil were engrossed in playing a prissy Son and Daughter's role of their life, doing everything for their Mothers, a specific beep on their phones pulled their attentions, to it.

Citing some work issues, they instantly ran away from each other to check on the New Online Notification.

It was a "Congratulatory" Message from the Authority for Winning the "Treaty" Challenge and their clans Making a Grand Entery in Finale.

Avni rejoiced in Happiness since she wasnt aware of the delegations that happened between Olympias and Neos, but she was sure of it as her Leader has assured her.

While Neil remained non-chalant about his success, a pricky unpleasant feeling of being betrayed by Gabby resurfaced like a flash in his heart, which he cant help avoid.

Just in next moment, Another "unanticipated" beep of another Notification, succesfully garnered their curiosity.

This Notification read "The Final Battle to be held Tonight.! Be prepared for it."

By the game standards and Rule Books, Each New Challange is declared after a week from the last one. And here it is the Final Battle which is being declared in a day. Strange.!

Unsurprisingly, they both were expecting this googly, since after winning the last "Treaty" challange, and skillfully shoving off Alkios out of the game, The Final battle was overrated, all for the valid reasons.

Afterall, who would wanna miss the opportunity to witness the Top 2 clans, or rather the top two warriors, Empyrean_champ and Grounded_Gabby, competing against each other for the Ultimate Title and The Throne.

The buzz of them being in the Finale hit the portal with all extravagance, and in multitudes. The excitement level was soaring high. All those things catalysed in the preponement of the Final Battle.!

Neverthless, Empyrean and Gabby were the ones who were inherently prepared for it, irrespective of the time given. Moreover, they too wanted to be done and dusted with it, once and for all. So, they were like, "Bring it on.!!"

The Final Battle is going to begin soon.!!!

To be Continued...


So that was it for our second last Chap.! Last is going to come soon too.!

Just to make certain things clear for the onlookers.
We were dealing with an oline Virtual Game called "The battle of Supermacy"

Empyrean and Gabby were two top competeting Gamers who belonged to Enemy clans.

They were none else than AvNeil from Real World, or They were AvNeil's Virtual/Gamer Impersonation, or simply Their Usernames.!

The Game is coming towards an End, So do Tune in to Know Who is Going to Win.!

So how was the story so far.? We have almost reached its End.!

Do let us know through your comments.!


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