chapter 52

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Dwm was much pissed off for the apology been asked . She was seething in anger and wante dto make Avni repent for each and everything. She knew that the more she would try to break her , she came up strong the next day.

Now she had to do something before the time slips from her hand.

On the other hand Avni and Aryan had started bonding so well and to add a few good points ,Aryan had started to respond better.

Even though there were times of his breakdown but Avni handled them easily. Neil was now having complete trust on Avni and had a hope that now he would improve. But one thing which he didn't understand was Avni's past. Neela had been quiet since the incident and so was ali.

That indicated a huge trauma for them and why was Avni behaving as if she was all ok? Isn't the victim the most damaged in all this?

But he knew that nothing was gonna come out of Avni and so he decided to keep going with the flow.

It was the night duty of Avni and Neil was back at hospital for emergency case.

Avni had been severely tired with a headache and so she was outside the ICU cabin.

Being the emergency,the pateint was shifted to ICU for further assistance. Neil and nurses came immediately towards the patient and so did Avni.

After completely examining the pateint,he gave the further orders.

One look at Avni and anyone can say that she was ill. But she did managed to put up a smile.

She wrote everything and instructed the nurse and came out of icu. Neil too was leaving and saw Avni sitting at the cabin .

Neil-(confused) why are you out? You were incharge of ICU na?

Avni-(sighs) yes! I had but the cold temperature in there was not working and so I came out , nothing to worry everything is in control.

Neil-(sarcastic) but your face says an opposite story , did you had medicine?

Avni-(closing her eyes) why would I take medicine , I will be ok. Plus no one take medicine for headache.

Neil-(smirks) oh! Is it? Are you sure it's a mere headache or sinusitis or migraine working on?

Avni-(in an irritate tone) when you know everything then why the hell do you try to get expletives from me and try out my patience.

Neil-(laughing) come! I will give you medicine.

Avni-( making faces) no that's fine I will be ok tomorrow.

Neil-and my pateint?(in no nonsense tone)
He needs to be in observation and for once if you stop being a bumble bee and care to rest before taking others shift then you would be able to handle yours.

Avni-(surprise) now whose shift did I took and I am healthy and fit human being who gets sometime bimaar and not like you artificial robot.

Neil-oh please ! Thanks to my well balanced diet and exercise that I am not like you. Always outside, junk and no track over exercise.

Avni-(rubbing her temple) yes!!! Now that's what you call as being a senior. For once can we keep quiet already this head is pounding and I still have a hour before I hit the bed.

Neil-simple have a pill which you won't.

Avni- that's not an option.

Neil-(as if done) well if not that than a cup of coffee won't harm?

With that both went to get coffee. Avni took tea.

Avni-(taking a sip) by the way I understand my headache but what about you ,you too have a headache?

Neil-(rolling his eyes) do you seriously think that only those having headache can have drink this?

Avni-(faking smile) well not at all but I surely know that at this hour only a bat or an owl would need a drink.

Neil-(pout) well thanks but no thanks ,I was giving you company nothing else!

Avni-well thanks.

Neil-(as if little unsure) by the way care to explain what's with the Mehta and Avni?

Avni went silent on this.  Gone was all the friendly atmosphere and air started to warm up.

Avni- nothing important khanna(with no eye contact)

Neil-(losing his patience) yeah! Without anything one had planned to lock other in the store room and also the other who is phobic to darkness?

Avni-(tries to smile a bit) but isn't that happening, she afterall had to apologize?

Neil-(looking like are you even sane) at what stake your life, Neela aunties breakdown, Ali's pain, karan's fear?

Avni-(taking a deep breath) I didn't knew that you observe so much but anyways it's a long story and now I have to look at the patient. Really important. I know I am running away but give me sometime and if at all you can give me.

Neil-(smirks) run wherever you want cause I am waiting for your shift to be over and no more over duty as I need my answer from you from which ever way possible. Be ready sweetheart.

Avni-(snaps back) I am not your sweetheart.

Neil-(laughs) oh! Is that so?

Avni just stomped on his feet and left.

Neil went to his cabin and was sure that today no matter what he would get her to speak about herself.

It's days since they both started blending together but that unknown hollowness didn't left his mind. Unknown restlessness was there to wipe away that hollow space cause he knew that she was too good to be treated like that.

Exactly after an hour or so Avni came in his cabin. He was into some file. Without even lifting his head.

Neil-so finally the wait is over is it? (Looking at her) you can have a seat as I think this is gonna be a long conversation.


She sat and was looking lost as if deciding something.

Neil-well! You know that you don't have to worry about anything as I am not the one to judge you!

Avni-(sighing) I know that you won't but it's long since I have opened up to someone or rather they came to know it on itself, so I am just looking from where should I start. It's not that I don't have any issue cause this is all about how Avni evolved. You might have somewhere heard, saw my near and dear one's give you a rough idea but that's not all.

I was young and happen to be a very cheerful and naughty kid(she had a small smile on her face). Being the elder among my clan I was apple of their eyes.

My dadaji used to be very fond of me among all. Da..
I mean dwm as well but somewhere she had expected a boy. Not that she mind me being the elder but somewhere she was still not ok with pa.. Ashish and Ayesha's marriage. The old traditional school where intercast is prohibited but against their love she had to agree.

But anyways it's not always what we really ask for right?.... I was friends with lots of boys and girl in my locality. Dadaji used to say that a good human being is always appreciated by angels in the form of friends and so was I!

Neil smiles nodding as if he can say that maybe by seeing her friends.

He was the one to help us with all the mischief. He used to guide us at each step. We used to play in each others house. At first dwm didn't seem to be objecting but as time went by the escalating tensions among the community started to sow hatred amongst many minds.

I was too young to understand and this resulted in change of opinion. Mom could not always speak up cause she would ruled out on the base of religion. She somewhere had came to terms with her fate.

Ashish being her son would always side by her.(she chuckled softly) so it was one of such communal war and I ran about to save some of my friends,even if I could.

But dwm opposed the idea for the same and warned me of consequences if I stepped out and dadaji had asked me to do what I feel is correct. With her accusing glare and dadaji's attempt to save human, we were able to save a few but not all. They were terrified and dadaji helped them for hideout. I was still trying to help a last few of them when the goon charged at me (a tear formed ) . I would have been no more had not dadaji came to help me and take the blow.

He had always told me one thing which I remember that no matter what avu! You should always be the one for someone's happy life and not be the one responsible for ruining that.

World maybe full of different people with both mindsets just as dadi and me . Two different areas but at the end you have to decide that saving is always and anyways a right option then destroying.

My child never grief for me as I know that what I did and you did was needed and I don't want you be guilty of what happened to me. Ok!(small Avni in tears just nodded)
Promise me that you would be a life saviour..... I will watch you from above.

She promised but soon all the family members came and took him inside while Avni was still out.

I went behind them as that was my house. But they didn't even acknowledged me. It was same till a month and soon Neela maa came as my angel.

Initially she couldn't do much but when I was almost thrown out as a price of loaf , she took me under her wings. Since then I am with her.

(Composing herself) so now you know why she is behind me or .....the tension among Neela and dwm as board member.

Neil was thoroughly impressed by the way she said about her life , he knew that she had kept many parts hidden but one which made him melt was that she was saving her friends inspite of her own troubles for doing the same.

Neil-(claps ) must say that you suck at hiding things but you did manage to pull it pretty well but now last question- why do you stay at the staff residence ..... Why not with Neela aunty?

Avni- cause I am comfortable here, plus I can't stay pampered I like doing my things.

Neil nodded and thought to change the topic as he knew that she had a bad headache.

Neil- seems it's pretty late ,come I will walk you till the residence and then leave.

Avni-aaah! That's ok! I can walk by myself ..u should leave.

Neil-no way am I gonna go. Come you are wasting your time.

Avni sighed and started to walk with him.

Both walked in silence until Avni said.

Avni-I know that you have many questions but you aren't asking...

Neil- yes ! I do but that's for me to get answers and you don't need to worry as I know that this much for you to handle.

You are really good at caring for people but then why can't you care for yourself?

Avni-only if I was one. You feel that I am good at saving but for me, my past has nothing lots of bloodshed and destroyed surrounding...I am just trying to repent all of those. Afterall I have to show my face to dadaji right!

Neil- yes! You both seemed close?

Avni-more than close! I was his favourite and so was he. We were a team!(with some fondness)

Neil-hnm!! Now let's say goodbye as you reached your destination and I will take your leave. Before going take this medicine with you incase you need this for your headache.

Avni-thanks but I don't drink medicine.

Neil- for god's sake you need to keep just in case of emergency. If not give me tomorrow ok?

Avni- fine ! Good night.

Neil-good night.

Avni went inside and got to the bed to sleep.

Neil too reached home and silently went to sleep.

Next day as he thought that he would need every detail to help Avni out, called Ali and Neela to coffee shop.

Neela- Neil ! Sab theek hai na ? Aise achanak?

Neil-Haan! Just thodi si help chahiye apki!

Neela-Haan! Bolo kya help chahiye?

Ali- (with serious expression) is it related to Avni?

Neil nodded

Ali-and dwm?

Neil again nodded and Neela just wanted to escape somewhere rather than answer him.

Neil-(sighs) ok look! The fact is yesterday Avni gave me short detail of why dwm and her relationship is like this but you need to tell me in details.

I am sure she had left quiet some major parts where we could help her out.

Neela- it's not easy Neil!(in a wishper)

Ali-( stern voice) and we can't just speak that as if it's easy.

Neil-it's hard ...very hard I know but as she forced me to open up with Aryan I too want her to be more open . I want to help her out.

Neela-and why? Why would you help her Neil?

Ali- who is she to you Neil except a friend.

Neil- as a friend and a good friend I want to help. Please help me out aunty.

Neela thought for a while and nodded

To be continue ..

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