Facing the Worse

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Good day to the world's most patient readers! I make u wait a lot!

Apologies and Happy Reading Folks!

Early sorries for all the spelling mistakes if any!





She shivered and started sweating badly unable to comprehend anything happening around her. The very next moment, she collapsed on to the floor with a thud..


The complete fuss was created over the very short viral video that was send to each of their family members from an unknown number. Within a short span of time, Aditi's parents flew down to Mumbai with an equally petrified Appu to be with their daughter. Zain made Nalini stay with Aditi and himself stayed at a distance from Aditi to let her parents handle things.

What has just happened?

He tightened his hold on Abhi's wrist on seeing Aditi opening her eyes and sitting in a traumatised state without even breaking down. She will be tagged as a characterless girl to make out with her boyfriend.

No! It was not Zain in the video! It was BF's face (Aditi's ex) in the steamy video making out with her on a bed. Her - in minimal clothes and heavy sweat drops flowing down her body.

The video was clearly edited and every one was busy in pointing out that that cannot be Aditi. It was the reverse that has to be proved. That it was Aditi, but not BF. For that, the entire relationship she shared with Zain should come out. All these things were too much for them and they simply couldn't think through any of it.

Aditi looked around her bed and saw her mother badly trying to hold back her tears. She looked at her father continously fumbling through his phone to get in touch with somebody to solve the issue and to stop the video from being viral. For now, it has spread only among her family. If it crosses the boundary line, then everything would be beyond control. She saw Appu caressing her and reassuring her with a smile with hidden emotions behind it. Her eyes wandered around for a single person and finally found him wiping his tears at the farthest corner. He took a step forward and Abhi pulled him back signalling  a 'No'.

Aditi(whispered) : Zain...

Zain broke out of Abhi's hold and rushed to her side and knelt down by her bed side making her mom shift backwards. He took Aditi's hands and kissed them softly while his hot tears graced her fingers.

Aditi: Zain..

Zain: Yes Adi..I am here.

Aditi's parents closely watched the duo while the entire room was engulfed in silence. Appu sniffed back her tears and continued patting her forehead smoothly.

Aditi: What will I do now?

Zain: Its time to break the truth.

Aditi: I don't have any relationship with BF. He has never touched me this way at all.

Zain(squeezed his eyes shut): Why are you clarifying?

Aditi(slowly sat straight):  Zain.. Please don't..

Aditi's Dad (cut them in between):  We will prove its not you beta. Relax.

Aditi(looked at him in the eyes): It is me Dad. It is actually me.

Aditi's dad looked at her in shock as if she had just given him a blow on his head.

Aditi's Mom: Why Aditi!? Why did you do this to us? What about our respect in the society? What about your future?

Aditi looked at Zain who gestured her to continue and speak up the truth. She found immense love and faith in his eyes even at this dark hour that she found back her drained out confidence. She inhaled and exhaled multiple number of times.

AM: I am asking you something.

Aditi: I don't think allowing the most trustworthy person to touch me was wrong.

AD: The very same person with whom you broke up some months ago? ARE YOU JOKING?

Aditi: That is not BF.

AM: Then?

Zain: That's me.

Aditi's Mom: What?

Zain: The person in the video is me and not BF. It is my face that is morphed and not hers. Exactly this we have to investigate. We are in love and nothing can change that fact. I don't think anybody needs a proof of that.

Zain' Dad: Zainu...

Zain: I thought of clearing out everything slowly Dad. I love her and cannot live without her. Nuzrat knows it too. We had told her this yesterday. Please don't create a scene about this now. It is me in the video and not any one else. Please stop pointing your fingers at her. Please!

Aditi's Dad: Have you guys gone mad? We don't even know the motive of the person who did this. And why will you interfere in this? She will always have a tainted image now. Why will you dishonour your own life for this?

Zain(spoke softly): Because I love her Uncle.

Aditi' Dad(smiled sarcastically): Look where your love has brought us? What the hell will we do now?

Zain: Sanjay has gone with his cyber friends behind this Uncle. We will soon track down the criminal.

Aditi's Dad: And then? What next? When you leave her for reputation and go then?

Zain: I won't leave her..

Aditi's Dad(broke down): What will I do with my daughter's life? What will..

Zain: Why don't you just trust me?

Zain's Dad(shouted at him and rushed to comfort Aditi's Dad): Shut up Zain! If he did not have had trust on you, he might have slashed you to death right now. Do you even know what are we going through now?

Aditi: But..

Zain's Mom: Aditi.. Bacche. Think about your Dad. Don't argue with him. Relax and we will bring you out of this. My son wants to be with you. Then, no one can stop you from becoming our daughter in law!

Sanjay(barged in): Got the clue. We have tracked down the location and SIM details from where this has been sent. And the initial send is triggered from this location. The culprit is inside - with us. The cyber team is working on further details. Make sure no one leaves from here.

Everyone nodded in a yes and patiently waited for further updates. The entire room was filled with soft whispers and then, Zain slowly made his way towards Aditi and sat beside her on the bed. He assured her with a nod that everything would be alright. She gave him a faint smile of hers. But she was undeniably shaken to the core because of the recent incidents. The day was tiring for her and she slowly drifted into sleep in his arms.


Aditi walk up with a startle on hearing the door of the room flung open with a loud sound. She at once got up from the bed to check what was going on and found zain and others listening to sanjay carefully. From the talks, she could make out that the discussion was about the person who leaked the video. She could hear only one name repeatedly.


There in one corner of the room stood Nuzrat sobbing uncontrollably. Before she could comprehent anything from the scene infront of her, she heard her Dad roaring in anger. He was brutaly beating up someone. Suddenly, Zain caught hold of his collars and spoke gritting his teeth.

Zain : HOW DARE YOU!!!!!??? How dare you do this cheap act ?

Nuzrat : Did you forget that you have a sister? What made you do this? Chee!

Aditi (walked towards him and stood infront of him) : Kabir..... You?? You said you are a big fan of mine. You said you admire me. You said..

Kabir (with red raging eyes) : I even said I love you. Didn't you hear that ?

Aditi(shocked) : WHAT?

Kabir : I wanted to make you mine. But you betrayed me. You were enjoying with that bastard..

Aditi (flung a tight slap on his cheeks) : Bloody I love him!!!

Kabir : BULLSHIT! Even I love you.

Zain: Is this your love? This very own act of yours very well portrays your love.

ZD: Who even does this in love Kabir? This is a dangerous obsession!

AD: We find happiness when we see our loved ones happy even if that means staying away from us. You put her entire respect at stake. How can even someone term this as love?

Kabir(let out a shaky breath): If she can't be mine, then no one will have her. If she can't understand my love, then let her live with her tainted respect!

Zain: Watch your words Kabir!

Kabir: Why should I ? She is an actress and definitely not pure anymore. She must have had her share of fun with many men too. Even then, I want her in my life. If this is not love, then what is?

Aditi(gritted her teeth): Which principle of love taught you to speak so sick of the person you love!?

Abhilash lifted a flower vase and aimed at Kabir to smash his head screaming for him to stop. His hand was stopped on the way by a tearful Nuzrat. Her face was stained with hours of endless crying.

Nuzrat: Abhi.. Please don't harm him. Please.

Abhi: I don't believe you! You are still in support of this creep? Don't be so blind in your sisterly love.

Nuzrat(sniffed back her tears): Not anymore Abhi. I kept quiet because I wanted to hear the truth. But what you know now is not the complete truth. I am sure there is something more to it.

Abhi(kept the vase down and looked at her): Sorry? And how are you so sure about that? See Nuzrat, speak up the damn truth. Are you both involved in this? I am not going to spare anyone who dared to harm my family! Is that clear?

Till then, Kabir was made to sit on the couch surrounded with both the fathers. They found Kabir shivering and mumbling things which were not clear enough.

Nuzrat(weeping): His mental health is not normal.

Zain(turned at her): What?

Nuzrat: Trust me Zain. He has been under treatment for acute depression. Even his journey from Delhi to Mumbai were with his trusted friends only. His mental stability has been deterioted to a level which none of us can't imagine. He does not have an ability to think clear.

ZM: Why didn't you inform us?

Nuzrat: After Mom Dad's death in that deadly accident, we were all alone. I had the fear that all of you may treat him like a patient. Even the extra care and attention will irritate him. He just haves to be treated normally as if everything is right. His thoughts are easily manipulative.

Abhi(thought for a while): You meant to say...

Nuzrat: Yes Abhi. All these must have been done by him. But the thought and motive is not his own. He is just being a puppet of someone's instructions. Please believe me. Even now, he is having a trauma attack. Deep inside, he knows he is wrong. But his conscious mind does not allow him to trust himself.

Abhi: This is so shocking. Who will do that Nuzrat?

Nuzrat: I don't know. We need to be with him and listen to him for this.


Zain with all his friends, family and Aditi's family deleted the video from everyone's phone and destroyed them each never to recover it back. All his techie friends stood with him to completely remove the traces of the video. They saught help of the cyber team to track the uploaded ones and delete them. Even if the video came out one day, since no one can really guarantee the results of technology misuse, every one vowed together not to blame anyone and face it together.

Kabir slowly regained composure and stability after a few hours. A psychiatrist was called upon to study and treat his condition. The doctor talked for a long time with Kabir and slowly made his way outside the room.

Doctor(to family): Sometimes, a shock can do good to a patient. He has realised the results or possible consequences of his actions. He still needs proper medication though.

Doctor(turned to Nuzrat): Dear, it takes time to find out which atmosphere a patient feels comfortable in and to what course of treatment a patient responds positively. I would suggest you to continue therapy and treatment here in Mumbai. For now, he is stable.

Zain: Will it be wrong to ask him anything Doctor?

Doctor: Absolutely not. But just be calm.

Zain nodded and went inside the room along with all others and sat beside him on the bedside. He slowly patted his shoulders.

Zain: Hey..

Kabir(smiled): Why are you looking at me like that? I am not ill. See.

Zain(eyes watered): Why did you face all this alone Kabir?

Kabir: I was depressed over my unsuccessful attempts of becoming a director. I never wanted to achieve anything at your recommendation Zain. May be that thought kept me and all my problems away from you.

Aditi(caressed his red cheeks recollecting her slap with welled up eyes): Sorry..

Kabir(smiled and took her hand in his): No please. I am sorry. I came under his influence and...

Aditi(got cautious): Whose..?

Kabir: I don't remember his name. I was worried of losing you. Now, I realise that it was an obsession or may be admiration. You are way too original Aditi. I started following you because you were Zain's co star. As the Doctor said just now, may be I found peace in you. But I am sorry. I..

The calling bell rang and Aditi's Mom rushed to open the door.


BF: Hello! Namastey Aunty!

AM: You?

BF: Hope you have not forgotten me!

AM(panicked): Zain! Please come here Beta!

Zain(called out from the room): Yes Aunty! Coming!

BF( laughed): You should have called out for your daughter.

Zain(came to the front door and saw him): May I ask you what brings you here?

BF(crossed his hands over his chest): Yes of course you can ask. But I chose not to answer you. I am here for Aditi and her family.

Zain: No ways BF. Just don't create a fuss here.

BF Mom: See Mister. We want to talk to Aditi or any one related to her.

Zain: I am her boyfriend.

BF Mom: Which you acquired after manipulating her and kicking out my son.

Zain: Aunty. Either you are blindly in support of every terrible thing your son does or you don't know the complete truth. Aditi won't be available today for you. Please leave.

Abhi(slowly came to hall): Let them see her Zain. If there is something left out in that chapter, lets close it finally. Adu! Adu! Can you please come over?

Soon, everyone assembled in the hall waiting to see what was going on. Kabir started trembling on seeing BF and ultimately blurted out the truth.

Kabir: Uncle uncle! He..He is the one who coaxed me to take that..that video. He told that I could blackmail and win Aditi. He edited the video and then.. asked me to send. He gave me the phone numbers of her family too.

AD(roared in anger): What the hell! What is your issue BF!? My daughter already broke up with you!

Aditi squeezed Zain's hands preventing him from reacting since both of them had their common doubts over him being the culprit which grew stronger when Kabir mentioned about someone manipulating him too. Aditi walked forward and stood in front of BF.

Aditi(sternly looked at him): What exactly do you want?

BF(stepped closer): You..

Zain(let out a sarcastic smile): Every one please be seated. This drama will go on for a couple of minutes. Lets enjoy the show together. Sit sit. Please.

The youngsters chuckled and asked the elders to relax. All of them sat down on the couches in the hall while Aditi, BF and his mother stood in the centre. Every one knew where the discussion or more precisely, the negotiation was leading to. But, Zain, Aditi, Sanjay, Poonam, Nalini, Jahaan and Abhilash looked very calm which surprised others.

Aditi: Yes BF. What did you say?

BF: I said I want you..

Aditi: And why do you want me whom you almost pushed to be a victim of rape by your very own friends?

BF: That was a misunderstanding Aditi. I don't know what rubbish this scoundrel has filled in your brain!

Aditi: Don't you dare point at him. He is the only reason that I again rose back to life after the way you treated me. And please don't start the 'I always loved you' rant.

BF: You have no other option Aditi.

BF Mom: Your video has gone viral girl. You can't show your face to anyone. It would be better if you marry BF.

Aditi: Means I should marry a person who captured my most private moments in a video, morphed and leaked it. I would die instead of marrying him.

BF Mom: Look at the arrogance even now!

Aditi: This is called self respect. Not arrogance. Sadly, you don't possess this trait and hence failed to teach your son the same.

BF Mom: Mind your language!

Aditi: Don't you dare come to my home and speak non sense!

BF: Aditi! I can apologise for the whole video fiasco which I did in anger. But, how will you ever lead a normal life?

Aditi: Oh C'mon! Keep your fake concern to yourself.

BF(sternly): You will have to marry me!

AD(interrupted in between): Its her life and she will decide that.

BF: Uncle! I am serious. I love her. She will have to marry me or else..

Aditi: Or else?

AD: What will you do?

BF: I will leak the video and make sure that no sane person marries you...

Just before Aditi's Dad could answer this, loud laughters broke out in the room and Jahaan came to stand in front of him.

Jahaan: Okay. Agreed. You can marry her.

Abhi: But legally Zain will have to divorce his wife for this to happen..

Nalini: And I doubt whether he will do that for you..

BF looked at Zain shockingly and tried to comprehend things happening to him.

Zain(came and kept his hand on BF's shoulder): Actually you are right bro! But, if I don't have a problem with that video and I am not ready to divorce my wife since a moron did this cheap act, then its not needed na!?

Poonam: Did you understand things or should I explain more?

Zain(pulled Aditi closer): Meet Mrs.Aditi Zain Imam! And I will make sure she never changes her surname again..

The elders got stuck with the big blow of reality and shock coursed through their veins. Nuzrat and Kabir hugged each other in happiness at the never expected twist in this saga!

Sanjay: Please leave from here both of you! The video and you - both have been taken care of duely. A proper statement has been given to the social media and the press regarding the video scam and sadly you are under arrest. The cops are waiting for you downstairs. Good Bye!


Zain's Dad: How and When? I mean.. What has just happened!?

The youngsters explained about their Kerala trip and how the sweetest family that they found there got them married in front of the diety. The marriage record is available in the temple and they had registered the marriage some days back when Nuzrat came. Even though marriage registration was done to be on a safer side, it turned out to be big boon!

The family and friends relaxed over a cup of tea and snacks after long stressful hours. Kabir and Nuzrat were to stay in a nearby flat so that Kabir's treatment and Nuzrat's college education could go simultaneously. Just then Zain's Dad went over to Aditi's Dad..

ZD: Children love each other. Keeping aside religion and caste, can we be with them for their love?

ZM(turned to AM): Please Behenji. Give us your daughter! She will be forever safe with us. I will always be a mother to her.

Aditi's parents looked at each other and nodded in a yes contently for they knew where their daughter's happiness was. The room burst out into loud cheers, howls and joyful jumps! Everyone congratulated a gleaming Aditi and Zain.

Friends gang: Its time for AdiZa Wedding finally!!!!!


Hope you had a nice time reading it out.!

Lets attend the much awaited AdiZa marriage and wrap it up!!

Detail by Detail..

Megha.. (your Zainaholicz❤️)

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