Surprises Reloaded!

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Here goes your next update. I am wrapping up the trip, since I think it has reached its required end. Thought of discussing some views and its done. Lets move on and gear up for a new journey!

Happy Reading Folks!❤️

And do check out that hottie from my cover page. He looks like a blueberry!!


Nimmi: I know..

Aditi: Am I missing something?

Nimmi(blinked away her tears): Very much..

Zain came inside with Karthi and propped next to Nimmi engulfing her in a protective sidehug. Her eyes gave way to tear streams dampening Zain's shirt.

Karthi: She has a broken love story.

Nimmi: I loved a person so dearly. He couldn't realise and didn't reciprocate too. He instead got into a relationship with one of my close friends. It was after all these incidents that he came to know about my feelings. I couldn't face the world. The hurt was so deep that I couldn't even cry openly. It was after so many days that I broke down in Sneha's arms. It took time for me to steady up and rise above with all my lost confidence. He is still my friend too. But somewhere in all these, I lost faith in love. I am too scared to fall in love. Its not that I can't read Karthi's mind...

She looked at a tearful Karthi with apologetic eyes.

Nimmi: I bother you a lot na. How long will you end up getting hurt by me? You should forget..

Karthi(kept his index finger on her lips): Don't say that please. I know your state of mind and have never forced you for anything. He can't just say that he didn't realise your feelings towards him. C'mon! If he didn't he would not have been so scared and uncomfortable to share the news of his new found relationship. You forgave that person and welcomed his friendship back to your life. Not everyone can do that Nimmi. I respect you for that. And I believe you deserve a better person than me. That is why I stayed away. Don't think that you are way too broken for anyone to love. You have the most beautiful heart Nimisha.

Nimmi(a teardrop trickled down to his finger on her lips): Karthi...

Karthi(caressed his thumb on her cheeks): I love you and nobody can deny that- not even you.

Nimmi sniffed back her tears and clung on to him finding her safest place on his chest and his warm embrace.

Aditi: You know Nimmi. I had even worser issues and insecurities. The man with whom I fell in love, badly betrayed me. He never loved me and ill treated me while I suppressed my anguish claiming it to be his love for me. It took me a lot of time to break free from that stressful life and take the path to Zain's life. I was too shaken up to mouth a 'yes' to Zain's proposal.

Zain: I was the happiest when she finally crossed all her mental conflicts and admitted being in love with me. You just have to trust Karthi for that. He deserves a chance.

Nimmi: What if...

Aditi: Life can't be lived on what ifs Nimmi. It is to be lived in the present. Try embracing the beautiful present you have got. I am sure you will feel contented.

Zain(smiled): You know, its a heavenly feeling when you see the result of your love. A confident smiling Aditi in front of you really gives me unending joy.

Nimmi wiped her tears and looked around her. She had all awesome people in her life. It would be a sin to ignore the positivities and hold on to the past wounds. She looked at Zain and nodded in understanding, wiping away her tears.

Zain: C'mon now. Program is postponed to next week. Lets go home. Lets have some rest. We are going tomorrow remember na?

Nimmi(shocked): We didn't even realise that! Tomorrow then we'll take you to..

Karthi(winked at her): Yes. Tomorrow is that day.

Aditi: Something is cooking up! Let it be. Get up. Its getting late.


At home:

Aunty: You don't have any more injuries na baccha?

Nimmi: Arey no Amma! I am fine. Where is Karthi?

Aunty: He has gone to his home to fetch some clothes. You go and get some sleep.

Everyone nodded and went upstairs. Zain spread the bed and put Nimmi to sleep. He sat near her and patted her head until she dozed off. He soon retired to his room with Aditi.

Nimmi woke up senseing movements around her and found Karthi kneeling beside her. She shot up from the bed still sitting on it.

Karthi: Sorry. Did I scare you?

Nimmi: Why were you late?

Karthi: Thought you would need some time.

Nimmi: Did I tell you that?

Karthi: No. But..

Nimmi: Karthi.. Its not that I don't love you. I am a bit scared to..

Karthi: admit it... But I can read you dear. You should sleep now.

Nimmi: Hmm....

Karthi gently pecked her forehead and brought her into his embrace. She inhaled deeply and clutched him tight.

Nimmi: I am trusting you. Chodke nahi jaaoge na? (won't leave me right?)

Karthi(nuzzled into her cheeks): Never.

He slouched there leaning to the wall with Nimmi in his arms dozing off due to a tiresome day.


Nimmi: C'mon C'mon get set go!

Karthi started the car with Zain in the front seat and Aditi, Nimmi in the backseat. They were not ready to reveal where they were heading to. After about an hour's travel, they entered a rural resort for Ayurvedic treatment.

Karthi: You come to Kerala and don't get an ayurvedic massage.. not done!

Nimmi(winked): May be couple massage...

AdiZa: What!!??

Karthi: Nimmi! Don't scare them. Come lets go inside.

The place smelled deliciously natural with fresh flowers and leaves. Years of preserving all the natural elements results in such pure medicinal wonders. Its our ancestral theory and belief that every disease has a cure in nature. Just that you have to find it out. The place radiated fresh vibes of divinity. Karthi and Nimmi drove away from the place promising them to pick them up exactly after 3 hours. Aditi was wrapped in a towel , same with Zain.

They were first given an oil massage. Their hair was smeared with hibiscus extract and natural plant roots oil. The light pressures given on their body instantly drove them to sleep. After washing off, they were smeared with natural turmeric with honey and curd.

The massage centre was set up on a high rock with greenary around. Zain and Aditi, each wrapped in a towel were free to roam in the backside of the place open to the sky. They smelled of turmeric and honey enriching the soothing breeze of the place. Aditi was stepping carefully on a slippery rock when she felt a strong tug on her arms and someone pulled her back only to crashland on a hard chiseled chest. Zain breathed in sharply on seeing the serenity of his lady love clad in a single towel wrap with pinned up hair and goldish yellow skin. He slowly ran his hands on her naked shoulder making her shudder and clutch on to his hands. Just then, they were blessed with the best art form of nature- those drizzles and ice cold shower came thrashing down to the earth rejoicing in their happiness. Love filled the sheets of air blowing around them making them
immersed in love like never before.The heavy downpour that descended down the dark clouds drenched them in every possible way. Zain intently grazed his gaze over the sheer beauty in front of him who involuntarily spread her hands to feel those raindrops. Monsoon has a magic of washing off every dirty shades from our surroundings as well as our hearts to refill it with pure raw feelings. He stepped forward to snake his hands

around her waist which almost felt naked due to her dampened towels. He started showering feathery kisses along her neckline kneading her shoulder length earning muffled moans from her. He moved back and pulled both of them to their bath area filled with lukewarm water. He safely secluded themselves from the outer area by pulling the curtains around them and slid down with her into the bath tub on which fresh rose petals floated giving away a mesmerising smell. Zain slowly washed away the dried off haldi from her face leaving behind a glowing Aditi with moisturized skin.

Zain: You glow like a bride now..

Aditi(smiled): This was a beautiful trip. I got everything I wished for. We even witnessed a beautiful love bond here.

Zain(got out of the bath tub and extended his hands for her to hold on): Yeah. These will be cherished forever. Come. Its time.

Soon Karthi and Nimmi came to pick them up. Flight was in 2 hours and they rushed to the airport with Aunty and Uncle.


AdiZA: We will miss you.

Aditi: You have done a lot for us Uncle and Aunty. We will never forget you. You will stay in our prayers.

Uncle(caressed her head): Do visit us after marriage beta. We wish you all the success in your career and only happiness in your life ahead.

Zain: I will keep your words etched in my thoughts Uncle. I will never let any harm come to Aditi. I assure you that. Aunty, I am really going to miss your food.

Aunty: I am going to miss your 'This is so spicy' expressions too. May you get all the success in your life bacche. Come back soon.

AdiZa turned to Karthi and Nimmi and engulfed them in a group hug.

Aditi: Now I will come to Kerala only when you invite us for a turning point in your life. You understand Nimmi?

Nimmi(smiled): Yes. I will personaly invite you. No. WE will personally invite you.

Karthi(looked at her shocked while all others beamed in happiness): Tell me you are not kidding right?

Nimmi(looked at him and nodded in denial with a smile): Nah.

Karthi(had fresh tears in his eyes and turned to Zain): You don't know what have you given me. Thank You so much.

Zain: Stay happy both of you. Take some time out and come to Mumbai too someday.

Karthi nodded and waved them bye along with all others. They would really miss each other. They have stayed like a family for these many days. Nevertheless, Aditi was happy to witness a progress in their relationship due to her words told to Nimmi and she whole heartedly returned to Mumbai with Zain. The rest of the gang joined them in the flight too since they had gone to visit some other tourist places in Kerala leaving AdiZa alone for tripping.

#####...In Mumbai Airport...####

Zain: Adi! Ammi Abbu is here! Bhai, Chachi and Inayu too.

Aditi: What! Really!? Thats a great news!

Zain: Yeah. They have come to give a surprise. Ulta, they will be surprised if they see your belongings in my flat. Should we give a shock like that?

Aditi: No. Lets take it slow. It will surely take time for them to digest the facts. We belong to stark different religious communities. Don't forget that. And regarding your flat, I had cleared everything when we packed our bags for this trip. I don't think anything is left out there. I will check again when you go to pick them up. Do they have your apartment keys?

Zain: No. I will have to pick them up. They are talking about some surprise. God knows what! And above that, I have recieved call from Colors.

Aditi: Oho! Mister Imam is in demand.

Zain: Shut up. Its that you are turning down all offers due to your make over period. Otherwise, you would have been busy by this time.

Aditi: I really need to lose some weight and become healthy dude. Waise, what do you think the surprise is about?

Zain: I don't know. They sounded pretty excited. Come, let us go and see it ourselves. You can come along as a friend.

Aditi: Neighbour too..

Zain(chuckled and snaked his arms around her waist): Yes. My very own sexy neighbour.

They giggled and got into a cab soon to be dropped in front of Zain's apartment. They saw the security guard looking happily at Zain as if to break some good news to him.

Zain: What happened Bhaiyya? You seem to be very happy.

Security: Your family has come na.

Zain: Yes. I am going to pick them up. Wait, How do you know my family has come?

Security: They are here na Sir. Why would you pick them up? I gave them the spare keys to your apartment. We had instructions to give the keys if your family comes. Their names are listed out in the close relatives section in our register.

Zain(shocked): WHAT!! They are inside?

Aditi(bewildered): Wah. How awesome is that. Chal, lets meet them.

Zain(while Aditi dragged him inside the lift with all their luggage): What if...

Aditi: No. I am pretty sure that I did shift my clothes back to my flat due to the cleaning and packing.

Zain: If not, then I will make up some excuse. We can't let them know things like this in a go. Hai na?

Aditi: Yes. Come.


The lift opened in 7th floor while they silently took all the luggages out. Aditi opened her flat and slowly pushed the luggage inside the hall making no noise leaving Zain's luggage behind. She then washed her face and accompanied Zain to his apartment with a lame excuse of helping him with the luggages. Zain rang the calling bell 2 times and the door pushed open with big howls of his brother and Inaya.

Shuja(Zain's brother): Oye hero! Flight landed late?

Zain(giving him a hug): Yes Bhai. Late by an hour due to heavy rains.

Shuja: Hey Aditi! How was the trip?

Aditi: The best Bhaiyya! Really had fun.

Shuja: Come inside and have something. You must be tired.

Aditi(stepped inside): Yeah.

Zain was greeting everyone followed by Aditi. Zain sidehugged Bhabhi and found her tensed.

Zain(leaned closer): What happened Bhabhi? Why are you upset?

Bhabhi(whisperer back): You will know soon. Just stay calm.

Just as he was about to question her more, he heard his Mom enquiring 'You don't want to see the surprise?'. He nodded in excitement while Aditi stopped tickling Inaya and grabbed her within her hands looking forward to the surprise soon to be revealed. Zain's mother pointed towards the door to Zain's bedroom.

"As-salamu alaykum.."

Zain(said while turning to the side): Wa-alaykumu as-salam..

There stood a tall, fair girl with lengthy, thick hair and glistening eyes. She had long eyelashes and a pretty smile. She was wearing a jeans and a knee length Kurti with head covered up lightly using a shawl adding to her beauty. Zain's face displayed a mixture of shock and a tinge of happiness.

Zain's Mom(ZM): Its time for you to settle down Zainu. How long will you stay alone in this city far away from home? Anyways, she is your cousin.

Aditi was alarmed of the upcoming danger while Ishika Bhabhi silenced both of them with her eyes which was not missed by Zain's brother. Bhabhi slowly squeezed his clenched fists gesturing him to calm down. Aditi looked down while the fear of losing him started engulfing her from all sides.

Bhabhi(whispered to Zain): We can talk to her. Relax..

Zain(looked at the girl): Nuzrat...


Gear up for the jealousy-third angle love track people! Lets have some fun!

Hope you had a nice time reading. Response awaited...


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