PART - 3

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Hey everyone..
How do you felt about previous chapter.. Do tell and why votes and reviews are decreasing.. It made me really sad..🤧🤧
Please give reviews so that I can be either motivated or improved..
Now let's begin with the story..

Neil was also smiling at her cute gestures..

He was staring at her continuously.. He immediately told DD pointing at her to get her complete information.. DD nodded and told that all the information will be provided by morning the next day..

Neil was staring and smiling at her like mad..He then asked the driver to start the car and looked at her for the last time..

He reached office and she managed to be running in his mind the whole day..

He was happy.. He finally got his lady love..He finally realized his love for her..

At night 
He went to bed thinking about her.. Smile never left his face.. He fact of finding her love was making him happier and he forgot about the deal he lost.. After all.. He found his love..
He slept thinking about her with a wide smile over his face..

Next day
He came to know everything about her..


From that day.. He had a routine to see her daily.. Finally he slept while thinking about her..
(PS - he was thinking of her at night lying on the bed as told in previous chapter)

Next morning,
She got ready and left for the street, with her guitar..

He woke up.. He was smiling as he was again going to see his love.. He got ready and immediately rushed as he can't wait to see his love...

When he reached there.. Sight made him shocked and angry..

Shocked as he saw his Avni crying and Angry at the person who made his love cry..

Her nose turned red due to continuous sobbing and this pricked his heart..

He signalled DD and DD get our of the car immediately and went to her to ask the reason for her tears..

He went to her and gently asked her the reason of her tears.. But Avni being Avni decided not to answer him anything and went back home silently..

DD knew his boss very well.. So without asking him., he asked nearby about the reason of her crying.. People were not knowing about it.. Suddenly, a lady came and tell him the reason of her crying (she heard the conversation which led to her tears) to which he simply nodded..

DD went back and told Neil," I asked Avni mam the reason of her tears but she didn't tell me anything.. I asked many people but in vain.. Then a lady told me that........ "

To be continued..


Do follow me up as I am thinking of writing more content.. So that it can reach you as soon as I upload it..

It's the longest of all chapters till now.. Promise to write more longer tomorrow as I want to keep it suspense till tomorrow..❤❤🤝
Helllooo lovelies..

How do you find this part...?
Do tell and don't forget to vote for the chapter..

Waiting for your response..
With Love

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