chapter 7, the sound in the dark.

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Beep! beep! beep!

It was keeping me awake. The strange noise would not stop. It just kept going.

I slowly raised my head up to see what it was, only to see a figure of a person... standing over andrew...

"Bree?..." I whispered. The person turned to look at me. Glowing red eyes staring into mine.

Who ever it was made their way to me. I tried to get up but the person just pushed me back down. A sudden stinging pain entered my neck, making me yelp slightly.

I suddenly began to feel sleepy and my eyes slowly shut as I tried to keep them open.

"go back to sleep... it's not time for you to become useful yet..."

thise were the last words i remember before head drooped and my eyes closed, a deep sleep overtaking me.


I apologize for the short chapter... I just felt that that was a good point to stop.

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