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I sat at the table, working on a replica of the redstone mind control chips from minecraft story mode. I had made about three attempts so far, the third one looking the most like the game. As I was screwing in the back, shuffling filled my ears. I turned around to see who was in the room with me and saw a pair of glowing red eyes in the pitch black, starring into my brown eyes. I didn't know what to say, I just pulled out my sword and stood up. My eyes were now beginning to readjust to the dark and I could now make out the vaige shape of a person, though I couldn't tell who.

"Who are you?" I asked, defensively. The person didn't respond.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

the person tilted his or hers head.

"Your favorite thinking machine"

My eyes widened as its robotic voice filled my ears. I glanced at the replicas I made then back to the man.

"N-no... it can't be... I thought you were..."

"Dead? Ha ha! Don't be silly, diamond... those redstone chips you made might be useful"

That was enough for me, I wirled around and grabbed the redstone chips and ran for it. I passed the red eyed man and made my way out of the room only to be met with a pit black hallway with glowing eyes at the end. I backed away and bumped into something... I turned around  and saw glowing red eyes. The glowing eyes of the man I saw in my room.

the two people began to close in on me. I pulled out my sword, ready to fight whoever these guys were.

If they wanted a fight, they got a fight.

I slashed at one of them but it didn't seem to do much. I tried the other guy but got the same reaction. At this point, I was completely trapped. I didn't know what to do.

something then hit me in the face

The last thing I remember was their glowing eyes before everything went black.

"You will be made useful"

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