Chapter 4

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    "hi, Hope", Hope is my best (and only) friend. She's an actual angel though, with wings and a perfect robe and everything. Hope is a love angel. A love angel pretty much just goes around the world, and makes the small coincidences happen that make you end up with a boy friend or something. Yea, what are the odds? She is about my age, which I find, weird. She has beautiful golden hair, and a face as perfect as jewel. She has always been there for me. And as exotic as it is, the other angels don't exactly think of me as their favorite person. Hope was one of the ones who have always been there for me.

         Right now we were gathered among most of the angels who were free at the time. We all have a nightly dinner, and after we give God our reports on how we are doing at our job. Right now, we were getting our food.

    "How was today?"

    "It was ok I guess..."

    "You guess?"

    "Yea..." I was about to cry.

     "What's wrong?" Now I was crying.

   "Simon and Amy broke up!" I was streaming with tears now!

     "Well that's great isn't it!?!"

    She was being way to loud! Thank goodness it was already loud enough to where you can't hear anything anyway.

     "I was at first, but..." I was breaking up. I sniffled and even hiccuped breathed a few times.

      Why am I so sad? I should be happy!

        Because I love him.

         "But...?", she encouraged.

    "But then I saw how much it hurt him! It broke my heart!!"

       "Like he has always done to you."


        "He had it coming, Kimber!!"

     "Well it does mean he deserved it!"

        "Kimber, he's hurt you every day since he met Amy, and all the other days he hurt you when he didn't give a waking thought about you! You are honestly going to tell me that you aren't the least bit of happy that he's been dumped?"

           Well that's one way to put it.

       "Well yea! But, what good is that doing me? I mean, he doesn't know that I look after him all day. That I try to make his life both easier and happier. That I..." I paused, tearing up again.

        "...That I even exist."

           "Listen Kimber, I know how much you love him, how much it hurts to see him every day, but there's really nothing you can do. Us angels live an everlasting life, yes, but it comes with a price to pay. Angels like us don't get to enjoy life to the fullest. And unfortunately, that includes love."

          Then we quit our talking, and ate our perfect meal. My mind wondered about the life that I lived. I thought about Amy. How I could never be that person, a confident, strong being. I thought about Simon, how I wished very much wanted to be there with him. I thought about Hope, how she was a great friend to me, and normally wasn't wrong about things like this.

      Wait a minute, hadn't Hope say, "-angels like us,"?

For yet another time in my life, I was glad I wasn't an angel.

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