Chapter 7

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  "Hope, lets go!"

"Nrph mrth nrup"

    "Let's go!" I pulled the covers off of her.

   "Ugh!" She turns over, groans again, then gets up.

      We quickly got dressed and leave our home.

            We turned our brackets over, and were immediately transported to earth. We are given the golden bracelets as soon as we become angels. Just like normal angels like Hope get wings and robes and stuff like that. The halo is a little much, though.

          I go, and gently shake Simon as his alarm starts to ring. He thinks he's a light sleeper, when the truth is is he could sleep under a freeway.

           He gets up, goes to change, and leaves the house. As always, he's wearing nothing more than jeans, a T-shirt, new-ish shoes, and his faded jacket. As we leave his home, Hope opens my eyes to the real world.

         We get to the school, and Hope gives me the first lesson of the day as we pass two teenage girls fighting over someone named, "Rodney".

   "See that, Kimber?"

     "You mean those two idiots over there yelling at each other while drooling over the jock? Yea."

      "When two girls fight over a guy, it's called a cat fight. You stay away from those."



"Why cats?"

"I dunno..."


       I turn around to continue following Simon all the way to class.

       As we walked into the cold room trailing behind Simon, Hope pointed out what girls usually wore.......

    "Do you see Amy over there?"


    "Look at what she's wearing."

        I stare at Amy for the longest time. She's wearing a black miniskirt and a pink top. She has her shoulder length hair down, with a dark pink head band on. I glance at the other girls. All the social and popular girls wore either miniskirts or VERY short shorts.

"I can't believe they feel comfortable like that!"

"Are you gonna dress like that tomorrow?"

"Heck naw!"

     She snickered at me. Thank you for your support, Hope. It means a lot.

          Now for lesson three.

  "Kimber, something else that's important, is making sure others don't think you're stupid."

"What do you mean?"

  "Look at what the teachers saying."

      Mrs Rubin was currently explaining how to calculate "x" on a linear graph. Which, might I add, is EASY.

      "I know how to do that! What do you think I am, a total screw up? I know how to pay attention too!"

     "Ok! Sheesh!"

     After that, the day was a breeze! At least until lunch.

           We go sit down at a table outside, in a nearby seat next to Simon. Thankfully, no one decides to sit on us. Yet. I'm sitting across from Simon, while Hope is sitting next to him for whatever reason.

         Just then, Charlie comes over and takes his normal seat next to Simon. Charlie is Simon's best friend. He is a brunette, with brown eyes, and usually wears shorts and a t-shirt along with his black glasses. And of all the seats in the table, guess which one he decides to sit on.

         "Ah!", Hope quickly moved out of the way so Charlie wouldn't be surprised when he sat down on an invisible person. However in the process, Hope bumped into a jock (mike) who bumped into his girlfriend (Jenny) who bumped into her ex, (Timothy).


This is what basically happened:

Timothy: oh, hey bae....

Jenny: get away from me!

Oh boy...

Timothy: but why, I know you still have feelings for me, *smirking

Mike: hey, back off will you?!

Timothy: hey don't tell me what to do, man!

         I know this was cruel to ask, But I just had to know!

              "So Hope, is this, like, a dog fight?"

        Hope groaned and hid her face in her sleeves. 

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