Night 3

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Mon's real name was actually Emmanuel. His last name was LeePumphrey. In school, especially when he was younger, it was too long to write, not to mention it was a mouthful.

He started writing his own nickname, spelling it "Iman" even though Emmanuel started with an "E"; he didn't care. When he'd met Anri in third grade, Anri was too lazy to pronounce the "I" so his name became Mon. Everybody called him that, even the teachers.

Mon hadn't really liked Anri's aunt house, but it was alright.

What sucked a lot was the mosquitos; he slept soundly enough with the mosquito dome but in the daytime his legs were bitten to smithereens!

The three of them sat upon the bed that night in the darkness illuminated by three glowing screens. He browsed through his Instagram feed and Charles was occupied by some mobile game.

Anri was a thoughtful kid, not a genius by any means, but was that type of smart that made him think a lot most nights. He had faint but noticeable bag under his eyes.

Mon knew he had trouble sleeping, but it wasn't usually this bad. Anri was writing a book on his laptop when suddenly he slammed it closed, as if he'd remembered something.

"Guys you know how I said Mon did some sleep-walking type of thing like, nearly a week ago? Not really walking, but doing weird shit in his sleep?"

"Yeah," Charles muttered, putting down his phone for once. "Did it happen again?"

Mon watched Anri closely, skepticism coloring his features. He thought it was pretty weird and funny that he did stuff in his sleep as Anri claimed, but he really thought Anri was trying to get him.

Anri nodded, and though shaken, he laughed. "He asked me for fucking stickers!"

"Stickers?" Charles roared.

He began to laugh along, and soon they were all tittering and clutching their stomachs.

"Did I really say that? Are you sure?"

"I think so," Anri answered, sobering immediately. "I tried to shake you awake, but you didn't, so I just pushed you down."

"That's pretty messed up dude, do you do sleep-stuff at home? You share a room with your brother, right?" Charles asked him.

"Nope. Never heard anything like it," Mon said, and something strange settled in his stomach. "Why don't you record me next time, Anri?"

"It's kinda creepy man, but yeah, sure." Anri reached for his phone and put it under his pillow.

Mon thought carefully, and suddenly he was laughing, loud and awkward in the darkness. He lips curled into a crooked grin, yet Anri stared at him, not buying it.

"I got you man!" Mon said. "I remember both times, I was just seeing if I could scare you; look at your face!" he cried, pointing at Anri who looked away.

Charles burst into laughter.

Yet if Anri was lying about everything, he wouldn't have looked so embarrassed. Anri had a decent sense of hunor, but he wasn't laughing.

"How many times do you remember waking up?" Anri asked, his expression dark.

"The two times..." Mon responded, and Charles soon stopped laughing. "What do you mean?"

Anri was trying to see if Mon really had been pretending. Now Anri knew his friend was bluffing; he actually didn't remember anything.

"There's been four times."

"Right," Mon fumbled with the words, "I was pretending all four times..."

"Well I'm lying; there was only two. The first time you just did weird shit. The second, you didn't really ask for stickers. You were trying to get out; you were asking for your slippers."

The house was dusty, and not exactly the cleanest, and so they walked around the place with slippers.

Mon and Charlie was quiet as Anri continued, in barely a whisper.

"I think..." his eyes clouded over before he looked up at them." I think you were trying to take me somewhere."

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