Chapter 2: One Frustrated Squad Leader

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- Damien -

I was starting to feel the gravity of my actions when two shadows landed next to me. Before I had the time to react, a hand grabbed my shoulder. "What have you done?" Fenrys' voice was calm but his grip was hard. I stared at his offending arm, my brows raising.

"Do that one more time and I'll grace your face with this," I flexed my fist in front of him, a silent warning.

I watched as Fenrys' jaw clenched before he released his grip on my shoulder.

"What were you two doing up? Wasn't the plan to meet at Qas' place?" I spoke nonchalantly as I brushed off the dirt on my black combat su, custom-made carbon fiber material that is lightweight. My voice was detached and cold as if what just transpired was nothing but an error to be filed away. Cataloged neatly into one of those boxes.

"We were watching from above the roof of the shophouses because we thought you needed assistance," Fenrys stated matter of factly as he studied me.

"He's right, Damien."

For the first time, my third-in-command spoke. Vesna was unusually quiet as she leaned against the wall of the shophouse.

I was expecting a more extreme response, something that involved some stabbing in the back or finding myself in a situation where I had to fend for myself. But all Vesna did was walk towards the dead fae, or what was left of it.

Crouching, she checked its breath. "He's dead." She whispered before standing and peering at me with disbelief. I watched all of this in amusement.

"Was it so hard to accept the fact that sometimes I can be nice to faeries?" I smirked.

"It's not that. What we cannot comprehend was the fact that you disobeyed our orders." Fenrys said with a rueful expression. "I don't get it, Damien. Our orders were to capture it alive. Help me understand."

"I will take full responsibility for the outcome." I sighed, my patience running thin. I avoided their gazes as I slid my favorite gun back into its holster.

Stars, I'm trying to control this rising irritation. But failing miserably at it.

Fenrys' eyes narrowed as his sharp gaze fixed upon my profile. Something wild flashed across the depth of his dark blue eyes, and my instincts screamed in response. My muscles tensed automatically as my body entered into fight or flight mode; an instinctive reflex. I forced myself to regulate my breathing. My heart has yet to calm down from the thrill of breaking the commandments still circulating in my system. But that does not mean my mind was muddled. It clearly knows attacking Fenrys was a stupid decision.

"So what next?" Fenrys asked after a moment, but not before I caught a sliver of what looked like acknowledgement in his eyes. "Turn your back and walk out on us? Or perhaps take the chance to eliminate us? Both are fine choices, by the way."

"What the hell are you saying?!" Vesna exclaimed in shock.

"I was just stating facts, Ves. He broke the commandments." Fenrys raised his brow at me. Now that he verbalized it, the full gravity of my actions sunk in and I winced internally at my stupidity.

"And so? That doesn't mean you go about throwing assumptions at the bat of an eye," Vesna shot a glare at him that said shut-up you idiot.

"Believe me, I wish I could walk away right now." Fenrys threw his arms up before he folded it and glowered at me. "But I can't. Not after Mr Spoilt-and-rich decided to pull a stunt in all his popular handsomeness. Now we have to clean up this mess before his father comes after us."

"This mess?" Vesna raised a brow as she delivered a look that says you have got to be joking. With a snap of her fingers, a jet of flame shot towards the creature. "Now what mess exactly?" She huffed and placed both hands on her hips. Fenrys' mouth opened and shuts wisely before it could say something that really piss off the fire-breather.

I said nothing as I watched the Boogey's remains burn. Both my second and third commanders joined me as we stood in silence. Vesna may appear to be destroying all the evidence to prevent my father from finding out the truth. But I know secretly, both of them are offering their silent prayers to the dead faerie in the only form they can. The work of Vesna's magic was always efficient. In seconds, there was nothing left except for a small pile of cinders on the cobbled road. Gone by the time a small breeze blew by.

"I don't think I need to tell you guys to keep today's events to yourselves." I shot them a flash of my smile before turning away.


There was a rumor that a faerie's soul is immortal. Hence, when they die, their souls leave their physical bodies and travel to another dimension. I wonder if it was true. My fingers drummed the smooth surface of my desk as I contemplated what I had done.

The Boogey's face flashed in my mind. The first time I have so publicly rebelled. If father had known, what would he do? If it was her... Would she make the same choice as me?

The breathtaking view of the city looms beneath me in a panoramic setting and the temperature of my private room was set according to my tastes. A perfect room with a perfect view and a perfect bed. But I cannot seem to enjoy any of it.

I sighed as I leaned back against my leather chair and stretched my legs lazily atop my table. The headquarters is a place for all the Paranormal Activities. It is also my home now. I practically live inside it. In fact, most demi-faes like Fenrys and Vesna live here because my father wants it so. Because that way, they can keep an eye on them.

But to me, I think it does not really matter because they could never get them all. There are too many of them out there, abandoned by the fae. Go to any street and you will see one or two demi-faes. Give or take.

From the outside, the Paranormal Activity Department looked like a government building. It was commonly used by my father and his personal entourage of ministers to hold their discussions. But no one can quite realize its existence. Not when the Soren's government covets it as its national secret anyway.

The paperwork has been filed into the archives. The report for today's mission was completed. The cabinet of ministers will read what I wrote in the report tomorrow and decide on my actions. It was all written according to what happened— the S.P.A.D. Unit discovered the target at Quaston Street and diverted its attention to the back alley. But failed to capture it because of an unforeseen circumstance. There was the sudden appearance of a Wyrm Gate and the target escaped.

Wyrm Gates are places where the veil between the two worlds is the thinnest, allowing one to cross over to the other. No one knows how or why they appear. But since a long time ago, our ancestors have found that they are the gateways to the Faerie World, and also, the perfect excuse to cover up my poor attempt at rebellion. If they send a scout to investigate, they would find characteristic traces of magic at the location, indicating a possible gate has sprung up and closed upon itself.

But if they were to dig any deeper, my cover would be blown and the consequences are not something I could afford easily. At the worst, I could have my title and position stripped. But my squad mates would not be as fortunate and I doubt this time I can even stomach the thought.

All the paperwork was done for the day, yet sleep continues to evade me in all its glory, despite the very comfortable position I am currently in. A sudden silhouette loomed over me and I cracked an eye open. "It's two in the morning. What?"

"I'm just here to see my son." That voice. Just the thought of hearing it makes my skin crawl and my chest burning with rage.

"What brings you here in my office, father?" The two syllables were forced through my throat, and spit through the gaps of my tightly smiling lips. I wish they had legs so they could crawl out of my mouth. Saves me the energy from uttering them. It takes too much effort for me to acknowledge him.

The source of my current sour mood stood beside my desk, his muscular hands clasped behind his back. Goddamn training. I should have heard him breathing at least. "I hope you're still not thinking about that girl," My father said as he studied my room, scanning it for signs of her.

"That girl has a name." A vein popped in my neck, but I pressed my fist against the edge of the glass table. Slowly I increase the pressure until it cleared my head a little. "Just tell me what it is you want to say and then get out." I forced the words through my tight lips.

Satisfied with his inspection, my father turned to face me. "How was the mission? I'm sure it went smoothly as it should. After all, you are Damien Ytger and my son always made me proud."

"It went as expected. No casualties. Lasted not over an hour." My reply was curt and clipped. I have been trained by him to report only what was needed as emotions are unnecessary. A soldier must stay focused even in the most extreme situations. Emotions are a tool for your enemies to exploit.

"Good." He looked the same. The same striking looks, a strong jaw, and dark hair that is slightly graying at the temples. Just an older handsome version of myself. Except for the eyes. Cold and as hard as granite. A heartless bastard.

I said nothing as I felt his eyes assess me.

"In top form as well. I expected nothing less," He smiled as he placed a folder onto my desk. The smile was fake. I have seen him practice it over the cameras a million times. With all the speeches he gave, and the many times he had to face the public, I already knew that smile was nothing but a lie. But yet, I cannot stop the fleeting feeling of hope surging across my heart.

"What's this?" I raised my brows in question. "A vacation? Or a new mission?"

"Your new mission." My father answered as if those three words were the final verdict in my court case.

"Details?" I motioned my hand in a circular action. So he wants to play this game? Fine with me then.

"All the details are in the folder." Was that bastard's cryptic reply.

I flipped the file open only to find a huge ass picture of a university printed on a brochure and I froze. My mind went blank. What?

I must have said that out loud because my father laughed. "Damien you can't expect to always stay in your comfort zone. I'm sure you will learn something along the way. Consider it as my gift for all the work you've put for me."

"This is unnecessary. I've learnt all there is in academics. The History of the Great War, Modern Politics and Advanced Warfare. I am well-versed in all the national five literatures and the seven philosophies. I don't see why there is a need for an exchange programme now of all times. You know I can search for a private tutor if this is about foreign-" Before I could continue, my father put up his hand to stop me.

"It seems you're mistaken about something. My son, I'm sending you there because there is a report of a possible Wyrm Gate manifesting in that school. This is not a vacation but a mission. The exchange is nothing but a facade. So spend the time wisely. At least make some friends your age."

I stared at my father in disbelief.

"It's late and I have a meeting tomorrow with the cabinet ministers. Take care of yourself and report to me if anything suspicious happens." My father turned away but paused, "Oh and before I forget, we will have a talk about your future suitors. The cabinet has compiled a list on my request. I'll have Colonel Judah, my assistant, to fetch it for you. I believe there are a few candidates inside it who look promising. All the more so you will forget about that ungrateful girl."

With that, the Prime Minister of Soren left my room along with his two bodyguards standing outside.

I slumped onto my chair with a sigh. Perfect. Just Perfect. "Why do things always not go the way I wanted?"

My fingers hovered over the holographic screen before I pressed the bell for room service. In less than five minutes, one of the agents on duty knocked before entering. "I guessed your favorite is whiskey, sir?"

A new face. He must have just joined the headquarters recently.

"Just call me Damien." I said as I nodded at him to place the tray on my desk before closing my eyes, assuming that he would leave like the rest.

"Is there anything else you'd like?" Not getting the hint, the inexperienced agent stared expectantly at me. My eyes scanned his tag, reading that his name was Jason.

"Not really, thank you." I waved my hand towards the door then I thought of something. "Oh wait, do me a favor will you? Reserve all the training halls under me for the next hours."

The young agent looked at me with a strange expression as if I grew two heads and I shot him a reassuring smile. I do not blame him, after all it has been way past bedtime but I hardly sleep.

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