Chapter 5: Buying A Disguise

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- Briel -

"Can I get a box of your special contacts please?" I coughed and adjusted my volume to make sure that it's not too loud to be overheard but loud enough for the girl at the cashier to hear me.

The apothecary shop was crowded with several customers milling, filled with the soft lull of conversation as the employees explained the contents of each glass jar. The work benches were coated with gold. Had I not known that it was designed to ensure good hygiene and to maintain the quality of its products, I would have doubted its authenticity.

It was a new shop in Soren's City, and it grew popular quickly once it was opened. At first, because it was due to its backer, and then people flock in because of its service and home remedies. I hadn't paid much attention to it since I moved here. For all I know it could be an iffy shop, or some sort of sham. How else did the owner splurge like that? And those fancy shelf linings, stars, I must be dreaming.

The girl looked up from the balancing apparatus she was using to measure some herbs. She studied my Ray Bans and raised a brow but made no comment about it. "Well, you will need to talk to Qas." I nodded and shrugged. This is going better than I expected.

"He's usually the one in-charge of dealing with... special customers. Just head to the back door to his room." She pointed towards the back of the apothecary with her gloved hand. "But you know what? I'll guide you there." With a beaming face, she tossed her gloves and apron away and raised her voice. "I'm taking it all, Qas! You owe me and I would like to take this chance to relish in my glory."

"Ugh damn it. Why Sheila of all people? Damn it, just why? At this rate I will become broke." Something loud thumped at the back of the shop, followed by a string of curses. "Who is that idiot who ruined my day? Damn Ves and her jokes."

I hesitated. Whoever or whatever was waiting for me at the back of the shop sounds like someone I would not want to meet.

"Oh don't worry, he can't harm a single hair of yours." The cashier girl, Sheila grinned. "I must thank you. Because of you, I won an interesting bet." She beckoned me to follow her as she walked out from behind the counter.

"Guys, the fancy bar drinks are on me!" Sheila winked as she walked towards the back. Her comment was followed with whoops and whistles from her colleagues.

"Um what sort of losses are we talking about here?" I asked her as I squared my resolve. If I were to enter into something that deals with collateral, at least I know what I'm getting myself into.

"Oh, it's just a small bet of a hundred dollars. Qas likes to make us work during odd hours, so we started it as an inner joke. Until it came true. Don't worry though, that guy's loaded and he's a stingy bastard."

"You know I can hear you when you're standing outside my office right?" Came a reply before the door in front opens and a tall boy with blonde curls stood leaning against the frame.

Sheila rolled her eyes. "This is Qas. And this is the special customer you must entertain. Now, he's all yours. Good luck." With that she disappeared back to the front of the shop.

I studied Qas as I stood there not knowing how else to proceed. It was too late for regrets anyway. But Sheila was right, because the boy standing in front of me looks like a kind and innocent person, with baby blue eyes and curly blonde hair. It was hard to believe that the words I heard came from him.

"Come in." Qas waved me in before closing the door behind me.

I found myself in a smaller version of the shop just that it was much cleaner and slightly messier with even more strange-looking apparatuses. I noticed it was cleaned frequently as they were kept tidy. "So how did you know about us?" Qas asked me as he folded his arms.

"Us?" I echoed.

"This place. My shop. The Black Apothecary." Qas waved his hand to refer to the entire room.

"You would not believe me, but I'm a fan of V. Some of her Net selfies had similar pictures of the street outside the shop. Sometimes at different angles and different shots, but you know what I mean, any hardcore fan could recognize it. She also commented on my post about getting her contacts here. So putting two and two..." I trailed off.

The boy sighed and facepalmed, before muttering incoherently. Then he clapped his hands and smiled. His beautiful face lit up with boyish innocence and for a moment I was rendered speechless. Qas exudes a brilliance that makes it hard to look away, yet makes me feel that I should not be staring with my mouth hanging open. "Sorry, I must have sounded like a brute. You've come to the right place, love. The Black Apothecary offers help for all sorts of ailments, even those that can't be treated. Do you mind showing me?" He inclined his head slightly towards my Ray Bans.

Somehow, it was the warmth of his gaze or the genuine concern in his eyes, but I felt my anxiety melting away. I blinked. The boy blinked back. He shot me a smile to which I shrugged and grinned back.

"H-how did you do that?" He said.

"Do what?" I said, frowning in confusion.

"There again!" He huffed triumphantly. "Every time I use my glamor you counter it."

"Glamor?" Now I'm standing ready to bolt to the door. If he showed any sign, just even one, I'm out.

"Woah calm down, sweetheart. Even if you run I won't stop you, no one will. You're very safe here." Qas placed his hands up in surrender to show me he meant no harm. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

My resolve wavered slightly. Was I too sensitive? Maybe I was being a tad too paranoid? I stood before the small door that stands before me and the semblance of normalcy that I fought so hard to maintain. You mean feeding yourself lies? A small voice whispered. Or how you act ignorant of all the crazy things that happened?

"Hey, whatever you're gong through, I won't push you for the details. I'm guessing you need contacts, the special ones?" Qas said pulling me back to reality. You can't run forever. That voice whispered.

"Yeah. Give me those. I'll pay whatever the price." I said, turning towards a random tool on the work bench and acting like I was actually standing to take a stretch of my legs.

If Qas noticed my forced actions, he said nothing.

It had not crossed my mind, but why is a guy around my age an owner of an apothecary? Yet with all the things I've seen, this wasn't the strangest. I wonder what the world is turning into.

"Well if what I think you're looking for is this," Qas swiveled on his swingy chair and rummaged through his work bench that was similarly coated with gold at the top surface just like the ones in the main shop. "I have the latest model" He fished out a small box that looked exactly like the contact lens I saw sold commercially.

"Yupp this baby. The latest model I created and you're the first customer to get to try it." He said with a proud gleam in his eye like a child brandishing his trophy.

I reached out for it trying to figure out what color lens it was, but Qas' hand snapped back. "What the?" I said out loud without meaning to.

"Oh shit, it wasn't on purpose I swear. A habitual response developed to deal with Ves- I mean one of my most annoying customers." Qas scratched his head a little apologetically as he handed the box back to me sheepishly.

"Oh it's black. I thought it was brown." Qas didn't miss the slight disappointment in my voice.

"These were the first batch I made. The subsequent batches will have a greater variety of options such as brown, blue and green." He shrugged. "Or that was what I hoped would happen. Guess you'll have to come back the next time for the color you want. I'll have it prepared and I will offer a one-time discount since it was your first time here."

I grinned my ears perking up. "Even if there wasn't a discount I would still take it. Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Qas shot me a look that was full of sympathy. "You know what, if you ever face any difficulties with your ailment of sorts or if you find yourself in a situation you can't get out of, you can call me. We offer express services. Of course, charges do apply." He handed me a name card with his name and number scrawled on it.

"Thanks." No words could express my gratitude. He was the first person I met to ever treat a stranger kindly.

Before I could thank him properly, the door burst open and a tall girl wearing a shimmering dress stormed in. She froze when she saw me.

"Speak of the devil." Qas muttered, rolling his eyes. I looked between the both of them and decided that this was my cue to leave. The girl shot me a polite smile and gave a cheery wave as I walked past her. That was when I noticed the huge crowd of paparazzi standing outside the apothecary.

"For Suola's sake, Vesna! How many times have I told you to knock before entering?" Was all I heard from Qas' outburst before the door closed. In a matter of minutes, I had paid for my purchase and squeezed past the clamoring crowd trying to get a snap of the celebrity that just entered. And then I'm back in the comfort of the hovertube and zipping towards my new school.


The reception of Soren's University was more lavish than I had expected with koi ponds inlaid with black and white tiles, lotus flowers floating on their surfaces and more greenery. It felt as if stepping into a miniature world by itself. I hadn't expected the school to take "an immersive experience with nature" that seriously. Nor did I think "axolotl-friendly" literally meant tanks showcasing those amphibian creatures. I'm trying hard not to ogle at the one that looked suspiciously like a rainbow while I wait for my turn to be called.

Of all the things Rebecca's alma mater takes pride in— A secret stash of colorful axolotl collections?

"Name please?" The lady behind the reception desk said. She has an almost bored tone and I couldn't blame her since it was well past eating hours. But, now she has to deal with me.

"Gabriella Whitehart."

"Did you say Whitehart?" Her head snapped upwards as she eyed me up and down. No doubt noting the designer brands.

"Yes that's me," I said, turning around to face the reception desk. I watched in slight amusement as her face masked into one of surprise and recognition.

"I have heard so much about your family. We are very honored to have you, Miss Whitehart. The Whitehart family has produced many distinguished talents and we are delighted to have the opportunity, again, to groom this generation. There is a premium room available and I can make it ready for you. Hope the accommodations here will make you feel at home. Can't wait for us to be friends." She smiled pleasantly as she handed me a small circular device that resembled a flattened pod.

I stared at the digits that appeared on its screen. A room pod. It has multiple purposes such as an upload function, typically given when someone is assigned a room. It seems to be located on the highest floor where the premium suites are housed. But before I could take a step, the receptionist motioned me towards her.

"Psst hey. Don't know if I should tell you this," she leaned in and whispered. "But, your roommate has a reputation. Her previous partners were chased out with really large commotions. Like kinda lots of shouting and throwing, you know. But since she's one of our backers, no one could do anything to stop her."

I blinked and nodded my thanks, before I pulled my luggage along. Must be some spoilt rich brat.

"Hey! But, if you wish to, I could help you to change a new roommate. Just that it won't be a premium suite unfortunately." She called after me.

I shook my head. "It's fine, but I prefer the premium suite." The receptionist shot me a look of pity as I headed towards the elevator.

A roommate that doesn't seem to want a new partner? That is exactly what I wanted.

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