Chapter 9: Garden Of Sins

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Capital vices. The seven traits of Man; or cardinal sins. Mainly– Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth. Contrary to the seven heavenly virtues (see page 13), these sins are often thought to be excessive of Man's passions.

- Page 12 of Royal Archives. On Humans.

- Gabriella -

"Who are you?" I said as I noted the faint smile of amusement on his lips.

"You must be Briel." The boy smiled.

"How did you know?" I frowned. He shrugged in response.

"My name is Res and I don't do handshakes." He nodded towards my arm that I was about to offer. I shrugged in response and said nothing. "Before you decide to chase me out, I'll let you know it was Vesna who sent me here."

"Who said I was going to chase you out?" I said before I sat down on the soft grass. My eyes wandered up to Res' hands wondering if there was an impairment or a disability that prevented him, but all I saw was a pair of lithe fingers that functioned like any.

Res joined me on the grass and I noted how he seemed to keep a respectful distance between us— a gesture I much appreciated. Being a little wary, I was not a fan of strangers invading my private space carelessly. My high school friends in the past assumed a close relationship once they made my acquaintance, much to my bafflement. The only few people I truly do not mind were Rebbie and that funny-looking Boogey that used to hide in my old closet.

From the corner of my eye, the boy folded his legs over the other neatly. He seemed highly accustomed to this particular stance, assuming it smoothly. I noted he was wearing jeans with a black button-down shirt— a little overdressed for school but does enhance his boyishness.

His dark hair was not too short and neatly combed to the side, which was surprisingly a little old-fashioned.

"So you're a new face around here." He stated as he looked ahead.

"Am I really that recognizable?" I quipped back.

"Haha, no wonder Vesna likes you. To answer your question, I was just stating because I haven't seen you around here. This place is pretty hush-hush. Only a few of us know about its existence." Res shrugged with a shoulder. "Can't blame me for being curious."

"I think I get what you mean. With all the government breathing down our necks and the efforts at conserving what was once left of Mother Earth. It is pretty amazing we're even allowed to access this," I said as I let the hand that was facing away from him run along the tips of the soft grass.

Almost instantly, soothing warmth tingled up my arm upon contact and I let out a soft sigh.

How long has it been? Only about four hours and it was already back.

The slight fatigue I have been feeling since just a little while ago began to fade as I do my recharge for the second time in the day. I like to term it as that because the way it felt reminded me of how a battery was plugged in to be charged.

When I was twelve, I vaguely remembered entering a building for a school trip and feeling anxious for no reason. Back then I missed the time with Tiny Asura and her friends because I was running late. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed with a pounding headache. I heard from Rebbie the school trip was canceled since I had vomited until I fainted.

"I know right," Res chuckled. "When I first came here, I had the same impression. It all seemed like a different world altogether."

"Like a dream that's too good to be true," I marveled at the sensation of dew on my fingers and every blade of grass that snicked under my palm. So much green here made me wonder if one day these pockets of spaces would disappear for good. That was until they started to curl and wrap around my fingers.

Res let out a gasp beside me. In all my distraction and carelessness, I had not realized that he had been watching me play with the grass. With a speed as fast as lightning, I tucked my hand away quickly. But it was too late, he has already discovered my little secret. Stupid stupid.

He muttered something incomprehensible.

"What?" I said.

"You're one of them aren't you?" Res was now on his feet at least five meters apart from me.

"I don't understand what you mean." I looked around wildly, my eyes darted across this enclosed space, seeking a familiar exit. But instead of a door, all I saw were brick walls that surrounded all four directions, covered in that frustrating leafy vines.

"That," He pointed at the grass where I had placed my hand on moments before they curled inwards. "Was clearly magic."

My eyes widened in both surprise and horror as they followed the alleged direction his finger pointed at. My muscles seemed to stop functioning at the moment, my mind drawing a terrible blank.

"Hey, you still need to breathe." Res reminded me before I began to faint from the stages of asphyxiation. Black spots dotted my vision. I coughed, almost choking on my own saliva, gulping the air as I breathed once again.

The last time this happened was right then, at Diane's courtyard with that thing.

Res glanced worriedly at me, yet he still maintained his distance distrustfully. After much hesitation, he finally inched closer and reached out a tentative hand before giving me a light pat on the back.

"I have seen the same thing before." Res hesitated on whether he should say more. "With others who came here. Only once or twice though. Whatever you did with the grass."

I only stared at him trying to regain my breathing.

"I... Look, I'm sorry for accusing you of magic. I barely met you and it was wrong of me to jump to conclusions about you being a demi-fae."

"A what?!" I coughed.

He blinked before frowning a little. "Don't you know what a demi-fae is?"

"I'm sorry, a what?" I repeated.

"Look, actually Vesna asked me to come so you would not lose your way here." Res shrugged. "But it seems she did not need to worry after all. Because it was an innate thing."

I frowned as my right hand gripped my ring, a nervous habit. I needed something to hold tightly to, and the grass was the only thing I could do here in this god's forsaken place, which was not an option. In case the same thing happened again.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." I intended it to come out bravely, but my voice was barely a whisper. What was that? I have never heard of that word.

"We do not mean any harm. Well, Vesna too. But this place is not for the faint-hearted. There was a reason why they sent me here."

I said nothing except frown up at him in confusion. What was happening these few days? First, it was that boy in the apothecary who mentioned the word glamour... And now this?

"You may not be aware that there are others... creatures that are co-existing with us. These regulars usually come here to this garden, they are a little different from normal people." Res spoke slowly so that his words could sink into my mind.

"And I am one of these... people?" I countered not daring to believe a single word he said.

For how long, my entire life I supposed, have I been living in the dark? Were there others like me? Is there a reason why I could see things that others cannot?

"I cannot say for certain, Briel. But one thing I know is that I have seen the same thing happening a few times before with the demi-faes." He frowned as he looked at the spot where I was sitting before.

"And you expect me to trust you? A stranger whom I just met?" I snorted.

Res' eyes had a look. One that I was familiar with. It was sympathy and a little bit of helplessness and something else. Pity. It was a little different from the look I saw on Rebbie sometimes when the parcel that came turned out to be a box full of evil eyes. Or that time, when the kids in my old neighborhood pasted notes on our door with only one word "freak", as a sick joke. Frustration boiled in me like a bad taste in my mouth.

"You do not have to trust me. I just wanted you to know that Vesna did not want you to find out the truth. So here I am, warning you not to get too involved with her. She is not who you think she is." Res gave a half-shrug.

"And you know so much because you're her best friend?" I said sarcastically.

Res ran a hand across his dark hair with a sigh. "Vesna and I, we go a little back. Before she was involved in any of this. We were childhood friends."

We fell into a temporary silence that was filled with the serene scenery offered by this hidden place. Res seemed to be quite comfortable despite my escalating nervousness, and the development of the events. I was slightly grateful that he was not speaking. His quiet presence was somehow comforting while I faced the turmoil that was battling inside of me.

"So... the demi-fae, what are they?" I said, breaking the silence.

"They are a species who live in another world, possessing magic and they use glamour to live among us." Res stated. "Only people with the Sight can see past their glamour and the reason why humans like us are able to live and go on our merry lives without knowing of their existence."

"And because of that, if there are other species, well other than the fae out here in this world, no one can really know unless we live to tell the tale. Not every of the fae are peaceful. There are some that come with dark intentions." There was a seriousness to Res as he stared at a point ahead.

"And you're someone with the Sight? Is that why you knew of all this?" I questioned.

"Yes," Res nodded and shrugged. "I started seeing strange things when I turned sixteen. No one really knows when the Sight will appear. Some may possess it since they were born. Only truly gifted individuals may also have special abilities that appear when they are in life-threatening situations."

"Was that why you wanted to tell me all of this?" I closed my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. All of this was a little overwhelming. The image of a pair of electric blue eyes flashed across my mind and I shivered involuntarily.

"Vesna told me not to reveal such information, but I could not keep it to myself if I thought someone had been in my shoes. It is all quite crazy in here." Res pointed to his head. "Although I guess now I am probably going to face detention."

I looked at him in alarm, but he only laughed in response.

"Look, I am breaking a lot of laws just by telling you about the existence of the fae. Vesna would flip if she knew I even told you about S.P.A.D.. That will be the only thing I will not speak about." He stared pointedly at my hand. The one that I had brushed across the grass. "I suppose I shall help you this time, till you figure out whatever that you need."

I shrugged in response but inside I was secretly glad that he was not going to leave it just like that. Maybe I am one of the gifted individuals as Res said. Or I could also be one of those demi-faes. I squinted at the ring that hung upon my neck. It only glinted dully under the sunlight. I let out a huff of frustration.

"Honestly, I think you should talk to Vesna." Res offered.

"Talk to her? But you said not to trust her?" I said.

"If you told her about your abilities, I believe she would do what she can to help you. But if you are seeking a friendship, then I am afraid, things might not turn out very well. Just do not tell her that it was me who told you about demi-faes." Res said as he turned to leave.

"I will be around here if you need help. Just holler. Honestly, I recommend you get it sorted before the others find out. I believe there is a way to control it." Res said as he left, without saying goodbye.


The silent darkness was a place of solace as my consciousness floated. I knew the moment my dream self passed through the veil between the dream and waking. My skin prickled at the familiar pressure that gradually builds until I passed over. It has not been long since the last time it happened. Neither was it an unusual occurrence. I have had these episodes from what I could remember.

If it was not nightmares, then it would be this. Flashes of images flew by. The cold of frostbite, the searing of the sun, the fall of leaves, the fragrance of the most vibrant flowers, and the moonless night filled with stars. I was running, from someone or towards something, trees as tall as buildings flashed past, roots as thick as my arms filled the ground, reaching towards me to halt my tracks.

Something was dripping in the background and suddenly the scene changed. I have transported away to another place. Here it was tranquil save for the chirping of birds and rustling soft wind. The dripping sound was now clearer and much louder.

I recognized it as water. My feet touched something cold and hard like granite, but everywhere was darkness. This again was unusual. Usually, the episodes would start and then end with flashes of places or strange people. Never have I felt the physical boundaries of my dreams.

Where exactly am I? How can I feel the cold floor against my feet? Just what is going on?

Was this not just a dream?

But as soon as my feet touched the stone, the dream faded and I was once again floating in the familiar sea of peace and darkness. I woke up, rubbing my eyes and my phone read three in the morning. There were several messages that I missed. Since the conversation with Res, I was left with millions of questions in my head and I decided to turn myself in early before the school term starts.

There were two text messages from Rebbie and the other seven were from a very familiar number. I stared at the name for several beats and that feeling of uneasiness came back once again. My phone started ringing from that very same number and I hit the call button without thinking.

"Briel? It's Diane. Could we... Could we talk?"

A/N: I've made some minor changes to the story. Josephine has been changed to Diane from now onwards.

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