CHAPTER 14 - Uncertain Reality

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I fell asleep with Eve cuddled next to me and the twins snoozing in their crib across the room. She had finished the day monitoring the fetuses's development in the Embryo Lab. While she did that, I took my turn milking the cow and gathering eggs from the hens. After dinner, I added more logs to the fire, and we retired to the bedroom. It didn't take long to drift off after nightfall.

Images flash across my mind of things I've never done and places I've never been. Powerful emotions make the visions feel as real as anything I've ever experienced. Somehow I know this is all in my head, but I'm caught up in the moment, my breath stolen, heart racing. We're in our dorm room at the Johnson Space Center, Eve leaning against the back of the couch, me pacing the floor after hearing the news of how the flood waters had swelled even higher, swamping the east coast from Florida to Mississippi, and the west coast from California to New Mexico. We're hemmed in and waiting for the evacuation to take place.

"Call Abraham," Eve says. "Call him now. We have to leave. What's taking them so long? I don't understand, Noah. They're supposed to have the shuttles ready to lift off."

I strain to find my next breath. When I stumble upon it, I press my phone to select the contact of the NASA Administrator.

Abraham was the head of NASA? He wasn't just a chief scientist; he was the chief scientist.

It's a new revelation, like I'm realizing it for the first time, like my dreams are unlocking the truth repressed deep in my subconscious. But according to Abraham himself, he was never really my boss. He's a created entity implanted in the body of a clone, but he's in my dreams and it seems so real.

What is the truth, and why does Abraham keep ending up in my memories?

I'm so distracted, I don't hear the phone ringing as I make the call, but I snap out of it when he answers.

"Noah, what do you need? I'm kind of busy right now."

"We have our personal bags packed up and ready to go," I say, glaring at Eve's troubled eyes. "When are we leaving?"

"Soon. Just sit tight and be patient."

"But it's pouring rain outside, Abraham. You know, the higher the water gets, the more it evaporates into the atmosphere. Which means the more it rains, the more it floods what dry land remains. The fountains of the deep—"

"I know the science. The compressed water molecules at the deepest parts of the world's oceans are releasing at an unprecedented rate. It's like a runaway freight train. I know."

"Then what's taking so long? We can take all the time we want once we're in space."

"We're making a few last minute..." there's a hitch in his voice, "preparations... that our engineers are working on. Just be patient."

"That's something we're short on right now."

"Yes, well, hold on a while longer. I have to go; I don't have time to talk. Bye."

The phone clicks dead in my ear. I look at Eve. "He says they're almost ready. Just a little longer."

"Time is running out, Noah. Can't they see that?" Her countenance falls. It kills me seeing her in so much anguish. "They need to wake up."

I feel hands on me, shaking me, but Eve stands there looking at me. "Wake up, Noah!"

My eyes open with a start. I glance around in the darkness and see the faint outline of Eve leaning over me.

"Noah, are you alright?" You must have been dreaming. You were tossing and turning and mumbling to yourself."

I heave in a deep breath, and in the next few minutes, I tell her about my dream, and how it seemed like a repressed memory, buried deep beneath everything I thought I knew.

She lays her head on my chest and sighs. "I don't remember." She tenses against me. "Oh, my. All the sudden, I remember it, and that's so weird that Abraham is in my memory too."

"The strange thing about it is I don't remember what comes next." My hand sifts through her hair and caresses the back of her head, drawing her closer to me as if that were possible, her cheek warm against my chest. "I mean, I know what Abraham told us on the space ark about everything, but I don't remember it happening."

"That is so strange."

I agree with her as we lie here, trying to process the most recent addition to our memories. "It feels so real. We were there, but weren't."

"It was the first Noah and Eve. The originals."

In the darkness, we try to go back to sleep, but realize we can't. So we decide to start the day.

When I walk out onto the front porch in nothing but my boxers, the sun is glowing in the east, the morning light glaring across the sky, casting shadows across the mountains.

From behind, Eve wraps an arm around me. "You'll catch a cold out here."

I notice the gooseflesh on my arms. I'm glad I don't see more falling snow, adding to the deep accumulations on the ground. "Maybe my dream unlocked the memory, like the sun drives away the darkness? What if there is more buried in my mind that I'll remember one day?"

"Then we'll remember them together, but we need to understand that those things never happened to us." She squeezes me. "Come in and get some clothes on."

Once inside the cabin, I close the door on the outside world.

Inside, I add a couple of logs to the fireplace and crank up the heat, the orange flames kicking up, shadows dancing on the walls.

After breakfast, layered beneath my parka, Jinx and I do the morning routine of clearing the power line, checking on the generator, and sweeping the perimeter for threats. Finding everything quiet, except for a slight tremor that Jinx informs me has an epicenter at Yellowstone, we return to the cabin to perform the checks in the Embryo Lab. When I finish with that, I help Eve with the Animal Barn, and afterwards, I take an inventory of our seed stock in the Farm Lab. I can't wait for spring to plant crops in the small plain surrounding the landing site of the rocket ship.

Back in the cabin, we tend to the children, and once they're down for an afternoon nap, we find some quiet time in the living room.

My thoughts linger on the dream I had, and on the message we sent Jude, asking for more information about the future he has planned for us. Eve and I talk about it, knowing Jinx is charging nearby, eavesdropping, but we carry on with our conversation, anyway. It seems the flood waters of the past and the super volcano of the present create an atmosphere of mounting pressure. Add to that the anticipation of waiting for Jude to reply. Seems like he makes us wait on purpose.

"I wonder where Jude is from?" Eve asks. "Where are the messages coming from? If we accepted his offer, we would most likely go there. Wherever there is."

"That's a good question. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. I just hope it's not a trap."

She glances at me.

I shrug. "Cain and Jezebel re-cloned and back at it again?"

"That doesn't seem their style."

"Let's hope you're right."

That's when Jinx powers up with an electronic chime and a rush of air from his undercarriage. Maybe he has something to say about the subject? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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