CHAPTER 30 - Too Good to be True

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In the morning, I awaken to an unexpected sight. On the wall above our heads, radiant sunlight streams down through coconut fronds, visible through a window view of the Hawaiian rainforest. As Eve stirs next to me, I rise and discover the frame is nothing more than a recessed, ultra-slim screen displaying a crystal-clear image of the world outside the bunker. Last night, the screen was dormant, blending in with the surrounding wall. The discovery makes me wonder what other advanced technologies the facility might be hiding.

Eve's eyes brighten when she sees the brilliant color on display. The sight gives us a sense of wonder and hope that Jude's offer of a better life might be all she promised. It also reminds me about what's supposed to be on the television this morning.

In the family room, I press a button on the TV and the screen comes to life, split into four images of the island's interior. As we make sense of the camera views, Daisy wanders into the room, bleating, telling us she's hungry. A quick glimpse in the bathroom where she slept tells me there's a surprise to clean up later.

On one of the split screens, several people work in a garden the old-fashioned way, handpicking ripened vegetables. The easiest to discern from a distance are the rows of corn and tomatoes. The top right screen shows an expanded view of the garden from an even greater distance. From this perspective, I can make out a fence around the vicinity, chain-linked with barbed-wire on top. Every twenty feet, there are square signs on the fence with jagged lines... warning of high voltage. Last night, I suppose the guards had good reason to secure the area before Jude came out to meet us by the tracer. The guns and the protected perimeter around the garden tell the story of an ongoing predator threat.

The bottom split-screens show people tending to some sort of project, working feverishly, covering something with a tarp, shoving it into a storage building and shutting the doors. There are jeeps and motorcycles nearby. Guards stand watch with guns, and strange disc-shaped drones hover above them. These things seem normal, fitting the picture of a society, living and advancing in a dangerous environment. But there must be some goal or timeline they're all striving to meet. The people in the garden scene are also moving faster than normal. All these things catch and hold my attention.

"I wonder why they're in such a hurry?" Eve says, a curious tilt to her chin.

"That's a good question. Maybe we'll learn more when we see Jude next."

In the master bedroom, thinking about the doors I haven't looked behind, I open the closet to find clothes. Cargo pants and polo shirts on one side, smaller pants and V-neck shirts on the other. Beneath the hanging clothes are shelves with folded shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops. I try on a pair of pants and discover a perfect fit. Eve does the same. We stare at each other in surprise. The shirts fit too. These clothes had to be in the closet when we entered last night. I slept hard, but I believe I would have known if someone snuck into our room overnight.

"Got any thoughts?" I ask Eve.

"None. Except they know more about us than we first believed."

Cries from Autumn and Ash interrupt the moment, and in a flash, we're parenting, changing their cloth diapers and giving them baths for the day. Believe it or not, but a closet in the children's room contains baby clothes. Nothing special. Just little blue, red, and gray jumper suits that button in the back, easy to dress and change. We didn't notice these things last night with exhaustion setting in.

After hot showers, we dress, ready for whatever the day brings. Beige cargo pants and a navy-blue T-shirt for me. Shorts and a red V-neck for Eve. Hiking boots, just in case.

We remember Jude telling us the cafeteria served breakfast, so we make our way through the corridors, asking for directions when necessary. Before long, we find ourselves in the buffet line. We get our trays and pick out empty seats at a table in the middle of the dining room. People watch us, their eyes asking questions like: Who is this new family? What are they doing here? Where did they come from? Most of the people in the cafeteria are nice enough to look away when we notice them staring. Others smile and nod. Still others act like we're not even there.

After scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits, we return to our room because we didn't know what else to do. I wave my wrist over the square of black glass like Jude had the night before. The door opens as it did with her. My theory is some sort of bio scanner programmed with our DNA, which poses another question. When did they get samples from us? And considering the clothes, when did they get our sizes? Last night? Then a thought hits me. Was the key lime pie drugged? Were we knocked unconscious for Jude to enter our apartment with helpers to make all these things possible?

And what about the twins? Even if they didn't drug them, we wouldn't have heard them cry if intruders startled them. Maybe they drugged them, too?

I shake my head, unsure what to make of this. When I share my thoughts with Eve, she tells me she doubts they drugged us. They must have done something else...

Then it hits me. "Jinx."


"They took the drone in for repairs. They must have probed his memory banks for all the information about us, even our DNA code. While we were in the cafeteria last night, they could have put the clothes in our closets. Put the pie in the fridge..."

"That's doable," Eve says. "Makes the most sense."

"It makes me feel better than them sneaking into our room at night while we slept."

Several minutes pass as Eve sits on the family room floor with the twins, trying to entertain them. I'm pondering what we've talked about when there's a knock at the door. It's Jude.

"Good morning," she says, stepping inside. "Hope you slept well."

I hesitate, thinking about what might have happened during the night.

Jude studies me for a moment and then presses on. "I came by to let you know that something big is about to happen."

Eve gets up from the floor, leaving the twins playing with their sock toy.

Jude says, "It'll take place in the main control room. That's where the action will be. Afterwards, we can check on Jinx. The tech lab is close to where we'll be going, anyway."

"Speaking of?" I let my gaze linger on Jude until she makes the connection.

"Jinx's repairs are almost complete," she says. "So don't worry, we'll have him back to you in no time."

"Did you learn anything from him?"

Jude arches a brow. "What do you mean?"

"Were you able to crack open his hard drive and read all his secrets?"

Her nose scrunches up. "Jinx has a complex firewall. We're only working on his communication systems and his weapons. As you'll soon learn, we could use him out in the field, along with our drones."

I don't know if I believe her explanation. I feel myself battling paranoia, but then I remember our conversation last night about her employer. The fact her boss and this facility have been around for a thousand years boggles my mind. I consider, despite the wear and tear in the bunker, that the people and the drones have kept up the place well. Thinking about all this makes me wonder about Jude's age. How old is she? So, I ask her.

She offers a slight grin and doesn't miss a beat. "I've been overseeing this facility since the flood."

My mouth drops. "How is that possible?"

"With Lucent, anything is possible."

My head swims as I connect the dots. "Lucent Technologies was the company that was supposed to solve the problem with the cryo sleep chambers. But you couldn't. Or wouldn't. Which is it?"

"I was a teenager when the flood came." Jude shrugs. "I know little about my father's dealings before then."

I glare at her. "Your father is the CEO of Lucent Technologies?"

Jude nods as if this revelation shouldn't be surprising. "I've already explained how his plan was to stay on Earth. We used a submarine to reach the facility once the waters rose above it, and we stayed here until the waters receded."

"But you didn't tell me he was your father. And besides that, why didn't he come for us? He left us stranded on that cruise ship."

Jude narrows her eyes. "I don't know what Abraham told you. Maybe there was a misunderstanding? My father's plan the entire time was this facility. When Ziva Adams and Genesis Inc. couldn't perfect the science of cryogenic hibernation, my father disassociated himself from NASA because he didn't want to die. Yes, he sacrificed his cloning technology and donated it to the space ark, but he never wanted a part of it himself."

The memories surge through me. All my work with Abraham, NASA, the rising waters, being abandoned on a doomed cruise ship. "He left us?"

"Left who? You, or the original Noah?"

As soon as her reply hits my ears, I realize she's right. It wasn't me or Eve. I run my hand through my hair and glance at my wife. Then I realize something.

"Are you immortal?" I ask, the strange thought making my head wag.

She offers me a warm smile, dimples surfacing, but she doesn't answer. Then she says, off subject, "My father will awaken in two months after Ziva Adams is born."

Her statement is important, but my head still spins from everything else I've learned. "Why are the people on the island working so hard? Why are they in such a hurry?"

"They're preparing for what's coming. It's all related to the big show, or better yet, its replay." Jude starts to leave, but turns back. "Give this to the guard at the first checkpoint. He'll give you an escort to the control room."

She places a business card in my hand and then leaves. As the door closes behind her, I read the print on the front: Judas Devlin, Administrator of Lucent Technologies, Kauai Facility.

Judas Devlin. The name sends a chill down my spine.

Before the door closes, she sticks her head back in for a last word. "Just so you know, baby Ziva is the key. It's her retinal scan that will unlock my father's hibernation chamber."

Then she's gone, leaving Eve and me with even more questions about the future, especially about why we're here. Of course, I'm curious now more than ever about this special event, the big show, or its replay, which is supposed to be happening soon.

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