Chapter 44 - Nova (Part 3)

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Journal 6:

Rivin is leaving. The boys are eighteen months but one wouldn't know it by looking at them. They have the bodies and energetic demeanor of young men, tall yet slim like my people and proud of their wavy, flame hair that tops their heads. They are near identical except for the magic flowing through them, Agni having darkness and Agni light. They do not want Rivin to go, but it is time. They can survive on their own now and Rivin was only a surrogate for their missing father until they were stable.

I however must continue to stay. Just because they can survive does not mean that they would do well alone. Though not related by blood directly, I am their mother, and I chose this life the moment I left Pyre and my children behind. It is now my duty to rear these boys into great men who will learn to accept what they are and interact with others safely.

For that mission, Rivin gifted us a new home, an intricate cave system below the Sol deserts in an area of thick bedrock and stable tunnels. Rivin furnished and readied it with proper air filtration for me and Alev as well as a stable garden, a stream for water, and an underground lake full of self-sustaining fish. It isn't luxury, but it is life. One where the boys will need to learn to take care of what they have or lose it. It will be a healthy lesson for them as they grow. I cannot be there to always hand everything to them, but I will do my best.

Before Rivin left, he sealed the caves with a barrier of his mighty power. Only the dhampir children can open it, so it protects us from intruders while hiding our magic. I have no real desire to leave the caves, though the boys drag me out into the sun to make sure I don't wither away. I am a Cinder, and the warmth and fire of the deserts resonates with me as much as them. This place was built for us, I suppose. Someday I hope to return to Pyre and Helia, but in case I am unable, this will be my last entry.

I leave this journal with Rivin Sol in hopesthat it should one day end up in the hands of those I love. I know right nowthat they would not accept where I have done or who I have conspired with tosave these children. But one day, should they accept peace over this constantwar, I pray they find this journal and know the truth.


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