Welcome to Awakened Flame!

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***For those clicking this book without having first read the REST of the Dusk Series (This is book 6, and will be a tad confusing without the prior books)***  

Secondary Note, there is a lot in Sun's Shadow that sets the stage for this world. I recommend reading it to fully understand Tala and Wren's relationship as well as a bit of Vice's origin.     


Is everyone hyped for some flames? xDD This book has plenty with the Sols and  Cinders at each other's throats (both erotically and physically hahah) I'm super excited to set out on this adventure with Vice and Helia, as well as give Tala and Wren some much needed attention! Please enjoy this final story with my desert babies, and please comment your thoughts, things you love, or things you hate XD I love to hear from you!

Without Further Ado! ------>

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