Resistance Fleet Composition

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MC85 Star Cruiser(The Raddus, 1)

Capital Ship(1): 
MC-80 Liberty Type(1)

Nebulon C Class Escort Frigate (The Anodyne,1)
Vakbeor Class Cargo Frigate (The Vigil, 1)
 Nebulon C Class Escort Frigates(4) 
Vakbeor Class Cargo Frigates(3)
Nebulon B Class Escort Frigates(5)

Free Virgillia Class Bunker Buster(The Ninka, 1)
CR-90 Class Corvette (the Tantive IV, 1) 
Free Virgillia Class Bunker Busters(5)

Unidentified Mon Clamari Cruisers(???)  

Flagship: MC85 Star Cruiser(The Raddus)

Description: The Raddus, formerly known as the Dawn of Tranquility, was an MC85 Star Cruiser that served as the flagship of General Leia Organa. It was used by the Resistance during its war against the First Order. It was one of the last ships built before the signing of the Military Disarmament Act by the Galactic Empire and New Republic. The vessel gained the moniker Raddus upon its entry into the service of the Resistance, when Admiral Gial Ackbar petitioned to rename it in honor of the famed Admiral Raddus, who had died in service of the Alliance at the Battle of Scarif after defying the Rebel Alliance's political leaders and choosing to fight against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Length: 3,438.37 Meters

Width: 706.55 Meters

Height: 461.61 meters

Engine Units: 11 Sublight Ion Drives

Hyperdrive Rating: Equipped

Shielding: Experimental Deflector Shielding

Hull: Durasteel

Sensor System: Ventral Integrated Targeting And Sensor Array(1), Forward Sensor Array Group(1)

Heavy Turbolasers(18)
Heavy Ion Cannons(18)
Point-Defense Laser Cannons(12)
Proton Torpedo Launchers(6)
Tractor Beam Emitter(1)

RZ-2 A-Wing Interceptor
T-70 X-Wing Starfighter
U-55 Orbital Loadlifter
Resistance Transport Pod(1)

Docking Bays: 2

Escape Craft: Equipped

Crew: 1,139

Communication System: Long Distance Communications Antennae

Capital Ship: 

Description: common variant of the MC80 Star Cruiser line was exemplified by the Cruiser Liberty . It had an array of nine engines, divided into three different sizes, located at the stern. A large wing-shaped superstructure was affixed to the main hull on either side, containing weapons pods and Tractor Beam arrays.

Length: 1,500 Meters

Maximum Acceleration: 2,750 G

Engine Units: Thrusters Of Various Sizes(9)

Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.0

Hyperdrive Rating Backup: Class 9.0

Shielding: Advanced Main And Backup Shield Generators

Hull Armor: Thick Armor

Sensor System: Long-Range Sensor

Navigation System: Navi Computer

Heavy Dual Turbolaser Batteries(48): Fore(12), Port(12), Starboard(12), Aft(12)
SW-7 Heavy Dual Ion Cannon Batteries(20): Fore(5), Port(5), Starboard(5), Aft(5)
Laser Cannons
Cluster Bombs
Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors(6)

Starfighters Ranging To X Wings, Y Wings, A Wings, B Wings(36)
Landing Crafts
Stock Light Freighters(2)
Utility Vehicles
Mixture Of Light Ground Vehicles

Crew: 5,400: Officers(668), Enlisted(4,734)

Passengers: 4,000

Frigates: Nebulon C Class Escort Frigate (The Anodyne)

Description: The Anodyne was a modified Nebulon-C escort frigate that served in the New Republic Defense Fleet and later the Resistance navy during its conflict with the First Order. Originally decommissioned by the New Republic, the Anodyne was transferred to a Resistance-friendly salvage yard for repairing. It later served as a medical frigate for the Resistance. During the evacuation of D'Qar, there were four cruisers. The Anodyne was placed under the command of Vice Admiral Resdox. It was destroyed by the Supremacy when it ran out of fuel and entered into its range. The crew, with the exception of the captain, evacuated the doomed craft via U-55 loadlifters and escaped to the Raddus, while the captain remained behind to die with his ship

Length: 549.17 Meters

Width: 195.06 Meters

Height: 322.21 meters

Hyperdrive Rating: Equipped

Sensor System: Forward Sensor Array

Heavy Turbolasers(10)
Point Defense(6)
Proton Torpedo Launchers(2)

Crew: 170

Frigate: Vakbeor Class Cargo Frigate (The Vigil)

Description: The Vigil was a Vakbeor-class cargo frigate manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It was captured by Resistance commandos from pirates during a battle off the Chasidron Shoals. It became part of the Resistance fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Jotis during their war with the First Order.It was one of four vessels that Resistance forces on the planet D'Qar evacuated on after they were attacked by the First Order following the destruction of Starkiller Base. After the Resistance successfully destroyed the First Order Dreadnought Fulminatrix above D'Qar, the Vigil jumped to light

Length: 496.92 Meters

Width: 79.88 Meters

Height: 154.46 Meters

Engine Units: Sublight Engines

Laser Cannons(4)
Tractor Beam Projectors(2)

Crew: 26

Communication System: Long-Range Comms Array

Frigate: Vakbeor-Class Cargo Frigate

Length: 496.92 Meters

Width: 79.88 Meters

Height: 154.46 Meters

Engine Units: Sublight Engines

Laser Cannons(4)
Tractor Beam Projectors(2)

Crew: 26

Communication System: Long-Range Comms Array

Frigate: Nebulon C Class Escort Frigates

Description: The Nebulon-C escort frigate was a type of frigate used by the New Republic and later by the Resistance during the First Order–Resistance war. It was a successor model to the Nebulon-B escort frigate.

Length: 549.17 Meters

Width: 195.06 Meters

Height: 322.24 meters

Engine Units: Ion Drive Thruster Nozzles(9)

Hyperdrive System: Equipped

Power Plant: 
Main Reactor
Auxiliary Power Generator
Power Recycling Cells
Power Cells(5)

Shielding: Deflector Shield Array

Sensor System: Navigation And Targeting Sensor Spine, Sensor Array Blister

Heavy Turbolasers(10)
Point Defense(6)
Proton Torpedo Launchers(2)
Tractor Beam Projectors

Starfighter Wing(1)
U-55 Orbital Loadlifter(2)

Docking Bays: Docking Booms(2)

Crew: 170

Communication System: Primary Comms Array

Corvette: Free Virgillia Class Bunker Buster(The Ninka)

Description: The Ninka was a Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster in service of the Resistance during its conflict with the First Order. Its commanding officer was Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.

After the Atterra campaign, the Resistance bomber squadrons Cobalt and Crimson Squadron were transported aboard the ship back to D'Qar so they could help with the Resistance's evacuation of their base. The Ninka, alongside the Raddus, the Vigil and the Anodyne, escaped to the Crait system. Unbeknownst to them, the First Order had tracked them through hyperspace and began an attack on the fleet. The Vigil was destroyed during an attack by laser fire from the Supremacy. After Poldin LeHuse and another TIE fighter destroyed the primary bridge of the Raddus, the Ninka shot both of them down in retaliation.

After outrunning the First Order for hours, the Anodyne ran out of fuel and was quickly destroyed by the Supremacy as its crew evacuated. The Ninka was destroyed shortly after

Length: 316.05 Meters

Width: 242.53 meters

Height: 88.69 meters

Hyperdrive System: Equipped

Heavy Dual Turbolasers Turrets(2)
 Point Defense Laser Cannons(4)
Heavy Plasma Bombs(3, 100 Megaton Yield)
Heavy Ordnance Pods(8)

MG-100 StarFortress SF-17(8)
A-Wing Squadron(1)
Resistance Transport Pod(1)
U-55 orbital loadlifter(2)

Crew: 23

Corvette: CR90 Corvette(Tantive IV)

Description: The Tantive IV was a CR90 corvette in the service of the House of Organa. The ship was a central player in the events at the beginning of the Galactic Civil War, serving as Princess Leia Organa's personal starship in the leadup to the Battle of Yavin. Decades later, the vessel would play a crucial role during the war between the First Order and the Resistance when it took part in the climatic Battle of Exegol. During the battle, the Tantive IV was destroyed by Darth Sidious' Force lightning attack.

Length: 150 Meters

Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 950 Kph

Engine Units: Equipped

Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2

Hyperdrive System: Equipped

Shielding System: Equipped

Sensor System: Equipped

Double Turbolaser Turrets(2)
Single Turbolaser Turrets(4)

Escape Craft: 
Passenger Escape Pod(4-12)
Small Escape Pods(12)


Passengers: More Than 100

Life Support: Equipped

Frigate: Free Virgillia-Class Bunkerbuster

Description: The Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster, also known as the Bunker Buster, was a type of corvette model constructed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and used during the First Order–Resistance war by the Resistance. Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo commanded a Bunker Buster known as the Ninka for the Resistance.

Length: 316.05 Meters

Width: 242.53 meters

Height: 88.69 meters

Engine Units: Ion Engines(12)

Hyperdrive System: Equipped

Power Plant: Main Reactor

Shielding: Deflector Shield Projectors

Sensor Systems: Primary Sensor Array

Heavy Dual Turbolasers Turrets(2)
Point Defense Laser Cannons(4)
Heavy Plasma Bombs(3, 100 Megaton Yield)
Heavy Ordnance Pods(8)

MG-100 StarFortress SF-17(8)
A-Wing Squadron(1)
Resistance Transport Pod(1)
U-55 orbital loadlifter(2)

Crew: 23

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