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(A/N: This is by far the best thing I ever created. This chapter took me days to think of and get right, so I hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to PhantomThiefNo24 and Kray98 because I thought of this while talking to them.)

(K/DA universe)

K/DA Evelynn: Akali!

K/DA Evelynn: Where the f*ck are you!

K/DA Akali: I'm busy.

K/DA Evelynn: Busy my (fine) ass! I want you home by tonight! Got that?

K/DA Ahri: What got you so angry?

K/DA Kai'sa: Yeah, what did Akali do?

K/DA Evelynn: Do NOT protect that little wh*re!

K/DA Akali: I'm sorry, what?!

K/DA Ahri: WTF, Eve!?

K/DA Kai'sa: Okay, that is way too far.

K/DA Akali: Yeah, what did I do to deserve this?

K/DA Evelynn:

K/DA Evelynn: mind explaining THIS to me?!

K/DA Akali: shit.

K/DA Kai'sa: Oh...... My...... Gawd.

K/DA Ahri: is....... Is that..... You?

K/DA Ahri: with.......... With........... With ANOTHER music group?

K/DA Akali: look, I can explain.

K/DA Kai'sa: I............. I'm heartbroken.

K/DA Akali: this isn't what it looks like!

K/DA Evelynn: Why does everyone keep saying that?

K/DA Evelynn: When It's EXACTLY what it looks like!?

K/DA Ahri: You f*cking sl*t! You promised us to change!

K/DA Kai'sa: I need to go.

Kai'sa has left the groupchat

K/DA Ahri: ffs! She just locked herself in her room.

K/DA Evelynn: Great! Now we got a heartbroken Kai'sa to deal with.

K/DA Evelynn: Happy?

K/DA Akali: No.

K/DA Akali: Look, I know this looks bad.

K/DA Evelynn: "looks bad"?

K/DA Evelynn: no, Akali, this doesn't "look bad".

K/DA Evelynn: "Looks bad" is when Ahri decides that she's cooking for the night.

K/DA Evelynn: this looks DISASTROUS!

K/DA Evelynn: (Sry Ahri.)

K/DA Ahri: (F*ck you, Eve.)

K/DA Ahri: but she's right. This has gone beyond "looks bad."

K/DA Evelynn: not to mention Kai'sa.

K/DA Evelynn: WTF are we going to do about her now?

K/DA Akali: well, we could get Sivir to talk to her.

K/DA Evelynn: I'm sorry, Akali, but there seems to be a misunderstanding.

K/DA Evelynn: When I said "we", you were not included.

K/DA Ahri: sadly, me and Eve can't solve this problem alone.

K/DA Ahri: we need help, and I know just who to get.

Ahri has added Symphony Souls Grey to the groupchat

Ahri has added Symphony Souls Tiara to the groupchat

Ahri has added Symphony Souls Solas to the groupchat

Ahri has added Symphony Souls Brite to the groupchat

K/DA Evelynn: the Symphony Souls group? Good choice.

SS Grey: what's going on?

SS Tiara: I thought I told you people of the K/DA group to keep me out of this girly bullshit.

SS Solas: is there a reason for this?

SS Brite: why were we added to this?

K/DA Ahri: read the groupchat from the top.

SS Grey: Oh, for the Love of Sif.

SS Tiara: Ha! I always knew you were a sl*t for music gangs Akali.

SS Solas: there is one word to describe how I feel, "Disappointment".

SS Brite: seriously, Akali?

SS Grey: didn't she promise you to change?

K/DA Ahri: she did, but she doesn't care apparently.

K/DA Evelynn: and now we're stuck cleaning up her mess.

K/DA Evelynn: and helping a heartbroken Kai'sa.


SS Brite: I mean, I don't care much about cheating on your group, but breaking Kai'sa's heart?

SS Tiara: Yeah, that is just unacceptable.

SS Solas: Kai'sa is like the daughter we all wish for, and you broke her heart.

SS Solas: I have never thought that someone can sink so low.

K/DA Akali: Can someone please give me any kind of help!?

SS Grey: Alright, everyone, calm down.

SS Grey: Let's at least give Akali a chance to explain herself.


K/DA Akali: Grey you are a saint amongst men!

K/DA Ahri: Oh, now you're trying to hit on my boyfriend!?

SS Grey: just let her talk.

K/DA Evelynn: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

K/DA Akali: So, I was taking a stroll on the streets.

K/DA Akali: looking for rap battles, fights, or walls to paint on.

K/DA Akali: you know, the usual me.

K/DA Evelynn: the usual you is a b*tch!

SS Grey: Was I not clear when I said, "let her talk"?

K/DA Akali: so, anyway, I found this group that made pretty good music on one of the streets and decided to rap with them.

K/DA Akali: we actually made pretty good music.

K/DA Akali: Like Pop/Star good.

K/DA Ahri: did she just compare our song to something literally out of the streets????

K/DA Evelynn: Does your b*tchness knows no bounds!?!?

SS Tiara: Lmao! Holy shit Eve!

SS Tiara: "Does your b*tchness knows no bounds" is going to be my new catchphrase!

SS Tiara: in fact, I'm going to use it on Solas right now!

SS Solas: she just used it on me.

SS Brite: I thought you two were in the mall?

SS Solas: you say that like Tiara cares.

SS Grey: Anyway, back to Akali's story.


K/DA Akali: so, we kept making music together. They invited me over to dinner, and the next thing I knew I was in a plane with them to Paris.

SS Grey: that's it?

K/DA Akali: yeah, it is.

K/DA Ahri: You're dead to me.

K/DA Ahri: DEAD TO ME!!!!!!!

SS Grey: Akali, no offense, but that is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard.

SS Grey: and that's saying a lot seeing that I'm Tiara's brother.

SS Tiara: yeah, seriously, I once told Grey I was late for practice because I was helping granny ninjas knit sweaters while actually I was drift racing with Eve.

K/DA Evelynn: Funny enough, I used the exact same excuse that night.

K/DA Ahri: So you're saying you weren't making granny ninjas sweaters?!

K/DA Evelynn: You actually believed that?

K/DA Ahri: of course I did. Why do you think I didn't punish you for being late?

K/DA Evelynn: I just thought it was because I was your favorite in our band.

K/DA Ahri: wow, do I have bad news for you.

SS Tiara: What was that sound?

SS Solas: Yeah, we just heard a loud slapping noise.

K/DA Ahri: I actually heard that too.

K/DA Akali: I'm in Paris and even I heard it.

K/DA Evelynn: no one cares about what you heard, B*tch!

K/DA Evelynn: but seriously, what was that?

SS Brite: that was Grey slapping his forehead at what Ahri said about Evelynn's excuse.

SS Brite: Honestly, I think he just gave himself a concussion.

SS Tiara: Being Ahri's boyfriend should automatically give him a concussion.

SS Grey: anyway, back to helping Ahri and Eve with Kai'sa.

SS Brite: there's a red mark on his forehead.

SS Grey: ignoring Brite, how are we going to help you with Kai'sa?

K/DA Evelynn: I honestly don't know what we should do.

SS Tiara: I have an idea.

K/DA Akali: I have a bad feeling since it's your idea.

K/DA Ahri: well, I'm desperate, so what is it?

SS Tiara: Akali's in France, right?

K/DA Akali: actually, I'm on my way home.

K/DA Evelynn:

K/DA Evelynn: this was posted literally two seconds ago.

K/DA Ahri: why do you lie, b*tch?

K/DA Akali: God f*cking dammit Ekko.

SS Tiara: anyway, she's at Paris.

SS Tiara: but her stuff is in your house.

SS Tiara: Can't you just get Kai'sa and burn her stuff together?

K/DA Akali: WHAT!!!!?????

K/DA Evelynn: Tiara, one drink is all it would take to make me f*ck you right now.

K/DA Ahri: Eve, I'm going to get Kai'sa and start gathering Akali's stuff.

K/DA Ahri: You buy some gasoline on your way home.


K/DA Ahri: of course we won't burn your stuff.

K/DA Ahri: Inside the house.

K/DA Ahri: we're burning them in the back yard.

K/DA Akali: FFS!

SS Tiara: wait!

SS Tiara: Stop everything!

K/DA Akali: oh, thank you, Tiara.

SS Tiara: if you're going to burn her stuff then I want to be there.

K/DA Evelynn: I can pick you up on the way.

SS Tiara: Thx.

K/DA Akali: Oh COME ON!

SS Brite: can you pick me up as well.

K/DA Akali: Brite, what the hell!?

SS Brite: I know what they're doing is just mean.

SS Brite: but then there's Kai'sa's broken heart.

SS Brite: so yeah.

SS Solas: he's right.

SS Solas: that's actually the reason why I'm also going there.

SS Grey: okay, stop right there.

SS Grey: I know what she did is wrong, and that her excuse is pitiful, but you can't suddenly decide to burn all her stuff.

K/DA Akali: oh, thank you!

K/DA Akali: again, you are a saint, Grey.

SS Grey: on second thought, maybe I should go there and let them burn some of your stuff.

K/DA Akali: WTF!?!?!?!?!


K/DA Ahri: oh, gosh, I wonder what happened that made him change sides so fast.

K/DA Ahri: It's almost like his beautiful girlfriend just bribed him with a selfie of herself in a sexy wolf girl costume on private massaging.


K/DA Evelynn: alright, I already got the gasoline, Tiara, and Solas.

K/DA Evelynn: I'll just pick up Grey and Brite so we can do this.

K/DA Akali: Please don't burn my stuff!

K/DA Ahri: too late.

K/DA Ahri: it's already decided, and I finally got Kai'sa out of her room to see it happen.

K/DA Evelynn: Plus, I'm already stopping at our house.


SS Tiara: They're spraying the gasoline.

K/DA Akali: DON'T!!!!!!

SS Solas: they're giving Kai'sa a box of matches.

K/DA Akali: STOP!!!!!!!!!!

SS Brite: too late, they already did it.

K/DA Ahri:

K/DA Ahri: this is the consequences of your actions.

K/DA Evelynn: if this is what revenge looks like, then it's gorgeous.


K/DA Akali: WHY!!!!!??????????

K/DA Ahri: you know why.

K/DA Evelynn: So, did you learn your lesson?

K/DA Akali: Yes. T_T

K/DA Evelynn: what is it?

K/DA Akali: never cheat on your group.

K/DA Evelynn: F*ck no.

K/DA Ahri: That's not the lesson.

K/DA Akali: then what is it?

K/DA Evelynn: the lesson is: never f*ck with Kai'sa.

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