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(K/DA universe)
(this is a continue of page 29.)

Kai'sa: girls, why is my head trying to kill me?

Grey: Kai'sa, are you okay?

Kai'sa: wait, Grey?

Kai'sa: what are you doing in our groupchat?

Grey: you added me.

Kai'sa: when?

Grey: last night.

Kai'sa: speaking of last night, can you tell me what happened?

Grey: what do you remember?

Kai'sa: I don't remember anything, and my head is killing me.

Grey: That's easy to explain.

Grey: you went out drinking with Evelynn.

Kai'sa: I did?

Kai'sa: why would I do that? That sounds like the exact opposite of being the responsible one.

Grey: that's what I've been saying.

Grey: also, Evelynn apparently slipped something in your drinks.

Kai'sa: great.

Kai'sa: okay, I'm at our living room, and things are pretty weird.

Kai'sa: (well, weirder than usual.)

Kai'sa: Evelynn is making breakfast in her underwear, for some reason.

Kai'sa: what's weird is the fact she's making breakfast, not that she's in her underwear.

Kai'sa: and Ahri is on the couch with tears in her eyes while wearing a big sweater that say "I've been bad, so affection is forbidden until forgiven."

Grey: well, to put it simply, you and a drunk Evelynn had the "ingenious" idea to Kidnap Akali, and you managed to convince Ahri to go with it.

Kai'sa: wait, WHAT!?

Akali: yeah, I'm here, too.

Kai'sa: Akali, did we really do it!?

Akali: yeah.

Akali: I'm in Evelynn's bed right now.

Akali: naked.


Kai'sa: wait, don't you remember what happened?

Akali: no! Evelynn knocked me out again!

Evelynn: you're in my bed naked because I was drunk and my mind was filled with our fan art.

Akali: DID YOU RAPE ME!?!?!?

Evelynn: it's not rape if the other person kept screaming "more" while they were unconscious.

Grey: calm down, she didn't touch you.

Grey: I was there when they let you go.

Grey: she just decided to leave you naked on her bed and sleep on the couch, because she wanted you to think that you two did it last night.

Kai'sa: oh thank god!

Kai'sa: Kidnapping was already bad enough, I did not want rape along with that.

Akali: Evelynn, I'm going to throttle you.

Evelynn: please do.

Evelynn: (I'm into both S and M, honey.)

Akali: f*ck.

Ahri: am I forgiven yet?

Grey: no.

Kai'sa: Ahri, how can you just let us do this?

Ahri: I had to avenge Kiko!

Kai'sa: who?

Ahri: my beloved stuffed animal that Akali threw into the dogs.

Kai'sa: wait, how do you know about that?

Akali: since you're such a "good friend", you ratted me out.

Kai'sa: shit.

Kai'sa: sorry for keeping that from you, Ahri.

Grey: don't apologize to her. Affection is forbidden, remember?

Ahri: I'm sorry.

Kai'sa: I'm still trying to comprehend the fact I agreed to go out drinking with Evelynn.

Grey: that's something I'm not buying.

Grey: Evelynn, are you hiding something other than what you put in Kai'sa's drink?

Evelynn: since I already know that none of you will believe that she just willingly came with me.

Evelynn: I MIGHT have blackmailed her with a few embarrassing photos, saying that I'll show them to Sivir if she doesn't come along.

Grey: seriously?

Kai'sa: I hate you.

Evelynn: love you, too, sweety.

Ahri: am I forgiven yet?

Grey: no.

Kai'sa: okay, so, how bad is the situation?

Kai'sa: are we in trouble?

Grey: let me show you.

Grey has added Caitlyn to the Groupchat.

Caitlyn: who is this? And how did you get this number?

Grey: it's me, Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: Grey?

Caitlyn: what is this?

Grey: this is the groupchat of the K/DA group.

Ahri: hi.

Evelynn: how's it hanging?

Caitlyn: do you b*tches realize how much trouble you caused?

Caitlyn: not just for the police station, but for Grey too.

Akali: I was also kidnapped.

Caitlyn: and this idiot was also kidnapped.

Kai'sa: that's what I'm wondering.

Kai'sa: how much trouble are we in?

Caitlyn: well, let's see.

Caitlyn: first, there's the fact that you kidnapped someone.

Caitlyn: second, there's also the fact that we got a bar tender that says he witnessed Evelynn drugging one of your own members.

Caitlyn: and lastly, there's also the fact that Evelynn broke half the rules of the road while driving last night.

Caitlyn: while driving while texting, might I add.

Akali: Evelynn also sort of sexually harassed me.

Caitlyn: don't worry. Evelynn's name is pretty much synonyms to "sexual harassment" in the police station.

Kai'sa: so... We're in pretty big trouble?

Caitlyn: saying that you're in "big" trouble is like saying Sona's boobs are normal sized.

Ahri: wow, that's one hell of an understatement.

Caitlyn: Grey had to literally BEG us to not arrest you.

Caitlyn: captain Volibear was two seconds from heading towards your house and smashing through the wall.

Ahri: (you begged for my sake? :3)

Grey: (that's the last nice thing you'll be receiving from me in a while.)

Ahri: (I'm sorry.)

Grey: Caitlyn, I'd like to ask, has Tiara ever done something like this?

Caitlyn: Ha! Hell no!

Caitlyn: not even when she, Vi, and Sett went drinking together.

Caitlyn: in other words, you idiots crossed a line even Tiara wouldn't cross.

Kai'sa: damn.

Kai'sa: omg, when my dad hears about this, I'm going to be in so much trouble.

Caitlyn: luckily for you, none of you will be arrested, thanks to Grey.

Caitlyn: so, if I was in place of you b*tches, I'd look for a way to not only make up for all the trouble you caused, but also for a way to thank him.

Caitlyn: also, he'll be deciding your punishment.

Caitlyn: later, hoes.

Caitlyn has left the groupchat.

Kai'sa: Grey, are you mad at us?

Grey: yes, yes I am.

Kai'sa: figure as much.

Grey: also, you're ALL included in punishment.

Akali: wait, what did I do!?

Grey: apparently, there has been this famous rapper who kept painting on walls without authorization.

Grey: witnesses' description matches your looks.

Akali: f*ck.

Grey: so, for the punishments.

Grey: Kai'sa, you're grounded.

Grey: just grounded and nothing else, since this was mostly against your will.

Kai'sa: I guess that's fair.

Grey: Akali, you're also grounded, but in your old room at the K/DA's house.

Akali: but I have nothing there.

Akali: they burned my stuff, remember?

Grey: I'm well aware of that.

Akali: >:(

Grey: Ahri, your sweater is staying, and your ice-cream sundae supply is going to be taken.

Ahri: I'm sorry.

Grey: Evelynn, I'm confiscating your car collection.

Evelynn: don't you dare touch my cars or I stg!

Grey: or what, Evelynn? What are you going to do?

Grey: I can kill 10 times over with my hands tied behind my back and a blindfold over my eyes.

Grey: so, I ask again, what are you going to do about me taking your cars?

Evelynn: rant about you on Twitter?

Grey: you know, last week I was talking to Sona.

Grey: and she suggested that me and her just drop everything and run away together to a tropical island where it would be just me and her.

Grey: that way we would live the rest of our lives together away from the world and away from trouble.

Grey: honestly, that offer sound very tempting at this point.


Ahri: I can't compete with her!

Ahri: the only thing I have on her is the fact I can speak.

Grey: then get a hold of your group.

Grey: and I'm being serious, Ahri, I don't want to have to leave YOU because something YOUR TEAMMATES did.

Ahri: I'm sorry!

Ahri: I swear I'll be a better leader.

Grey: I hope so.

Grey: see you later.

Grey has left the groupchat.

Ahri: okay, you wh*res better clean your act or I stg I'll torture you to death.

Evelynn: rude much.

Ahri: especially you, Evelynn.

Ahri: Eve, I swear if I lose my boyfriend because of you, I'm going to tie you up, throw you inside one of your cars, put a brick on the gas pedal, and direct you straight to the heart of the Void.

Kai'sa: I'd help.

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