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XRenia knelt beside the blueprint tablet and tapped its glass screen a hologram shot out projecting the basic outline of the mansion. She used the tablet to reposition the projection so that the main part of the building was facing south then elevated it of the ground three feet just in case this plane flooded every once in a while. Then she scaled the whole blueprint up, making the entire structure even larger.

Once she had it where she wanted it she took a deep breath and rubbed her hands together. Normally scrolls or enchanted objects came with the magic energy needed to power them for obvious reasons this one didn't. If it had it be worth an insane fortune, like in the millions.

She pulled her magic in, placed her right hand on the tablet and fed it into the blueprint as she activated it. The first stages spells 'resource readying in procuring' came to life. They shot to the middle where the mansion was going to be and began deconstructing the raw metal and other resources Verin had put down turning them into small dust particles and pulling then into a floating pile. Then they reached into the ground tearing the dirt apart gathering the particles as it did. The spells tore a hole in the ground twenty feet deep then slowly expanded outwards towards them ripping down their makeshift structure.

Verin picked up the dragon claw and floated up into the air.

The spells continued to dissect the land and pull the rock dust and other mineral particles towards the ever increasing floating resource pile. As they reached her they left a little island around her and still continued past her. The gathering spells spread past the borders of her shield and still they reached farther until at last what was needed to construct the mansion had been accumulated.

The first stage spells faded away and the second stage sprung to life. The foundation spells formed gigantic ornately carved stone pillars positioning them at regulated intervals in the twenty foot crater the resource gathering spells had created. Once the pillars had been placed they started to construct a four foot solid thick floor that sat on top of the pillars.

"Looks like we are going to have a pretty decent size basement," XRenia shouted over the loud construction magic.

"You can say that again. How are you holding up?"

She took a few heavy breaths. "Okay I guess. But this is honestly taking more than I thought it would."

A smile affixed itself to Verin's face. "Ha so much for you being two times stronger than me."

"Hey, you probably had all your resources laid out in front of you. It had to expand my energy to go search for ours. Not only that I made the blueprint at least twenty-five percent bigger if not more."

Verin didn't reply he just smirked knowingly down at her.

The land she was kneeling on was forcefully changed into the ever expanding floor as the foundation spells continued past her. She reached out with her free hand and touched the sandy reddish floor. It was smooth, warm to the touch and very much reminded her of a baked clay floor.

"Don't worry that's not the final layer or color. During the detailing stage you can change what you want." Verin shouted down to her.

She shrugged and watched the foundation spells finish out past her shield. When they were finally done she took her hand off the blueprint and shook out her arms. Thanks to her extensive use of magic the icky magic at this place had completely coated her.

Verin dropped down beside her and used his magic to jam the Dragon claw into the new floor. As the artifacts protective bubble washed over she breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that nasty stuff."

"Well it is referred to in the book I showed you as the blood of the planet."

XRenia's lips curled in disgust. It certainly reminded her enough blood. Then she noticed something. "Hey look at that." She said pointing at the Dragon claw.

"Oh, cool, the world it is holding turn blue." He looked up. "And look the protective sphere it creates is bigger like almost two times bigger."

"You're right," She said frowning.

"Why do you think that is?"

She shrugged. "I don't know maybe because we purified the land were standing on a little bit."

It was Verin's turn to frown. "So tearing up the ground fixes it? I hope you're not saying we have to straighten out all the land."

XRenia thought about her grandfather's scrying and the difference between the two. There had been a lot of land that had been changed. "Well maybe."

Verin shoulders slumped.

"Hey, look at the bright side we'll become masters of earth-based spells by the time were done."

"You don't even know any earth spells," Verin exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, well I guess we'll have to learn some."

He shrugged. "I guess. Do you want to finish making the house or take a break for a bit?"

XRenia really wanted to take a break her muscles were already strained and she was tired but she also knew if she admitted it Verin would undoubtedly rib her about it later.

As she thought about him ribbing her later a smile spread across his face and she could see his eyes sparkle. "I'll do it now thank you!" She exclaimed.

Verin burst into laughter. "Just admit you were wrong."

"Not on your life," she said as she leaned down, put her hand on the blueprint and activated the next stage. The walls of their new home started to form.

"I guess I can add unstoppably egotistical to the list." He teased.

She placed her free hand on her chest in fain offense. "Ma, egotistical? Naw. I'm just the most powerful mage to ever live."


The walls and court yard finished and the spells begin on the roof. She leaned closer to the ground as her magic flowed through her pushing her muscles to the max. Her back muscles twanged and her calf's ached even her fingers started to want to curl.

"You should take a break." Verin encouraged.

"And give you the satisfaction? I think not."

XRenia closed her eyes as the spell finished the roofs and moved on to the one gigantic glass dome that formed the center of the structure. And after what seemed like an eternity to her the third stage finally finished.

She took her hand off the blueprint and sat down. At least the next two parts weren't that demanding.

"You're right about Electric and security that stage is pretty easy. But the final stage was the hardest on me. The Duke had an insane amount of detail he wanted added."

XRenia looked around at the court yard and up at they're almost finished palace. All of it had been mainly crafted out of dirt so it looked pretty much like the baked clay floor she was sitting on. It was kind of a nice color but definitely not worthy of being there palace yet so they'd have to choose a nice color in the detailing stage. Maybe something like white marble or some such.

The architecture itself though was enormous and amazing.

XRenia rocked back up on to her tippy toes and placed her hand on the tablet. The fourth stage activated with no visual effect. But she knew it was installing energy collectors inside the giant pointed domed window that formed the center of the structure when it finished that it ran electrical lines and lights throughout the palace. She personally preferred everything to be powered by magic but neither she nor Verin knew how to set up such a system so she just let the default system install itself.

The mansion lit up from the inside. "I guess that now means we have running water lighting and a working kitchen," Verin said beaming with pride over his acquisition.

"I'm not sure we have water. I didn't see the spells dig a well and I highly doubt an electric system run off of solar power is pulling the needed water out of the air."

"Oh no. It dug a well," Verin reassured her.

The fourth stage of spells took on a more demanding task and the strain on her increased. She winced and wobbled but forced herself to say, "When?"

He knelt down beside her and pointed at the list of spells on the tablet. "Right here during the foundation stage."


The air was filled with a loud screeching and whirl of electronics as a hundred and fifty turrets and sentry emplacements popped out of various inconspicuous places spun all the way around then vanished back into their hiding holes. Seconds later XRenia felt the familiar coating of protection and alarm spells fall over them. The fourth stage had finished. Her muscles relaxed and she took a deep breath as she squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds.

Verin stood up and walked over to where one of the turrets had disappeared into the ground. He motioned at it and it popped back up. "I like to see a cockatrice attack us now."

XRenia stretched her sore arms. It would probably be shot to bits but honestly no matter how advanced technology gets it a never stand up to a well crafted fireball or lightning bolt. Much less advance magic.

"I know that it's just nice to have it. I can't always be awake this place is dangerous."

True enough, she thought and leaned forward to see what type of decorating options the blueprint had available.

"You're not going to do that right now are you?"

She glanced up at him. "Why not?"

"Because you are about ready to fall over."

"No I'm not. And I've pushed myself far more than this before anyway."

"You have not."

"Yes I have. One time I flew around the whole world five times in a row. Believe me that was a lot harder than this."

"Yes, and that is one of the reasons we are having to banish you to this barren land." A hologram of XRenia's father said as it formed.

XRenia jumped to her feet and backed away as she started the hologram. "Father? How did you find us?"

The hologram motioned to the dragon claw. "I'm using it as a medium."

"Oh I should've known. Grandma tricked me," she said kicking at the floor.

"Your grandfather is furious with you for disobeying his order."

She stared down at the scuff mark she had just created with her shoe.

"I and your mother however are proud of you."

She looked up at her father's hologram in complete shock. "You are?"

"Yes, you not only showed initiative you also did so without causing a political scene." A smile spread across the hologram's face. "Which I believe is the first time you've ever accomplish such a thing."

She smiled back. "I'm not that bad dad."

Her father shook his head in mirth. "If only you knew." The hologram then turn to Verin. "And I'm also proud of you. Duke Ireland was deceitful but your response was masterful. It takes a great man to give up what is rightfully his that others may live in peace. You have proven yourself to both me and my wife and you have our blessing to court our daughter. However know this if you lay a finger on her before the official ceremony I will break both of your arms and then let my father do with you as he will."

To XRenia surprise Verin bowed to her father and said, "Thank you sir your praise means a lot to me. And you have my word that I will treat your daughter with the utmost respect as well as protect her to the best of my ability."

"I am right here you know," she protested.

Her father's hologram turned back to her and gave her an air hug. "I am glad to see that you're safe and that you're doing well for yourself already." He nodded at the almost finished palace. "I must go now before I drain too much energy from the Emundans. If you like, we may visit you after you fix the lay line where you are."

"I would like that. As long as grandfather doesn't kill me," she added with a smile.

Her father returned her smile. "I'm sure your grandmother can keep him in check."

XRenia's father's hologram faded and disappeared.

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