Say My Name

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Song - What's My Name? By: China Anne McClain from the movie Descendants 2

Lance threw his head back against the wall out of frustration as he continued to struggle in his bonds. He had screwed up big time now.

Surprise, surprise, Lance got in trouble while flirting with another girl.


You and your crew had been running from a Galra ship when you met up with the team of Voltron. They immediately offered you their assistance, and once you met the overly flirtatious Blue Paladin, you knew you were going to be just fine.

You were the captain of one of the last remaining group of space pirates, and your crew had stolen from the Galran empire; an offense punishable by torture or death. You knew if they caught you Haggar would infuse you with quintessence and use you as her own superweapon against Voltron. There was no way you were going to allow her to experiment on you or your crew as long as you could do something about it.

You were going to clear your name.

While you met the Paladins of Voltron, your crew kept themselves hidden in the shadows. You knew they would be friendlier towards you if they thought they were only dealing with you rather than the seven other bloodthirsty pirates with whom you traveled.

Thankfully for you, Lance was more than happy to welcome you with open arms.

"Are those space pants, because your butt is out of this world," the boy flirted as he winked at you. You giggled lightly at the sight in front of you. Clearing your name would go better than you had ever dreamed.

"No, they're baseball pants because I'm out of your league," you smirked deviously at him. His face immediately turned bright red; nobody had ever flirted back before.

"Is that a maybe for a date?" he asked hopefully.

"Hm...If you can think of something special for us to do, then it can be a yes," you batted your eyelashes at him. Keeping up your sweet persona was driving you crazy; you wanted to punch your self in the face. Oh, the things you would do to survive.

"Then let's go!" he cheered as he pulled you towards the hangars, towards where they kept the lions.

And with that, you were sitting in your ticket to freedom.


Lance had taken the two of you to an isolated planet. The ground was a beautiful shade of light blue, and the skies lit up in a similar effect of the Aurora Borealis on Earth, but about ten times more incredible. You were captivated by its stunning beauty, but not even that would distract you from what your end goal.

"Do you like it?" he asked softly, his tone changing considerably from the once overly cocky player he was earlier. He was trying his hardest to impress you. It almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do. Almost.

"Yes, this is amazing. Wow, I wish I could stare at it all day," you sighed as you turned to face him.

"We can stay here for as long as you want," he promised as his hand reached down to intertwine his fingers with yours. You blushed lightly at the gesture, smiling genuinely as you stared down at his hand.


"Good," you smirked, and with that, you shoved the unsuspecting boy onto his knees.

"Wha-?!" he gasped as you brought both of his arms behind his back and tied them tightly together. As if on cue, the rest of your crew came out, bringing with them a pirate ship shaped spacecraft. They quickly captured the Blue Lion and brought it onto the boat. Lance, on the other hand, was freaking out.

"Sorry, Lance. This isn't anything personal. I enjoyed the little bit of time we spent together. But for now, you're going to help me get on Zarkon's good side," you smirked. You picked him up by the scruff of his neck and dragged him with you onto the ship.

"I trusted you..." he was at a loss for words. You felt a bit bad, but you weren't ready to lose your crew to Haggar and her evil plans.

"You can't trust anyone in times like this. I'm a pirate, Lance. I'm the captain here. I have to look out for my crew, and I can't have our names stay right under Voltron's names on their Most Wanted List. I'm just taking care of my people like you guys are. I'm just more willing to go to the extremes that you aren't," you smirked as you ruffled the Latino's hair.

"(Y/N), you don't have to do any of this to clear your name! They will never truly forgive you! They will take the lion and still imprison you for your crimes. Please, Voltron can protect you. Nobody has to turn on anyone!" Lance tried to reason with you. You shook your head.

"All hands on deck!" you called out to your crew before turning your attention back to your pleading captive, "I'm getting tired of this disrespect, Lance."

"I'm just telling you the truth--"

"Lance, guess what? We're the bad guys here. We're not good. I have plans to take down this Galra empire. We're not gonna stop 'till we rule the world," you smirked.

"There's a better way than this; you can't take them down without Vol--"

"It's our time, guys! We're up next! Our sail is gonna be set! Because these Galra soldiers? They ain't seen nothing yet from us!" you shouted to your crew as you ignored your prisoner.

"Come on; you don't have to do this!"

"Tell 'em who's in charge here, so he won't forget," you smirked at your crew, "What's my name?"


"What's my name?"


"Say it louder!"


You smirked as you turned around to Lance. "Can't you feel that power? No one's going to stop us now, Lance. Soon, the world will be ours. And not even your precious Voltron, or the Galra, will stop us."

"That's what you think," he groaned in another attempt to rebel against you.

You giggled as you turned back to your crew. "All eyes on me, boys, let me see 'em! I'm the queen here; I call the shots and y'all know who I am. I don't need no crown for that. If you stand up to me, you don't stand a chance."

"You're about to meet your match..." Lance grumbled under his breath.

"My crew's as real as it gets, McClain. The worst of the worst are now the best of the best. Leaving us behind is gonna be their worst regret," you smirked deviously.

"What's my name?" you called again.


"That's right," you smirked.

Lance knew this wasn't going to end well if he didn't get some backup soon. But what could he do now?


DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN!!! A CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this part!!!

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