Chapter three: sister brother love not

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Third person pov
"I can't believe you tried and failed to take over earth!" Azalya yelled at Loki while her skin had a blue tint to it. "I can't believe your my sister! Your so attached to this puny place!" Loki yelled back. "BROTHER TWAS THIS PLACE IS WONDERFUL" Thor yelled
"NOT NOW THOR" both Loki and Azalya yelled at the same time. Azalya angry stormed out of the room,but her screams could be heard. Loki on the other hand looked almost guilty for yelling at her. The avengers,fury and Coulson stayed completely quiet trying to figure out what just happened.

Azalya pov
I don't know why I yelled... No that's a lie I do know why, my evil side E-zay was trying to come out and let me tell you it's hurts. But the worst part is when I loose control and I have to watch what happens but can't do anything about it,kinda like the hulk. The door opened but I didn't bother looking at who it was. "So you still going to kick loki's butt?" A female voice asked. "Oh please I would kill him right know" I mutter. She laughs "I'm Natasha me and you could be good friends" I snort "I've never had friends I end up killing everyone I come close to" it's true when E-zay comes to play she kills everyone around. I think I scared her. "I-I didn't mean it like that it's just I have this side called E-zay and she is like a demon and comes out without my control and kills everyone I'm attached to" I whisper. "Hey we have a hulk and he destroys everything! " Natasha says to me. I slightly smile.

Loki pov
I feel guil- NO don't think that I'm the god of mischief I don't have time to feel guilty for yelling at my sister. I noticed her eyes had turns pitch black,I don't think that comes with the frost giant features.... I pressed my ear to the door and heard Natasha and azalya talking E-zay? What that's weird and kinda cool. "Frosty eavesdropping isn't nice" "like you would know anything about nice stark" I retort. "Burn" banner says we all look at him with the really look "sorry" that's funny how he said sorry. I hear the door open and see Natasha walk out smiling. "What did you do Natasha?!" I ask "got some info on your sister that's what" she reply and walks over to the computer and starts filling out my sisters file.

Full name: Azayla Rose Lauferyson
Height: 5'3
Age: 18
Appearance: brown hair blue eyes wears jeans and shirts leather jacket.
Ability: E-zay evil side demon like, and Frost Giant,and Magic
Status: kicks loki's butt
Friends: Natasha romanoff,Bruce banner,Steve Rogers,Tony stark,Clint Barton,Phil Coulson.
Siblings: Thor Odinson,Loki Lauferyson.
Parents: Laufey
Place of birth: valhiem
Third person pov
Azalya walked back where fury was. "So um am I just gonna be out here the whole time or-" "hill show miss Azalya to her quarters" he ordered. Hill showed Azalya her quarters which happened to be near loki's cage.

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