11. A visit by trick king

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"So what was your reply general Kari?" I asked him curiously. The Trick city was known to harbour the descendants of Zora. Their men were great with alluring people by their mind games and their women practiced dark magic. From the history of Azure, these two people have never gotten along. The Zora's sacrificed innocent maidens to make 'a chosen one' more powerful than the rest. Azure has never been in support of that hence their constant clashing.

"I told the messenger that I'd have to discuss this with the warrior princess and the orens together with the council. The messenger also said that you gave your word to Malisha never to harm them and they are counting on that for a safe passage into the city. So, did you really give your word to Malisha? That dark witch?" General Kari asked in disbelief. I hadn't known what I was signing up for then. I wanted her evil voice out of earshot and desperately agreed to her wicked thing without question.

"Yes, she voice travelled herself to me when I was still on earth. I didn't know a lot about Zora's despite the ancestors warning me.  I just knew I could get myself be controlled by anyone. I was being rebellious to the ancestors. Nonetheless, nothing has gone wrong yet. She hasn't given me a reason to get rid of her or her entire race. Whatever happened before was in the past, I gave her an opportunity to prove to us that they could use their magic for good. But  I am not stupid either general Kari, I will keep my eyes open. A person like that can't be trusted blindly." I finished

"Of course milady. You are very wise. Should i let the council know about this or you will do that yourself?" Kari went further to ask.

"I think it will be best to let it go for a while. The council is already weary from the discussion of the second troop. Remind me about this tomorrow and I will gather everyone. We'll discuss the matter and find a suitable way forward." Kari nodded in agreement and went ahead to do his work.

I was left alone again with my thoughts. So far, everything was going according to plan. I decided to go ahead to the place I met Gin, perhaps see his face again. If not, then just relax from the royal duties. Being a royal came with a lot of responsibilities and it required one to be clear of mind every time in order to make sensible decisions.

Gala was reluctant to take me to the place when I asked her and first because she claimed the woods were getting more dangerous. It took a little more convincing for her to finally agree to take me there. I had an idea that all this was connected to my mother's tragic love life but whenever I asked her, she would shut down on me. We arrived at the place in seconds and I was startled to find a figure sprawled beside the stream, munching on an ovally shaped fruit.

To my relief, it was Gin. His presence managed to capture me and I feared for the day that other Azurites would find out about this. They would think I betrayed them by allying with a beast and breaking their trust. Little did they know that the relationship between Gin and I was merely platonic.

We were merely strangers who stumbled upon each other.

"You, Again. What are you doing here?" I made my presence known even though I was glad I found him there.

That startled him and he was up on his feet in minutes, rope in hand.
"Huh, you scared me." He replied and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I asked you a question. What are you doing here?" I repeated.

"I have been coming here every other day. I wanted to see you again, beautiful." I burst into a laughter.

"You expect me to believe that?" I said whilst I wished the statement held some truth to it.

"Okay you got me." He admitted, "I just came back for peace of mind. And this place is just perfect for that. I can't believe I had never seen it until the day we accidentally stumbled on each other. Feels like so long ago."

"What's eating you up? Do you mean yo say you have more responsibilities than I do?" I said before I realized I might have given way too much information.

Gin and I talked some more until it was time for him to head back to his city. He put his hand in his pocket and produced something that resembled a bracelet. It was made out of a black dried plant that was eerily soft. The bracelet didn't feel so appealing to me and just the sight of it made my hairs rise on end.

"I meant what I said before. I have been coming here everyday in hopes of seeing you. You are so kind and affectionate, makes me wonder if you're purely and entirely a beast. Anyway, that doesn't bother me. I want you to have this," he took my hand slowly and I obliged without question because his touch burned a fire throughout me. He place the bracelet in my hand and I smiled at the gesture. Despite its ugly form, it was made in perfect intricate and out of effort. I couldn't say no. " This will always remind you of me, now that the war is officially going to start tomorrow. " he said and looked away but I was dumbfounded.

"The war will start tomorrow?" I questioned out of breath.

"Yes, you don't know? I guess being a spy doesn't really guarantee you a lot of outside information." He told me easily but with an anguished look on her face.

"Medieval the heartless, our leader, has made an alliance with the king of the highest city of the enthroned. King Grant feared for the lives of his citizens because he says that Azure has acquired a new warrior princess who is said to be more vicious than  her predecessors. All the cities residing at the center of heaven and earth are getting into war and there are only two sides. The one which wants Gladier gone and the one's that are in favor of his stay. To get rid of him, we have to go through his beloved city first."

"But why do they all want Gladier gone?" I raised the question. When he called to me on earth, he had only said that azure was in great peril. He didn't tell me the exact problem.

"You mean you haven't heard?" Gin asked me disbelief covering his face. "Which world do you come from, this tale had been retold over and over again, for ages."

"Just tell me please." He looked at me for a very long time before he decided to give in.

"After God created everything in heaven and  on earth, he chose four of his celestial beings to be guardians of the four corners of all his worlds. These four beings are, Medieval, King Grant, Zora and Gladier. He gave these four  gifts, each one different from the other. To Zora, control over all evil forces, so that she may guard God's creation from the influence of these forces. To Medieval, immense brutal strength, to fight against anything that would put in danger God's creation. A lot of things could have destroyed us even without our knowledge but Medieval has destroyed them before they even manifested. As you might know, Lucifer is a fallen angel and he has always been on the run to destroy God's kingdom but we all know that a student is no better than his teacher. To King Grant, the ability to compel anything within his sight. The blood in him gives the power to change anyone's motive and action. He can cause you to do something that you don't even want. And to Gladier, an immense influence to every aspect of nature. The earth, the wind, water, fire you name it. Everything that has nature's touch in it, Gladier can control.

When God created these four, he placed them together to work in harmony in banishing Lucifer's efforts of destroying God's work. He gave then the ability to build a city in the center of heaven and earth. So formerly, these four cities were one large happy family fulfilling God's work. Somewhere along the way, these four fought over power and dominion against each other. Everyone saying they are greater than the other. These misunderstandings drew the love they had for each other away and in place of that anger and hatred sprouted. They could no longer stand the sight of one another. Gladier suggested that they break apart, and build a city of their own by themselves. As years passed, the glory of Gladier increased tenfold and the lord God blessed him more and more. Despite the argument with his brothers, he fulfilled God's work and the Lord was faithful to him. His city became stronger and powerful than the rest of them all. The three other brothers blamed God for favouring one of them more than the rest. They started using their God given powers for their own pleasures and satisfaction. Now each of the three is in a quest to destroy him and have his glory to themselves."

I was lost for words when he finished his narration. Really? That's how these cities started?

"How can you know all this and still be in the any other side except that of azure?" I asked him bewildered.

"Medieval the heartless says Gladier stole their glory. To be prosperous again, they would have to destroy him. Tomorrow, Gladier will be nothing but a distant memory in history. This will bring peace to all four corners of the worlds. He promised us that there will be no more bloodshed after this, that's why we will not rest until he is out of the picture."

I had never imagined that the story behind the war would be three jealous brothers. I didn't even know the war would be this soon. I had to warn my people. We have to be ready.

"What kind of weapons would you be using tomorrow, and the armies of King Grant." I was fishing for more important details but he was adamant. Like he sensed there was more to me than meets the eye.

"I am sorry Linda, I cannot disclose that kind of information." He said before turning on his heels and going away.

At least I had information, albeit just a little. They little knowledge is dangerous than none but a this point, I was desperate for victory.

The ride back to the city was made in a bundle of nerves and I couldn't wait to disclose the newfound knowledge with the council.

By the time I got to the hall,them. second troop had returned from their mission. I summoned the rest of the orens and all necessary leaders to listen to Kore's report and whatever I had to say. They hadn't even lasted a few days in the woods but they were already back.

"We have news," Kore began, " It is true. The people are of the beast city and they have been digging tunnels to our city from the border. According to their observation, the tunnels looked to be complete because the people carried their working gear when they went back home. I took it upon myself to examine these tunnels and they led straight to the titanium perimeter wall. Since the perimeter wall runs very deep below, that where the tunnels stopped. All of them. No sign of intrusion whatsoever. " He finished and looked at all of us, prompting us to say something.

"Well that's strange," Oren Kara said. " Like we would expect them to just stop at that. Are you sure the walls weren't compromised at all?"

"Yes. I checked twice." Kore replied.

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