Chapter 2: The Bridge

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Ren Kaiser
Starbirth 18, 3023

"You feeling any better, Nathan?" "No. You didn't even let me get my things..." "We didn't have time for that and you know it. Besides, if there was anything of survival value in your house, John already got it." "There wasn't much, Ren. He was running low on supplies, however he got it." John followed. "It was left over from our tornado shelter, John. I didn't steal it." Nathan remarked. "I didn't say you did." "Thats what you were insinuating, John!" Did I forget to mention that Nathan and John don't get along? Or did I mention anything at all? Well maybe I should. Right now, were on route to the dock of the continent, Kianna. There are two in the northeast sector, which is where we are at. We came here only to get Nathan, nothing more. Our objective is to leave as soon as possible. That is because Kianna is where the virus started according to the TV I luckily saw and it has the most Sickened. Our lives have took a new form. Each and every person has been specified in a class:

Hunters: A glorified bandit, in terms of targeting specific people.

Hunted: The targets of Hunters, which can range from specific people to hordes.

Sickened: The unfortunate who contain the virus.

Survived: The average living populace.

I don't know who invented the thought but it seems the thought has become very popular. We are currently on a bridge about 19 miles from the dock with functional boats. (Thats how we got here.) I actually live on the stupidly named continent, Waass. I know, sounds stupid. But I have to live with it, not you. I should probably do a recap. At first, I lived alone in the backstreets of Mirror city. Then one day the clouds turned blue, and it began to rain sentient black water. It was strange, but I had an umbrella and was prepared. Although I saw my only friend, the Hobo die by being enveloped by what looked like a giant ball of black bubblegum. I survived that day because I watched the news on a side window shops TV. I guess the world had a different plan for me that day. I got a Wheelar, (Which would be a standard car in your world.) that I used as my home for the first few days. Then I realized the blue clouds weren't going away, so I had to do something to survive. I robbed that same store with the TV until I had a great amount of supplies. Survival of the fittest, but it was ironic. I forgot to take the TV. With that thought in my head I headed West toward a dock with a functional boat. I renamed it the relation ship. Haha! What? Not funny. Okay. But that is its name. I used it to swim to the continent nearest to Waass to get away from the blue clouds. But as I moved from Waass, I realized the clouds were everywhere. No, seriously. They were literally everywhere! I couldn't avoid them for the life of me, which is funny because that was what was at stake! Well, I managed to reach Neo Graham, or Paige if you prefer. There I found my cousin John in Terminus City while looking for supplies. He was in Moonlight high school, fending off some kids covered in black. NOT WHAT I MEANT!!! I meant they were black because they were being controlled by the black sludge from the sky that falls at random, unpredictable times like normal rain. Well anyway, I rescued him with Marona over here. He used a Blaster Mini saying bonus points for head shots! He plays way too many video games, I swear! He was killing kids, you know how sadistic that is?! 10 out of 10! It reminded me of old times though, when both John and I were in Moonlight high to grow in tune with our elemental Energi's. Although I never managed to master them, John grew to be a Dark Adept. Well... off track. I rescued him and grabbed some caffitirea Energi. We left Terminus and went to a place in rubble. I think it was called Restless Shrine? But I wasn't too sure. From there we sat on the shrines worn, stone stairs. We talked and I discovered that his girlfriend, Erika turned and she had to die. We had a brotherly man-cry about it. (Dont judge me!) After, I told him how my friend the Hobo died. We didn't cry about that though. (Lieing.) We then thought about it and both of our familys were dead now. It was a sad thought. But then we remembered Nathan. So we went to my boat, the Relation Ship. We then drove to Kianna. From there it took awhile to remember where he lived, so it took awhile. From there we are here, there are some parts that I left out but nothing too important. I discovered two things in the past year though.

1. It is absolutely essential to have a roof over your head at all times.

2. The first rain was the one that got 90% of most people infected. Now I see umbrellas everywhere.

Oh! Their still argueing! Why am I not surprised. Wait, now thier argueing over who was the best Ballbattler? "Its obviously Neptune, guys! Your idiots!" "Liar, Net was the best before he became an evil turd!" John smacked back. "Your both wrong! Rai beat both of them!" It was an arguement that went for a shamingly long time. Which actually led John to stop the car on the bridge without me noticing. I was wondering how he was driving with his head pointed toward Nathan and not even touching the steering wheel! "John! We don't have time for this! Lets go!" "Oh crap, sorry! I forgot!" The worst part is that... Ballbattle ended in 3013!

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