The choice

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This is where it all began, huh?


The beginning of........ Everything.......


"You're right," Zana sat in a tree not too far away from the remains of a burnt down school. "This really is where it all began."

Luna stood there silent.

"Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" Luna scoffed. "Why are you here?"

"Guess we all decided to come back to this place," Kyuya spoke.

"Well, Samuru isn't here," Zana pointed out.

"It's understandable," Pegasus spoke softly. "I don't think... he'd want to see this place. After everything that happened, he was probably the most affected."

"How can you blame him? Everything was out of our control," Luna sighed.

They stood in silence, nostalgia of the past building up.

'I wonder... What can we do now?' The two thought as well as a bystander watching them from a far.


"So," Dragren spoke, "what are we going to do?"

Dragren was met with nothing but silence as they walked down the halls of the WBMA. (Is that the name? I don't even remember.)

"Why are we here anyways, Novu?" Dragren questioned.

"Informing the WBMA." Novu's gaze stared straight ahead.

"You mean they weren't aware of the invitation?"

"If they were, we would've known."


Dragren remained silent for the time being to Novu's relief.

He let out a sigh when they arrived at the door where Rory and her grandfather were.


"What is it?" Novu turned to look at his partner.

"Do you remember Kaguya?" He asked, unsure of the answer.

"No but..."


"The name sounds familiar..."

"I see..."

They both looked back to the door and pushed it open only to be met with someone he didn't expect to see.



The sky started to grow dark as the sun began to set. The nine b-shots selected for this b-daman tournament all stared at it.

Riki from the bench he had been sitting at.

Kamon from his seat in his sister's restaurant.

Bakuga and Jenta from the roof of the Shira Corporation.

Luna from the ground outside of the ruins of the school building with Zana close by in a tree.

Novu from the roof of the WBMA.

Basara from Ryan's little hangout.

And Samuru from the roof of an abandoned warehouse.

He took his eyes off the sky and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Out of all the places I expected to find you, I find you here? How'd you even get up here?" a voice said from behind him.


A hand rested on his shoulder, "You okay?"

He shook her hand off and gave her nothing but silence.

"So are you gonna talk or are you going to give me the silent treatment?" Sakura asked, sitting behind him.

Samuru gripped his knees tighter.

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you, silence it is," she turned around and leaned her back on his, surprising him to say the least.

After a while of sitting like that, Sakura spoke again.

"What are we going to do, Subaru~kun?" Sakura asked him, using the nickname she had given him when they were kids.

Still, nothing was said in response.

"I see...." Sakura turned around and hugged Samuru from behind.

"Why.....?" Samuru finally spoke, burying his face into his arms.

"Why what?" Sakura asked gently.

"Why are you always like this?" he sighed. "Why are you always so nice to everyone?"

Sakura laughed in response, "Someone has to add some sugar into someone's spice."

"Yeah, I bet I know who this someone is," Samuru smirked.

"I'm sure you do."

They sat in each other's arms until the sun was completely out of sight. Sakura was completely out cold, sleeping peacefully on Samuru's shoulder. Samuru smirked down at her.

"You idiot," he laughed to himself, something he rarely did.

He picked her up bridal style, trying not to disrupt her from her sleep, and carried her back to the Yukizumi household.

However, on his way back, he felt an eerie sensation. Much like......

"Gillusion..." Samuru muttered.

"Surrender yourself to the darkness...." a voice filled the silence as darkness started to cloud his vision.

"W-What....?" Samuru staggered backwards.


Suddenly, the darkness that had once followed the boy vanished along with the voice. Samuru's eyes focused on Zana and Luna, both running towards him and Sakura.

"What are you two doing here?" Samuru asked, masking his fear of what had happened seconds before.

"We came looking for you!" Zana's eyes then focused on the sleeping Sakura that was in his arms. "Is... she asleep?"

Samuru looked down at the girl in his arms and nodded.

'I totally ship it.' The two fan girls  girls thought.

"We should bring her back," Luna suggested.

Samuru nodded again in response.

As they made their way back, Luna and Zana noticed a change in Samuru's demeanor.

"Samuru?" Zana spoke softly.

"Hm?" Samuru's gaze didn't falter.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked. "You seem... off..."

"Fine..." Samuru's voice was sharp.

"O-Okay..." Luna sighed while Zana looked at Samuru, eyes tight.

'You're definitely not fine.' The two thought.

Nonetheless, they continued their journey in silence. Although, Samuru didn't feel the silence. All Samuru could feel was the eerie darkness that haunted him coming to life.


"You guys made your decision?" Kamon asked the group.

"Yep!" Riki smiled while the others nodded.

"Anyways, has anyone seen Luna?" Novu asked.

"Nope," Jenta looked around.

"Zana and Samuru aren't here either," Bakuga pointed out.

"I'm right here!" Zana waved. "Samuru and Luna are with me, too."

"Took you long enough," Basara groaned.

"Oh, you can shut your pie hole!" Zana stuck her tongue out at Basara. Successfully making him more annoyed.

"Why you-!" Basara raised a fist only to be smacked on the head by Luna.

"Enough, both of you," Samuru said rather calmly.

"Is that Sakura?" Riki tilted his head as he pointed to the sleeping girl.

Samuru sighed and nodded. He turned his attention to getting the girl to bed and left the others to discuss their current situation.

"We've all made our decision, right?" Luna asked as she stared at the sky.

"Um!" Zana nodded.

"But what about...." Riki began.

"Samuru...." Kamon whispered.

All of them were left staring at the door of the Yukizumi's house.

"Well," Novu turned to face the others and changed the topic, "are we in agreement?"

"Agreement?" Bakuga repeated.

"I'm referring to the tournament," Novu's expression seemed blank.

"Depends," Basara spoke, "what are you going to do?"

Novu remained silent for a moment but then spoke with a sudden hint of determination, "I'm going."

"I'm with Novu!" The ever cheerful Riki offered a smile.

"You said it! Oh, I'm getting so fired up!" Kamon's determination began to shine through.

Bakuga nodded, "I agree."

Jenta wrapped his arm around Bakuga's neck, "Count me in!"

"Yeah, whatever," Basara leaned against a lamppost. "I'm going, too."

"We're coming, too!" Zana and Luna smiled.

"But what about....." Bakuga began only to be interrupted.

"I'm going," Samuru spoke.

"R-Really!" Riki and Kamon shouted in unison.

Samuru nodded.

"Yeah!" Kamon shouted again. "Tokyo, here we come!"

Sakura watched them from her window and smiled.

"Good luck....... I'll be waiting........"


Quick little update!

I've done some changes to the characters so here's a little picture to identify the cast. Also, this picture I drew is very old so beware.

(It looks really bad here but I swear it actually looks decent at the time I drew it)

So... I've kicked Akane and Yomi off the cast because I've created a background story for everyone else, and if they're in this story, that screws everything up! So yeah. There not going to be apart if the cast anymore. However, I'm not going to go back and edit this story because that takes to much time that I'm not willing to spend. I've also changed the appearance of some of them since I didn't like how they looked before.

I also have finished my drawing of Nikki's OC so here it is!

I may or may not have looked at Nikki's OC book because I didn't know how the heck to draw a human body but I hope you like it!

Anyways, that's all I got. (I think)

Auf Wiedersehen! (Goodbye in German)

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