💙 Chapter 30 💙

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//Third Person's Pov//

Violet sat with her head down, she was really worried if she did a good thing by sending that amount of money to Blue, her twin.
She knew her dad would soon get the notification and come right home, facing him wasn't what she was sure of.

Her dad was rich, the money won't bother him much but since she didn't tell him before she sent it, he was going to be so angry with her.

"Violet!" She heard her dad yell from the living room. He must have gotten the notification from the money she sent to Blue.

She took a deep breath and opened the door of her room, then went downstairs to meet her fuming dad.

"Daddy, welcome home." She wanted to hug him as usual but she was scared he might push her from the way he was staring daggers at her.

"Why did you send that huge amount of money Blue's PayPal?!" Kris yelled at his daughter.

Shaken at her father's tone, Violet began to cry. It was the first time her father would yell at her.

"I'm sorry dad, I was just helping Blue."

Her father reduced his angry tone. "Helping Blue with what?"

"Dad." She went closer and held his arm. "Blue said she'll call you as soon as she's back home, she'll explain everything to you then. Please don't be upset."

Kris furrowed his brows, confused at whatever Violet was saying.
"Where is she going to? Why was she going to call me? What is she going to use that amount of money for?"

"Dad please." Violet continued shedding tears. She was determined to keep her sister's secret until Blue came back to call their father.

"Don't Dad me, just tell me whatever it is. What if she's in danger? How would we know how to help her if you don't talk?"

"No Dad, she's not the one in danger."

"So who?"

Violet took a deep breath, at this point she knew she'll have to spill the beans. "Promise you won't call mum or anyone in Nigeria."

Kris rolled his eyes. "I promise, tell me everything."

"Blue is actually helping a friend, a boy called Jacob." Violet started.

"A boy? Is he her boyfriend?"

"No." She shook her head. "But Blue really likes this guy."

"Okay?" Her father urged her to continue.

"Jacob got into some cultists unknown to him three years ago when his mother died, somethings happened two years ago which affected him a lot and he had to transfer schools to Blue's school." Violet told her father. Also praying her dad won't call their mum after this story. "Some months ago the cultists called him saying that they wanted him to come back but he refused and they said he had to pay a particular amount of money if he really wanted to quit."

"How does that concerns Blue?" Kris interrupted.

"I'm getting there." Violet frowned at her dad for interrupting her. "Blue wants to help her friend pay the money, he won't accept anything from her so she's going to the cultists herself."

"What?!" Kris's head went up.

"I tried to stop her." Violet said quickly. "But her mind was made up already."

"And you couldn't tell me?" Her dad questioned. "She's going to meet some bad people alone and you couldn't tell me?"

"It happened so fast, I didn't know what to do. Is she in danger?" Violet asked, already more worried about her sister.

"Of course she is!" Kris hurriedly opened his bag to take his phone. "You go up to your room, I don't want to see you now."

Tears ran down Violet's face as she went up to her room. She wished she didn't send the money to Blue, she also prayed that her sister was safe.

Mrs Sara Jaiyeola, Blue's mother was in her room when Kris's call came in.
"Hello Kris, I was about to call you today, how are you?"

"Sara," Kris breathed in and out. "I'm fine, but Blue."

"Oh Blue, she went out without telling anyone all day. She'll have to answer to me when she gets back."

"Actually, she might be in danger."

"What?" Sara answered.

Kris told her everything Violet told him including the amount of money sent to her PayPal account.

"What?!" Sara hurried out of her room.

"Yes, call the police over there. I'll be in Nigeria in a few hours." Kris said. "Please, don't let anything happen to Blue, be careful."

"Yes, Yes." She ran down the stairs, almost falling as a result. "I'm going to do so."

Shakily, she ended the call and dialed Mr Sanwo, Jacob's father.

Mr Sanwo was still in shock about the story his son was telling him.
"You should have told me earlier. How does he want the money, Cash or Transfer?"

"He didn't say anything concerning that, I'm sorry for not telling you earl-"

Mr Sanwo's phone rang cutting Jacob off. "Why is Sara calling?" He wondered out loud.

"Hello." He said into the receiver.

His mouth agape as he heard what Sara was saying. "Where is she?" He asked.

Blue couldn't possibly do all these. He couldn't believe his ears.
"I'll call the police now."

"What happened?" Jacob asked his father. Everyone was tensed as they waited for his response.

"Blue has gone to the cultist to help you pay off your quiting fee, alone." He emphasized on the alone.

"What?" Jacob was more shocked by whatever he was hearing. Didn't Blue know she was in more danger? He needed to get to her before she gets to the place Stone asked them to come.

How did she even get the address?

"Yes. I'm calling my friend, the DPO now." Mr Sanwo said.

"I noticed she was acting weird yesterday, I suspected she was up to something but I didn't know it was this." Dare said to his sister as Mr Sanwo talked to the police.

"Sanwo, Have you called John?" Sara ran into the house, already in tears. John was the name of the District Police officer.

"I'm talking to him now." Mr Sanwo replied.

Sara looked around, everyone in the house was present except,

"Where is Jacob?" She blurted out.

🎶 Fine girl from New York city
I don't mind if you give me chance
Can I have just one more dance
Before you leave for the summer time
Run away with me
I don't care if you got a man
Can I have just one more dance
Before you leave for the summer time 🎶

New York city girl by Fireboy DML 🔥

How many of you is in love with Fireboy? I am, obvi.

Soo, let's get back on track, what do you think about this chapter?

And, where is Jacob?

See you in the next chappie.

Love y'all

Gamma ✍🏽 ✍🏽

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