♡| How To Request For A Cover

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Right now, I don't take usually cover requests like a cover shop. Because I didn't open a cover shop in the first place.

But if you are in urgent need of a cover, and you are unable to get any help from amazing graphic designers available almost everywhere on Wattpad, which is actually impossible 'cause many are willing to do it for free, just PM me your cover request.

And don't forget to specify any details or anything you want in your cover. It really annoys the hell out of me when I end up making dozen of covers and they want me to edit something in the cover they decided to use.

Especially, if they want all of them.

Most common mistake people do is to not specify what they actually want on their cover. Their real name or username. So don't forget to specify what you want in PM.

FYI, I can't edit any cover. The app I use doesn't permit me this facility. It just saves the covers to my gallery, it doesn't let me open the same picture on it and edit out something I don't want afterwards.

Asking for editing out the details means I'll have to make all new cover for you. Again. So try to understand.

Save me some hardwork. And time.

As for your cover request, I will see what I can do about it. If I'll have time out of my studies, I will make one for you.

But I will make covers for only those books which I am comfortable for.

Which doesn't take my whole day.

But no more than one request at a time 'cause you see I am a premedical student so I got no time for even logging into Wattpad regularly. Please, you have to understand that.

So if you request me, and I tell you to wait for awhile till I get to you, please try to wait. 'Cause I like finishing things one by one.

And also, unfortunately, I have a life out of Wattpad.

Note: Don't request unless you have seen some book covers made by me and are fully ready and half-heartedily satisfied to have your book cover made by me.

Also, if you like the cover I made for you, show me some appreciation and use it in your book for atleast a week and mention me in your book description, to give a little credit. After all, it's not easy to make a cover. Correction. Good Cover. As in, the type of cover you want. Or would like to use in your book.

And if I made you a cover, that means I cut down some hours of my study or spare time to do it for you. So I think I deserve some credit.

⏩Don't drop your request in the comment section. Only make them via PM.

Also I am not a professional cover maker, so please don't expect Marvel level cinematography with all those flying Iron Mans, Spidies, Panthers and Wandas here and there on your book covers.

But one thing I can do for you though.

I will try my best.

Love ya! ❤

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