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D.P.S Mukherjee Chowk, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

26th December,2022

Deepal's Pov

It's 8 A.M. Manish Bhaiya and I have reached here and we are searching for the bomb everywhere. I made a conference call to all the members. All of them reached to their respective venues.

ITO Crossing, New Delhi, Haryana

Balwinder's Pov

Kuldeep and I reached here just now and I received Deep's call. Wow we are really connected. Maybe they also reached the venue just now. I received the call and found it was a conference call and everyone has reached to their respective venues.


Third Person's Pov

"Found it Over!", stated Devyank and Yuzvendra. Deepal said, "Location 'U' check! Over!" There was a silence. Devyank and Yuzvendra were diffusing the bomb. While others were searching for the bomb in their respective venues. After 15 minutes Ushnish said, "Got it! Over!!" Deepal said, "Location 'R' check! Over!" Professor Prem and Ushnish started diffusing the bomb. "Successful! Over!", stated Devyank with utmost happiness. Deepal said, "Run away from that place Dev and Yuzi! Over!" Devyank and Yuzvendra ran away from the venue. After 5 minutes Deepal said, "Found it! Location 'M' check! Over!" Deepal started diffusing the bomb. After a minute Ushnish said, "Successful! Over!" Deepal said, "Run away! Ush and Prem Sir! Over!" Ushnish and Professor Prem ran away from the venue. Balwinder said, "Found it! Over!" Deepal said, "Location 'H' check! Over!" Yug said, "Found it! Over!" Deepal said, "Successful! Location 'B' check over!" Officer Manish and Deepal ran away towards their car while Balwinder said, "Successful! Over!" Deepal said, "Run away! Ballu and Kuldeep! Over!" Balwinder and Kuldeep ran away from the venue. After 15 minutes of silence Deepal said, "Yug! Can you hear me? Over!" Yug said, "Wait! 30 seconds left! Over" Mayank was also trying and the time was moving rapidly Yug was now scared so as Mayank. Mayank finally cut the wire and the bomb stopped with only 5 seconds left. Yug screamed, "Successful! Over!" Deepal said, "Mission Successful! Run away Yug and Mayank. Over!" Yug and Mayank ran away from the venue. All of them celebrated in their hide out places. All of them had their flight today so they went to the respective airports except Officer Manish and Deepal who drove back towards SantaCruz (Mumbai Airport) to receive their friends one by one.


SantaCruz (Mumbai Airport)

7 P.M.

Deepal's Pov

It was busy and a tiring day. Dev, Yuzi, Ush, Professor Prem, Yug and Mayank have arrived. We all are waiting for Ballu and  Kuldeep. I don't know why but why I'm kinda missing Ballu? I never had this feeling before, but I don't know why I'm feeling restless. After 15 minutes I heard Ballu's flight landed. I wanted to jump but I controlled myself. Actually from the very childhood Ballu and I were really close to each other. And also during college days when Yug and Dev used to be busy talking about Sudi and Suli and Ush busy with Soniya over phone, Ballu was the one who always stayed with me. Ballu came to my sight and we both ran towards each other and literally jumped on each other. Ballu hugged me and I hugged him back. Yug said, "Ballu and Deep take it easy man. BECAUSE WE ARE BACK WE ARE BACK!" Five of said in unison, "WE ARE BACK! WE ARE BACK!" sharing a group hug. 

Devyank's Pov

Are they dating? I mean Deep and Ballu are dating? Is it true? But I don't want this happen as Ballu's Mom is way too rude with us. I consider Deep as my brother not a sister but at the end of the day she is my sister, my manly sister and I love her. I've never seen our Mumma but she is the one with whom I'm connected even before birth that is from Mumma's womb. And like each and every brother I'm also concerned about my sister's future. Ballu is a nice guy undoubtedly but none of us likes his mother as she is rude to Deep and me. She considers us unlucky. Is it even true or Am I just imagining things?  Actually if there was something like that Deep would have told me first. It is just that Deep is closer to Ballu as compared to us as Yug and I were always after Sudi and Suli since college days and Ush was always after Soniya since high school days. And Ballu wasn't dating anyone and so naturally Deep and Ballu became close friends. Papaji came to receive us. Papaji knows everything that we went for a mission and he is proud of us as for a retired Army Man it's really proud moment if his children along with their friends save the country from major bomb blast. Papaji hugged all of us one by one and said, "I'm proud of you youngsters."  We got into the car and Papaji dropped Professor Prem first, then he dropped Manish Bhaiya, Kuldeep, Mayank and Yuzi and then he drove towards our locality. We went to our respective homes and I was relieved that finally we saved our country from major destruction today. Deep and I sat on the sofa to watch news. Announcer said, "Today Lucknow, Jaipur, Mumbai, Delhi NCR and Patna got saved from terrible attacks. As per the members of bomb squad that the bombs were diffused in the right time or it would've bring heavy destruction."  Papaji, Deep and I shared glances of each other and Ramlal Chachu said, "If something would have happened to Devyank Baba and Deep Baby what would I've done?" He started crying. Deep and I went towards him and hugged him and he said, "You people don't love me then why you people are showing off?" I said, "We love you Chachu? You are the best Chachu." Ramlal Chachu said, "No need to do drama now!" He released himself from our grip. Deep said, "Chachu!" she tended to fall unconscious. Chachu got worried and said, "Baba hold her I will bring a glass of water."  He rushed towards the kitchen and I hold Deep. Chachu said, "Are you alright Deep Baby?" Deep got up alike she is fit and said, "How can I be fit? I'm hungry! And Chachu is scolding us instead of giving us food." She made a puppy face. Chachu said, "Deep Baby! You were acting? I'm giving food wait! If you do this sort of drama again I will not talk to you!" Papaji, Ramlal Chachu, Deep and I had our dinner and then we retired to our rooms.


Hey people here goes another chapter. Turn the white/grey star orange and please keep commenting guys!! People please don't kill me for the late update...  Sorry!!!

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