~Chapter- 16~

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Bhiwandi, Maharashtra

Deepal's Pov

Ballu cooled me down and said, "Deep take it easy! I think getting out of our characters won't be a safe idea now. If 5 of us do a meeting, and we are also new here if not Ibrahim then Junaid might doubt us and we can't let this happen now." I nodded my head agreeing him. After that we were in total silence thinking about a way out of the marriage. Suddenly Ballu said, "How about I say that yeah I really love Angie but don't want to stress her for the marriage while pregnancy I think we will get married after our child's birth." I looked at him and hugged him. I said, "Amazing Ballu." We pulled back and Ballu said, "So I will talk about this with Dev, Yug and Ush they won't talk anything about the marriage any further and if Ibrahim asks me then I will reply him this." Ballu sent this message to our group chat and everyone saw it and agreed. Now I'm relieved. I unlocked the door.

Balwinder's Pov

Deep I won't marry you against your will. But if we get married you will b the worst sufferer. My mom won't leave single chance to insult you, Dev and your family. No I can't let this happen. Deep looked at me with satisfaction in her eyes. I couldn't resist myself and so I held her by waist and pressed my lips on hers. She got shocked, but I fought for domination, my one hand made it's way to her neck and the grip of other hand tightened around her waist. Her eyes rolled towards the other way and soon she closed her eyes and finally responded to my kiss while ruffling my hair. We pulled back and Deep said, "At first I got scared by your sudden move but then I so Ibrahim was standing outside. But Ballu you stopped me from taking your name as I was going to take your real name." Deep went outside. But the truth is I didn't see Ibrahim there, I kissed you as I love you Deep, why don't you understand?

Ibrahim's Pov

I saw them kissing. They're so passionate lovers. How can someone not agree for their marriage? Jazz and Angie are really made for each other. Suddenly mamu called me to his room. I went there running. Mamu said, "Ibrahim? Did you get any information about that Officer, if he is alive then he can create major problems for us. Try to find him as soon as possible." I nodded my head. I took out my car keys, suddenly Angela came running. I went towards her and said, "You shouldn't run like this in this situation. Go and take rest." She said, "Even Jazz told me that I can't help them making the bomb as the harmful chemicals are not good for my health and I've grown tired of taking rest. Where are you going? Mind if I join?" she chirped like a sweet bird. How could I turn her down? I said, "Sure why not? But promise me you won't get down of the car until I say. And yes Jazz is right you must not go there now as the harmful gases are not good for your health most importantly for the baby's health." She nodded her head in acceptance. She rushed towards the passenger seat and I face palmed myself. I said, "Angela you shouldn't run like that!" I took the drivers' seat and we drove around the city in search of the Officer. Angela didn't get down from the car as she promised earlier. Yeah I had to buy her chocolates and chips at regular intervals. I've heard when women are pregnant then they themselves become child too. Yes its true and I'm witnessing it too.

Deepal's Pov

It's so easy to trick you Ibrahim. I've to make you desperate for me. As long as you don't become desperate for me I won't be able to create problems between you and Junaid. Yeah Ibrahim cares for me more I can understand it very nicely. Suddenly he stopped by a restaurant. We had our lunch. Ibrahim told me he is searching for Manish Bhaiya. But how will he find him when he is not here, he is in U.S.A. I'm not telling you. You carry on with your searching, its good you waste your time like this and I will waste my time with you like this so that Ballu, Ush, Dev and Yug can gain Junaid's faith, and I will gain your faith. Then my game will begin. Ibrahim and Junaid just get ready for your destruction. You tried to destroy my mother India you're finished. Suddenly Ibrahim said, "Angela! What are you thinking so much?" I said, "Nothing! I'm just thinking about baby names for boys and girls." He smiled at me and said, "I was thinking about your brother Vir, I umm I have a sister Saba, Saba Sheikh, she is very sweet and honest girl she doesn't know about any of our works. She will pass graduation this year. I'm thinking of her getting married to Vir." I said, "Let them meet first if both of them like each other then what problem will I have? According to me they should meet each other if both of them feel the same then they can get married." Watch out Dev I'm at least not like you. But okay I got to know about another fact Ibrahim has a sister who is honest, we have to use her. I know it will sound selfish but everything is fair in love and war, and this is the war for peace, peace of my mother India. I will discuss it in our group once we go back to Junaid's Den. But at first I've to know where they've kept Pandey Bhabhi, her son and Soniya. It will take time once I gain his faith he will share that also I know. Suddenly I got a message in our group, yes Prof. Prem, Kuldeep, Yuzi and Mayank are back and they're staying at Prof. Prem's flat at Bandra. Ali Bhaiya has also joined them there safely.


Here goes another chapter. Please turn the white/grey star orange and please keep commenting guys... Please don't be a silent reader it breaks my heart... Last chapter I didn't even get a single comment... 


What happens next just wait and watch...

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