~Chapter- 18~

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Bandra, Mumbai

Prof. Prem's flat

Third Person's Pov

Kuldeep, Yuzi, Mayank, Ali and Prof. Prem were discussing about the things that they needed to ask Deepal to move further with their plan as their bomb was ready till now. 


Prof. Prem: We are ready to execute our plan.

Ali: What is our next step? 😕

Deepal: It's now time for Ballu's action! and Sir and others you people just wait for few days. Officer Rahul are you ready as after Ballu it's your time for action. 🤘

Rahul: Yes I am ready! 👍

Balwinder: It's really toughest job given to me... 😓🤕

Ushnish: Ballu! It's for our motherland! 🙏

Devyank: Yes Ballu, don't worry! 👊

Deepal: I will act so much that none of Ibrahim's men wouldn't be able to follow you! 😁😂

Rahul: Yes I will be ready there with my black Bolero no. MH01KL0857 👌

Balwinder: Okay Rahul! I hope I can do it tomorrow! 😓😰

Yug: Chill Ballu everything is gonna be fine you just don't worry, we all will be there to create the drama. 🕺🕺🕺

Rahul: And I'm gonna destroy the car after we reach our destination that is Bhiwandi road railway station. And in the way I will stop by a mall there you can change yourself from Jazz to Balwinder. Then by boarding the train you can go to Bandra Station. 🖖

Balwinder: Okay done! 👌

Kuldeep: I will be waiting for you there! 🤘


Same day (At Night)

(Jazz and Angela's room)

Balwinder's Pov

"Deep how can I slap you-- I lo lo love you!", I stated in my trance. She looked at me and said, " What???" I soon came out of my trance and realized what I just told to her. I looked down. "But Ballu! You know it's not possible!", she said with a sigh and added, "Don't worry about anyhting I know you can do it Ballu!" she hugged me for giving me the strength I needed and so I hugged her back. We pulled back and I kissed her forehead. I took my pillow and moved towards the couch to sleep. She laid down on the bed and soon fell asleep. I know I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight but still I closed my eyes.

Deepal's Pov

What did Ballu say today? He he loves me? Actual thing is I also fell in love with him on the very day we kissed as Ibrahim was seeing us. Ballu you made me yours in that very day. But Ballu we are not made for each other. Your Mom hates Dev and me. I don't want you to lose your mom so that I'm satisfied. No after this mission I will go to far away from here taking a job. I will go so far so that you forget me, so that you can hate me. Ballu don't love me please don't you should hate me Ballu. A tear made its way through my eyes as I opened my eyes. I saw Ballu peacefully sleeping in the couch. I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight I know. I quickly wiped away my tears and again closed my eyes.

Balwinder's Pov

I opened my eyes to see my Deep sleeping peacefully. Its gonna be worst day of my life as I will have to slap my love of my life my Deep. But today Deep said that its not possible with a sigh. Does that mean she also loves me? But she is correct its really impossible as I don't want to make my Deep's life a living hell for my satisfaction. As I know if I marry you Deep then my mom will make your life really a hell. After this mission I will go far away from you taking a job. Deep you can marry a person whom Uncle and Dev chooses for you and stay happily with him. Deep you always deserve the best. Don't love me Deep, I will try to make you hate me Deep. I don't deserve a girl like you.

The Next Day

Third Person's Pov

They got up and got ready into their personal avtaars. But Deepal forgot to put on her baby bump and went to open the door. Balwinder said, "Wait! Umm your baby bump!" She hit her head and said, "Shit!" She rushed to the washroom taking her false baby bump with pack of blood. She wore the baby bump and came back. Balwinder finally opened the door. "It's just ridiculous Angie! I'm sorry Miss Angela Williams. You're a characterless bitch! Even now I doubt is it my baby or it's someone else's baby? Miss Williams please say!", Balwinder screamed at the top of my voice so that Ibrahim could hear. Everyone came at their door. Deepal aka Angela was crying bitterly holding her Jazz(Balwinder). Balwinder aka Jazz held her by her hair and pushed her when Ibrahim came forward and prevented her from falling down. "Your lover came Miss Williams! Will you please tell whose baby is growing in your womb?", he screamed. "Jazz! Enough is enough you also flirt with Sandy every time if I compare Mr. Evans!", this time Deepal aka Angela screamed.

Ibrahim's Pov

Why is he doing all these with Angela? Jazz have you gone mad? How can you hurt her so much. Vir, Harry, Sam and I went to her and consoled her. Jazz was repeatedly blaming her character. Suddenly Mamu came and said, "Well I don't think Jazz is wrong. Even I think Angela's character is not good Ibrahim I didn't expect you to fall in love with such a girl who doesn't even know the father of her child." Jazz was blabbering rubbish about her character. Mamu told me giving warning, "Stay away from that bitch Ibrahim." I couldn't control my anger, I took out my gun and shot Mamu on his head. Mamu instantly fell down. I said, "Take him away from here!" My men took the dead body away from there.

Hey people here goes another update. Please turn the white/grey star orange and please keep commenting guys. Please don't be a silent reader as it breaks my heart...


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