~Chapter 8~

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Jack's POV

It was after school and I went to the bike area like Mark told me to. I kept walking seeing no one was at his bike. I shrugged thinking nothing of it. I kept looking at the bike and wanted to get on. It's not THAT hard. ( that's what she said-) I'm a big boy I can get up on tall things by myself thank you very much. I'm not that short either !! So that's exactly what I did. I tried climbing up on his motorcycle but I didn't have much balance.

I ended up tripping and fell on my knees. And man did that shit hurt like hell. "OW!" I cried out. I think I actually scraped my knee.

-3rd person POV trust me it's better-

Mark saw Jack on the floor near his bike. Whimpering a bit. *Is he okay !? Is he hurt!?* Mark thought to himself. He quickly ran over to him helping him up. "Hey bud are you okay? What happened? How'd you fall?" He asked many questions holding the tiny boy close to him. Jack was looking down at the floor, feeling guilty. "Sean." Mark said calmly. Jack flinched. No one really uses his real name. "I promise I won't be mad you can tell me what happened I'm not gonna do anything. Just making sure you're okay." He smiled down at Jack hoping it would help him a bit. It did.

"I-I- I tried g-getting on your motorcycle, b-but then I tripped and-" Thats when Jack started crying. He didn't know what he was crying form, guilt that he somehow betrayed Mark and that he would never like him again or embarrassment from crying for nothing in front of someone like Mark. Thorough Mark didn't say anything he just hugged him rubbing his back. And in a low soft voice he said, "Sean don't cry. I'm not mad you just tried to get on my motorcycle. It's just to high for you. So from now on you can only get on it if *Im* here to help you out. Got it." He pulled back raising a brow. He even pointed to himself saying "I'm."

Jack nodded as Mark wiped his tears with his thumb. "Good now show me your knee please. Just gonna make sure it's okay." Jack was embarrassed Turing beat red as his eyes where glued to the floor. He was being treated as if he was 3. Though he did what he was told and lifted his knee up to Mark so he could see it. It wasn't to bad. Just regular size cut and some blood. "Here I have a bandaid in my pocket. Let me put it on you k?" He had one because sometimes Mark and Phil had knife fights and things got bloody fast at times so better safe then sorry. Mark looked up at the pastel boy still looking down giving a small nod as Jack played with his sleeves. He pulled out a bandaid taking it out of the rapper then placing it on Jack's knee giving it a gently kiss after words.

Then he slowly lifted Jack onto the back of his bike, gently taking out the helmet and strapping it on the red faced boy. "There. That better?" Another nod form Jack. Which made Mark chuckle leaving a smile behind after. Mark hopped on in the front seat, no duh and started it up driving away from the school. "Um M-Mark?" Jack shyly asked looking up. "Yeah Jack?" Mark responded back. "Where ARE we going? You never told me." "You'll see." Was all Mark said. He wanted to surprise him. Mark made lots of turns and switching lanes. Sorta worrying Jack to where he held onto Mark more.

-Time Skip-

When Jack was finally brave enough he opened his eyes when he felt the motorcycle stop and going into park mode. Also Mark saying "We're here Jack." Jack slowly let go of Mark as he got up the helping Jack down, also taking off his helmet. Jack looked up and it was an arcade place! "I love arcades!" He smiled towards Mark. "So do I. I thought you like it." He look his hand walking inside. Playing games nonstop. Jack's favorite was Dance Dance Revaluation. Marks was watching Jack play. Along with some shooting zombie game.

"Oooooh Mark look! Ice cream! Can I get some please, please, please, pleaseeeee!!!" Jack pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "Alright, alright. We can get some. I want some to actually." So off they went to get some ice cream at the food court. Jack got cookie dough and Mark got vanilla.

This is a bit rushed but I hoped you like it. Again thanks so much for 1k reads!!! I really appreciate it thank you guys so much love you all!! Little hectic Ego Home chapter is coming soon.

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